【時間+地方介系詞】 一次過搞清 in, on, at 在時間地方的用法 AmazingTalker®

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【時間+地方介系詞】 一次過搞清 in, on, at 在時間地方的用法 AmazingTalker®

#【時間+地方介系詞】 一次過搞清 in, on, at 在時間地方的用法 AmazingTalker®| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



in on at 在地方上用法

in 的用法 (地方)

一個地方/位置,而該地方包含某物/某人 (在…裡面)

His friends were still in their rooms. Who’s the man in the photograph? You will find the book in that drawer.

2. 於表達較大的地點,像是附近鄰里地區,城市,國家

I used to live in Taiwan. There are several famous tourist spots in the city.

3. 與verbs一同使用,表達某物/某人移動去某地方

He puts the pen in his pocket. What time do they arrive in Hong Kong?

4. 用於表達在小型的交通工具裹 (ship and car)

We will go in my car.

on 的用法 (地方)


The tips is on page 55. I love driving on country roads.

2. 用於表達移動中的單車、電單車、巴士、火車、飛機、大型船隻

We went home on the bus. She was on the plane in the morning.

at 的用法 (地方)


I’ll meet you at the university. Will you be at home this afternoon?

2. 用於表達某人近於某個地方/位置,通常是為了做一些事情

Dad was standing at the stove cooking dinner

in, on, at 在地方上的分別

大小來說就是 on > in > at,如果是乘車的時候,公車的話就是on,如果是汽車就是in。

in on at 「在某個地方」的意思– 地點比 at 要大,像是城市,國家或是洲 在某條街/路上 「在某個地方」的意思– 通常用在一個比較小的點或是特定的地點。

Quiz 1

Let’s meet __ the park entrance tomorrow. I am __ my room. The papers are __ the coffee table. I’ll be __ the office until six o’clock. Please turn left __ Washington Street. I live __ the 2nd floor. She was always standing __ her desk by 7:30am.


in on at 在時間上用法

in 的用法 (時間)

in 用於表達較長的時間,像是在一天,一個月,一個季節或一年 (period of time)

He was born in the 50s. It’s always cold in winter.

2. in 用於表達做某事所需的時間/ 預計可用的時間 (最多)

We got there in two hours. You have to finish the task in 3 minutes.

3. in 用於表達一段時間後發生的事

The teacher will see you in few minutes. I will be serving dinner in an hour’s time.

4. in 用於表達當天特定的時段 (特定的早上/中午/晚上)

When I woke up in the morning, … I can concentrate better in the afternoons.

on 的用法 (時間)

on 用於表達特定的日子

I do not work on Thursday. My birthday is on 27th May. Lets meet on friday.   

at 的用法 (時間)

at 用於表達特定較小的時間點,像是幾點幾分

The film starts at 7:45. I usually wake up at 9:00.

2. at 用於表達一些特定場合/節日

See you at the party. They usually stay with us at Christmas.

3. at 用於表達當一些事情發生在某人特定的年齡

At 12, she was already a successful pianist.

簡述 in, on, at 在時間上的分別

in on at 一段長而非特定的時間 (月份、季節、年、世紀) 特定日期、星期 一個準確、特定的時刻 in the morningin Januaryin March, 2015in the summerin 2019in the past yearin the 18th centuryin the weekin the past on Mondayon Tuesday morningon Friday nighton 28, Aprilon New Year’s Dayon Christmas Dayon the weekend at 07:11at 10 o’clockat noonat noon yesterdayat nightat midnightat the same time

Quiz 2

Carol leaves work __ 5’o clock. We’re __ the 21st century. I learned to drive __two months. I go to the church __ Sundays. Henry left school __ the age of 16. We arrived __ the same time. What are you doing __ the weekend? Her birthday is __ March 12. The bus will be leaving __ three minutes.



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Quiz 1 1. at 2. in 3. on 4. in 5. on 6. on 7. at


點擊這裡直接去 in on at 時間的用法

Quiz 21. at 2. in 3. in 4. on 5. at 6. at 7. on 8. on 9. in




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