蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士The Dark Knight、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士The Dark Knight、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-03 10:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

他们为掌控一切而做出的努力 到底有多可悲、多可笑...how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.所以当我说…来,别怕So when I say... Ah. Come here.当我说,你和你女朋友的惨事 不是我出于个人恩怨干的When I say that you and your girlfriend was nothing personal...你知道,我说的都是实话...you'll know that I'm telling the truth.- 我要借你的武器用用 - 什么?- I'm gonna need your weapon. - What?为什么?因为我老婆还在住院?Why? Because my wife's in the hospital?也可以那样说吧Yeah, that'd be why.你之所以这么惨 全是那些阴谋家造成的It's the schemers that put you where you are.你曾经也是个阴谋家,你有自己的计划You were a schemer, you had plans...结果看看,把自己“计划”成什么样儿了?...and look where that got you.警方正做出全部努力Police are taking every precaution...敦促人们不要莽然行事...urging people not to take matters into their hands.我不过是干了自己该干的I just did what I do best.我利用了你的小计划 然后把形势逆转了一下I took your little plan and I turned it on itself.看看我只用几个油桶和几颗子弹 就把这城市搞成什么样了?Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets.嗯?猜一猜我发现什么了?Hm? You know what I noticed?当“计划进行完美”的时候 没人会感到特别不安Nobody panics when things go "according to plan. "即便那个计划是惨无人道的Even if the plan is horrifying.假如我明天告诉媒体说 “我要毙了一个少年犯”If tomorrow I tell the press that, like, a gangbanger will get shot...或者“炸死一卡车士兵”...or a truckload of soldiers will be blowing up...没人会感到慌张...nobody panics.因为那全是既有计划中的一个环节Because it's all part of the plan.但当我说 “那个不值钱的老市长会死”的时候But when I say that one little old mayor will die...那时你看,大家就都像疯了似的!...well, then, everyone loses their minds.引进一些“混乱”的理念Introduce a little anarchy...扰乱一切都设定好了的秩序...upset the established order...一切的一切,就会变得一团混沌...and everything becomes chaos.我,就是混沌的代言人I'm an agent of chaos.对了,说到“混沌”,你知道其本质吗?Oh, and you know the thing about chaos?就是“公平合理”It's fair.- 你活 - 嗯哼- You live. - Mm-hm.你死You die.嗯,你终于开窍了Mmm. Now we're talking.里斯先生Mr. Reese.是韦恩先生吧?That's Mr. Wayne, isn't it?- 你的行为十分英勇啊 - 你说赶绿灯吗?- That was a very brave thing you did. - Trying to catch the light?- 你不是在保护货车吗? - 保护它干嘛?谁在里面?- You weren't protecting the van? - Why? Who's in it?你看我是不是该去医院?Don't you think I should go to the hospital?韦恩先生,你不常看新闻吧?Don't watch a whole lot of news, do you, Mr. Wayne?东南方向Southeast.是高谭中心医院It's Gotham General.- 楼里的人清空了吗? - 清空了- Did you clear the building? Yeah.你们肯定知道里面有多少人You must know how many were inside.你们有病人名单 给他们一个一个打电♥话♥You have patient lists, roll call.现在有50人失踪,正好能装一车Right now we're showing 50 people missing. One bus.还有其他的巴士去医院接人 我看只是漏数了一辆The other buses were heading off to hospitals. I guess we missed one.那你猜猜看,哈维·登特可能在哪儿?What's your guess about where Harvey Dent is?继续找人,注意保密 要是有人问起,就说已经救出来了Keep looking. And keep it to yourself. Anybody asks, we got him out.给市长办公室打电♥话♥Get me the mayor's office on the line.得动用国民警卫队了We're gonna need the National Guard.仍然有人员失踪- People are still missing...包括高谭有线电视台的麦克·恩格尔...including GCN's own Mike Engel.临时通知,现在插播一段 台里刚收到的视频I'm now being told that we're cutting to a video GCN has just received.我是“今夜高谭”的麦克·恩格尔I'm Mike Engel for Gotham Tonight.“你们这些人怎么才愿意加入来玩呢?”"What does it take to make you people wanna join in?“你们没能杀了那个律师 看来我得让你们动起来”You failed to kill the lawyer. I've gotta get you off the bench...- “加入这场游戏” - 动起来,加入游戏...and into the game. Bench. Game.- “夜晚再次来临,城市就是我的了”Come nightfall, this city is mine. Mine.- “城市里所有的人,都要按我的规则玩” - 规则- And anyone left here plays by my rules. - Rules.福克斯先生,安全系统显示 有人侵入了研发部的系统Mr. Fox? Security is showing a break-in at the R & D Department.