ORACLE 获取表中JSON字段中的VALUE值自定义函数

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ORACLE 获取表中JSON字段中的VALUE值自定义函数

2024-03-20 14:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

CREATE OR REPLACE function get_json( v_table varchar2,v_field varchar2,v_key varchar2)-- 1:表,2:json所在字段,3:期望获取value的key值 return varchar2 as v_res varchar2(100); --返回值 v_json varchar2(4000); --json v_sql varchar2(1000); -- 自定义SQL语句 v_qswz number; -- value值起始位置 v_jswz number; -- value值结束位置 -- regexp_instr(值,要匹配的格式,从第几位开始(缺省时为从第一位开始)),如:select regexp_instr(‘{"id":"1234"}’,'id') from dual; 结果为:3 begin v_sql := 'select '||v_field|| ' from ' || v_table; execute immediate v_sql into v_json; --起始位置:满足key字符串的位置+key长度+2; select regexp_instr(v_json, v_key)+ 2 +length(v_key) into v_qswz from dual; if regexp_instr(v_json, v_key)-2 != 1 then v_qswz :=v_qswz +1; end if ; --结束位置:起始位置到下一个‘","’(或"})的位置; select regexp_instr(v_json, '","',v_qswz) into v_jswz from dual; if regexp_instr(v_json, v_key)-2 != 1 and v_jswz !=0 then v_jswz :=v_jswz-1; end if; if v_jswz = 0 then v_jswz := length(v_json)-1; end if; select substr(v_json, v_qswz, v_jswz-v_qswz) into v_res from dual; select replace(v_res,'"','') into v_res from dual; return v_res; end;





create or replace type ecs_json_type as object ( json_value VARCHAR2(100) ); create or replace type ecs_json_value is table of ecs_json_type; CREATE OR REPLACE function ecs_get_json_values(v_table varchar2, v_field varchar2, v_key varchar2, v_condition varchar2, v_conditionValue varchar2) return ecs_json_value as v_res varchar2(100); --返回值 v_json varchar2(4000); --json v_sql varchar2(1000); -- 自定义SQL语句 v_qswz number; -- value值起始位置 v_jswz number; -- value值结束位置 rs ecs_json_value := ecs_json_value(); type ref_cursor is ref cursor; v_cursor ref_cursor; -- regexp_instr(值,要匹配的格式,从第几位开始(缺省时为从第一位开始)),如:select regexp_instr(‘{"id":"1234"}’,'id') from dual; 结果为:3 begin v_sql := 'select ' || v_field || ' from ' || v_table || ' where ' || v_condition || '=''' || v_conditionValue || ''''; open v_cursor for v_sql; loop fetch v_cursor into v_json; exit when v_cursor%notfound; --起始位置:满足key字符串的位置+key长度+2; select regexp_instr(v_json, v_key) + 2 + length(v_key) into v_qswz from dual; if regexp_instr(v_json, v_key) - 2 != 1 then v_qswz := v_qswz + 1; end if; --结束位置:起始位置到下一个‘","’(或"})的位置; select regexp_instr(v_json, '","', v_qswz) into v_jswz from dual; if regexp_instr(v_json, v_key) - 2 != 1 and v_jswz != 0 then v_jswz := v_jswz - 1; end if; if v_jswz = 0 then v_jswz := length(v_json) - 1; end if; select substr(v_json, v_qswz, v_jswz - v_qswz) into v_res from dual; select replace(v_res, '"', '') into v_res from dual; rs.extend; rs(rs.count) := ecs_json_type(v_res); end loop; close v_cursor; return rs; end;


select * from table(ecs_get_json_values('v_table','v_field','v_key','v_condition','v_conditionValue'));

其中:1:表,2:json所在字段,3:期望获取value的key值 4:条件字段 5:条件字段值


1.如需获取前5行数据,需要更改函数中where ' || v_condition || '=''' || v_conditionValue ||部分,将=换为< ,并需要利用rownum;

语句:select * from table(ecs_get_json_values('test','a','fwdz','rownum','5'));

2.如需查询全表,则将函数后两位参数写为1;即select * from table where 1 = 1;

语句:select * from table(ecs_get_json_values('test','a','fwdz','1','1'));





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