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2023-03-24 04:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”伟人成功的故事“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The success story of a great man。以下是关于伟人成功的故事的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The success story of a great man

Self confidence is the premise of success and the reurance of success. People can't do without self-confidence. Just like the twin-screw of ship can't move forward, every time in life can't do without self-confidence.

Some people succeed, of course, some people will be defeated. Maybe our dream boat has not sailed into the sea of love, there is the possibility of blocking, and even has been pitilessly stuck in the impe, the hardships and dangers of life Dangerous sadness, we will encounter from all aspects of ridicule, desolation, disgust, but will do the best animal for the world, we will be living people, my door will have an idea, we can not but because of the spirit atrophy will be depressed, give up the ideal, this is the biggest stupidity, the biggest enemy of people is that others discriminate against you, but you can't have a little to your ability Doubt, don't always decide to trust and encourage yourself. You must overcome all obstacles and make brilliant progress.

Pessimism and inferiority are the most lack of self-confidence, plague and deconstruction. Optimism and self-confidence are timely rain, saving people in a kind of suffering. When encountering setbacks, only those who are confident and optimistic are wise, strong, and the omen of success, even if the whole body is sore, They should be as broken as the ears of wheat in the field.

When they are empty, they should be straight and proud for a long time.




2:伟人的成功故事,Madame Curie Madame Curie was one of the greatest scientists in the world. She was born in Poland, and then went to France when she was very young. She was very interested in science.

She worked very hard to find radium. She won the Nobel Prize. In the last ten years of her life, she was almost blind.

She used radium for many years, which led to blindness and diseases, and finally led to blood diseases. Today, she is in Pakistan Li died at the age of 0. She is remembered as a great scientist, but she is also remembered for her determination and courage.

Zhou Enlai, chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, chairman of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Central People's government and President of the people's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai, was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province on March

3. She completed her studies in Nankai Middle School, and then went to France to study Marxism On August

1, he led the famous uprising in Nanchang, and then took part in the long march from to. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, he worked in southern China and was elected premier of China.

He devoted himself to his work until midnight, and had no time to think about himself. However, only Premier Zhou of the Chinese people ped away on January

8, and the whole nation grieved for his death because he was loved by all the people. Our beloved Premier Zhou will always live in the hearts of our Chinese people.

He is a great Marxist and Communist.





3:伟人成功的故事,To overcome the disability, bareni insisted that barreni's child was disabled due to illness. Her mother's heart was the same as that of Daojiao, but she resisted her grief. What she wanted most for her child was encouragement and help, not her mother's tears.

She handed her mother's hospital bed to Balin, holding his hand and saying, "my child, my mother firmly believes that you are a person with a goal. I hope you can live with your own legs When you are alive, you can promise your mother "mother's words are like a hammer hitting the heart of a ballet dance. He slams into her arms and cries.

As long as she is free, she practices walking and gymnastics for bareni, and often sweats. Once her mother has a bad cold, she thinks that she should not only explain to her mother in words Shi also set an example to teach her to walk in spite of her high fever. She planned to help her get up and practice walking.

Baliney's soybean like sweat ran down from her mother's face. She wiped it with a dry towel and rolled up our sleeves. He had just completed a day's exercise plan to help her exercise until she was disabled and inconvenient.

Her mother's example was even more deeply educated, He finally withstood the heavy blow of fate. He studied hard and finally ranked first in his cl. After graduation, he was admitted to the medical school of the University of Vienna with excellent results.

With all our energy, he finally devoted himself to the research of the ear nervous system, and finally landed on the podium of the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine.




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