“如果你们不想玩这个游戏”If you don't wanna be in the game...- “就马上滚蛋” - 马上滚蛋...get out now. - Get out now.“但赶往桥梁和隧♥道♥的人会感到惊喜的”But the bridge-and-tunnel crowd are sure in for a surprise.“哈哈,哈哈”Ha-ha, ha-ha. "高谭市警♥察♥局已经封锁了…Gotham P.D. Has shut down...- 老天啊 - …桥梁和隧♥道♥一带Sweet Jesus. ... the area's bridges and tunnels.你是不是该去帮个忙什么的?Shouldn't you be out there, you know, doing something?今天我不当班It's my day off.我去撒泡尿I gotta take a leak.帮我看着点儿,好吧?Keep an eye out for me, will you?又干嘛?小便还用人帮忙吗?Now what? Need someone to shake it for you?你好Hello.登特Dent.天哪,我还以为你死了Jesus. I thought you was dead.半死不活吧Half.武尔茨,瑞秋是谁负责护送的?Who picked up Rachel, Wuertz?- 一定是马洛尼的人吧 - 放屁!- It must've been Maroni's men. - Shut up!你是不是还想跟我说…Are you telling me that you're gonna protect...你要护着戈登小队的其他叛徒?...the other traitor in Gordon's unit?我不知道,他从没告诉我I don't know, he never told me.听着,登特,我向上帝起誓 我不知道他们会做什么Listen, Dent, I swear to God, I didn't know what they were gonna do to you.有意思That's funny...因为我也不知道 我会做什么...because I don't know what's gonna happen to you either.很漂亮,对吧?Beautiful, isn't it?是漂亮Beautiful.但不道德Unethical.也很危险Dangerous.你把高谭市的每部手♥机♥ 都转变成扩音器了You've turned every cell phone in Gotham into a microphone.而且还是高频发送接收器And a high-frequency generator-receiver.你运用了我的声纳原理 并把它用在城里的每部手♥机♥上You took my sonar concept and applied it to every phone in the city.有半座城市的声纳作后盾 高谭市尽在你掌握之中了With half the city feeding you sonar, you can image all of Gotham.这样做是不对的This is wrong.路修斯,我必须找到小丑I've gotta find this man, Lucius.但代价如何呢?At what cost?数据库The database is null-key encrypted.最多只允许一个人登录It can only be accessed by one person.仅凭一人之力,未免太渺小了This is too much power for one person.所以我决定让你接手That's why I gave it to you.因为能操作的只有你Only you can use it.监视三千万人,这不在我工作范围之内Spying on 30 million people isn't part of my job description.这是一段音频样本 如果他在城中任意一部手♥机♥的 信♥号♥♥范围内说话This is an audio sample. If he talks within range of any phone in the city...你就可以确定他人在何处...you can triangulate his position.这次我就帮帮你I'll help you this one time.但也是最后一次 就当作我的辞呈吧But consider this my resignation.只要这台机器还在韦恩企业里 我就不能在这儿工作As long as this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't be.完成以后When you're finished...输入你的名字...type in your name.我的手下把隧♥道♥和桥梁的 每一处都翻遍了My officers are going over every inch of the tunnels and bridges...既然是小丑发出的威胁,非这样做不可...but with the Joker's threat, they're not an option.- 往东去的路呢? - 堵了几个小时了- And land routes east? - Backed up for hours.还好有能搭三万人的渡轮Which leaves the ferries with 30,000 ready to board.我也想用渡轮,好把狱中的罪犯运出岛去I wanna use the ferries so I can get those prisoners off the island.那些已经被抓起来的? 我最担心的不是他们The men you put away? Those aren't people I'm worried about.最好别那么想 不管小丑是怎样计划的You should be. Whatever the Joker's planning...都不可对那些被哈维送进监狱的人 掉以轻心,我要把人全转移走...it's a good bet Harvey's prisoners are involved. I wanna get them out of here.哈维人在哪?So where is Harvey?- 还没找到 - 噢,天哪- We haven't found him. - Oh, Jesus.事情还能瞒多久?How long can you keep this quiet?只管开,碰见什么都别停车Don't stop for lights, cops, nothing.去见你老婆吗?Going to join your wife?- 你爱她吗? - 爱- You love her? - Yes.你能想象吗,生生听着她死掉 是什么感觉?You ever imagine what it would be like to listen to her die?你应该找小丑算账去Look, take it up with the Joker.杀了你女朋友的是他 把你弄成这样的He killed your woman. He made you...也是他...like this.小丑不过是条疯狗The Joker's just a mad dog.谁把它放跑了,我就找谁I want whoever let him off the leash.乌尔茨已经被我搞定了 你的手下还有谁在戈登的组里?I took care of Wuertz, but who was your other man inside Gordon's unit?是谁去送瑞秋的? 一定是她所信任的人Who picked up Rachel? Must have been someone she trusted.如果我告诉你Look, if I tell you...




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