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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台人教pep六年级下册期末英语试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出正确的图片1.( )A.B. C.2.( )A.B.C.3.( )A. B.C.4. ( ) A.B.C.5.( )A.B.C.二、听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选出它的最佳答语6.( )A.Sounds great. B.It was good. C.I am sad.7.( )A.It was 5:00. B.At 5:00. C.It's 5:00.8.( )A.We went there by plane. B.We go there on foot.C.We'll go there by bike.9.( )A.He's a businessman. B.He's doing homework.C.He's tall.10.( )A.I go to the cinema. B.I went to the cinema.C.I'm going to the cinema.三、听对话,根据所给的问题,选出正确的答案11.( ) How many students are there in Mary's class A.There are nineteen. B.There are twenty-three.C.There are forty-two.12.( ) What does Amy's mother do A.She's a nurse. B.She's a doctor. C.She's a worker.13.( ) What's Tom's hobby A.His hobby is playing sports. B.His hobby is painting.C.His hobby is playing football.14.( )How tall is the boy now A.He's 180 cm. B.He's 163 cm. C.He's 169 cm.15.( ) Where did Ken go on Dragon Boat Festival A.He went to Huangshan mountain.B.He went to Mt. Tianshan.C.He went to Hongcun Village.16( ) What was wrong with Binbin A.He hurt his foot. B.He hurt his hand.C.He hurt his leg.17.(1) What did John do on May 2nd ( )A.He rode a bike.B.He did homework.C.He watched some children shows on TV.(2) When did John read a storybook ( )A.On May 1st. B. On May 2nd. C. On May 3rd.18.(1) What's Mike's favorite color now ( )A.Pink. B.Blue. C.Yellow.(2) What grade was Amy in last year ( )A.Grade 4. B. Grade 5. C. Grade 6.四、听短文,判断对错。(1) Mike likes Tuesday best. ( )(2) On Monday, Mike's first class is music.( )(3) Mike reads many Chinese stories and sings English songs in English class.( )(4) Mike can play the piano.( )(5) Mike's favorite sport is basketball.( )五、听录音,填上所缺单词,补全句子20.You should take a deep and count to ten.21.The Students' hall is on the first floor.22.There are three in the box.23. Thanks for in our hotel.24. He in the park the day before yesterday.笔试部分六、选出划线部分读音与另外两个不同的单词1.( ) A.trip B.drive C.big2.( ) A.usually B.mule C.yes3.( ) A.better B.meter C.fell4.( ) A.faster B.shadow C.active5.( ) A.woke B.broken C.nothing七、根据题意,选出最佳答案1. Mike, come and have a look. I'm reading _____ interesting magazine.A.an B.a C.the2. In the party, we will eat some cakes and _____ some coffee.A.drank B.drink C.drinking3. I'm 49 kilograms. Mike is 50 kilograms. Mike is _____ than me.A.thinner B.heavier C.heavy4. My hair is longer than _____.A.he's B.his C.him5. My father cooked dinner for us _____.A.every day B.tomorrow C.yesterday6. The little boy _____ happy last weekend.A.didn't B.isn't C.wasn't7.This red skirt is good, _____ the white one is better.A.but B.and C.or8.Look, the boys _____ the classroom.A.are cleaning B.clean C.cleaned9. She is a good dancer, but she couldn't _____ ten years ago.A.dance B.dances C.danced10. —_____—I wear size 7 shoes.A.What size are his shoes B.Whose shoes are these C.What size are your shoes 八、根据括号里所给的中文提示,将句子补充完整,每空一词1.Mike had a cold. He didn't (睡觉)well last night.2.Look, there are many (羽毛球)players in the gym.3.John is three centimeters (矮的)than me.4. Linda felt sick after dinner, so she (看)a doctor last night.5. We enjoy (野营)on weekends.九、根据图片提示,仿照例句,完成句子1.例子:The boy on the left is stronger.请仿写:.1. last Sunday 例子:A: What did they do last Sunday B: They went fishing.yesterday请仿写:A: B: .2. A: Did he eat mutton kebabs B: Yes, he did.请仿写:A: B: , .十、阅读对话,根据上下文内容,选择合适的句子,使对话完整、通顺A: Hi, Sarah.B: I went to Hangzhou.A: Really B: Yes, it was so beautiful.A:B: My parents.A: Hangzhou is far from here. How did you go there B:A: What did you do there B: We rowed a boat on the West Lake. I also bought some gifts. This is for you, Mike.A: Thank you so much. Can I see your photos sometime B: Sure.A.That's very kind of you.B.We got there by train.C.Did you like it D.Who did you go with E.Where did you go over the winter holiday 十一、连词成句1. (.)A.a B.cold C.had D.I2. ( )A.right B.Are C.all D.you3. (.)A.are B.feet C.mine D.thanE.Your F.bigger4. ( )A.you B.do C.know D.HowE.that5. (.)A.well B.I C.ride D.couldn'tE.my F.bike十二、根据短文判断句子对错,对的选“√”,错的选“×”( Wu Binbin and his family stayed at the Holiday Hotel. It was not a happy time.)Dear Manager,Last weekend, The Wu family did not feel happy with their room. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music all night. It was very noisy. The father got some hamburgers from the canteen but they were cold and tasted bad. Also, the mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small. The TV didn't work, either.It wasn't a good stay. Maybe we can write an email and say sorry to them.Mrs Broom(1) This letter was from the hotel manager to Mrs Broom.( )(2) The Wu family lived in Room 301.( )(3) The father got some cold hamburgers from the canteen, and they tasted bad.( )(4) The TV in Room 301 didn't work.( )(5) According to the letter, the Wu family didn't enjoy their stay very much.( )十三、根据短文选择正确的答案Mr. Green works in a big hospital. He has many things to do every day. He is very busy. He often forgets(忘记)many things.Last Saturday, he remembered(记得)it was his mother's birthday. So he went to a flower shop and bought some beautiful flowers. When Mr. Green got home, he gave the flowers to his mother and said, "Happy birthday, my dear mom! I don't forget your birthday this time. I remember September 12th is your birthday.""But my birthday was yesterday. It's September 13th today. Anyway, thank you for the flowers." said Mr. Green's mother.(1) Mr. Green often forgets many things, because he is _____.A.a lazy man B.a funny man C.a busy man(2) Mr. Green bought _____.A.a birthday cake B.a birthday card C.some flowers(3) Mr. Green's mother's birthday was on _____.A.September 11th B.September 12th C.September 13th(4) When Mr. Green's mother got the flowers, she _____.A.didn't say anything B.thanked her sonC.made a wish(5) Which is RIGHT according to the story A.Mr. Green remembered his mother's birthday, but forgot the date.B.Mr. Green works in a small hospital.C.Mr. Green's birthday is on September 13th.听力材料及答案一、1. 【答案】A【原文】 I got a postcard last year.2. 【答案】C【原文】 He loves to ice skate.3. 【答案】B【原文】I am happy!4. 【答案】A【原文】 I went swimming yesterday.5. 【答案】B【原文】 The girl is shorter than the boy.二、6. 【答案】B【原文】 How was your winter holiday 7. 【答案】B【原文】 When did you buy the new book 8. 【答案】A【原文】 How did you go there last week 9. 【答案】A【原文】 What does he do 10. 【答案】C【原文】 Where are you going tomorrow 三、11. 【答案】C【原文】M: Mary. How many students are there in your class W: There are nineteen boys and twenty-three girls.12. 【答案】A【原文】M: Hi! Amy. What does your mother do W: She works in a hospital. Can you guess what she does M: A doctor or a nurse W: She is a nurse.13. 【答案】B【原文】M: Do you have a pen pal, Chen Jie W: Yes, I do. He is Tom. He is tall and strong.M: Does he like playing sports W: No, he likes painting. He wants to be an artist in the future.14. 【答案】C【原文】M: Sarah, you look taller than before. How tall are you now W: I'm 163 centimeters tall.M: I'm 6 centimeters taller than you, I think I'll grow to 180 centimeters tall.W: I think you need to play more sports.15. 【答案】A【原文】W: Where did you go on Dragon Boat Festival, Ken M: Huangshan mountain. Look at this photo! There are many trees.W: Yes, the trees there are very famous. Did you go to Hongcun Village M: It's a beautiful place, but I did not go there.16. 【答案】B【原文】W: Binbin, you didn't go to school yesterday. What's wrong M: I played basketball yesterday morning, and I hurt my right hand. So I went to the hospital.W: I'm sorry to hear that.17. 【原文】W: How was the last May Day holiday, John M: It was a nice one. On May lst. I finished my homework. The next day, I watched some children shows on TV.W: How about May 3rd M: I read a story book in the morning. It was interesting. In the afternoon, I rode a bike with my father.【答案】(1) C(2) C18. 【原文】M: Amy, come in and look at my old photos.W: That's funny, Mike. You wear in a pink T-shirt.M: Yes, but I don't like pink now. I like blue best.W: We are all different now.M: Right. Before, I was quite. Now, I am very active in class. How about you, Amy W: Well, I was in Grade 4 last year. Now I am in Grade 5.【答案】(1) B(2) A四. 【原文】Mike is my new friend. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. His favorite day is Monday. On Monday, he has Maths, English, Music and PE. Maths is the first class. He often answers the Maths questions. Sometimes they are difficult. In English class, he reads many stories, And he likes to speak English with his friends. He plays the piano or sings songs on Music class. He plays the piano very well. In the afternoon, he has PE class. He sometimes plays basketball or exercises in the gym. He is not good at running. But he likes basketball best.【答案】(1) 错误(2) 错误(3) 错误(4) 正确(5) 正确五、20. 【答案】breath【原文】You should take a deep breath and count to ten.21. 【答案】dining【原文】The Students' dining hall is on the first floor.22. 【答案】gifts【原文】 There are three gifts in the box.23. 【答案】staying【原文】 Thanks for staying in our hotel.24. 【答案】cycled【原文】 He cycled in the park the day before yesterday.六、1. 【答案】B2. 【答案】C3. 【答案】B4. 【答案】A5. 【答案】C七. 1.【答案】A2. 【答案】B3. 【答案】B4. 【答案】B5. 【答案】C6. 【答案】C7. 【答案】A8. 【答案】A9. 【答案】A10. 【答案】C八、1. 【答案】sleep2. 【答案】badminton3. 【答案】shorter4. 【答案】saw5. 【答案】camping九、1. 【答案】The;ball;on;the;left;is;bigger2. 【答案】What;did;he;do;yesterday;He;took;a;photo;picture;photograph3. 【答案】Did;he;wash;clothes;No;he;didn't十、【答案】E;C;D;B;A十一、1.. 【答案】D;C;A;B2. 【答案】B;D;C;A3. 【答案】E;B;A;F;D;C4. 【答案】D;B;A;C;E5. 【答案】B;D;C;E;F;A十二、 【答案】(1) 错误(2) 错误(3) 正确(4) 错误(5) 正确十三、(1) C(2) C(3) B(4) B(5) A21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)






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