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2024-06-07 16:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

一类其后所接的内容是表示结果的,其逻辑标志词有:so, so that, hence, thus, therefore, as a result of, result in, consequently, so ... as to 等

1.2 隐性因果关系

除了上面明显的原因和结果逻辑关系标志词之外,还有一类是我们经常看见的,表面看起来并非因果关系,但仔细分析之后,实际其所表达的是因果关系,这类逻辑关系词我们称之为:隐性因果关系,其典型的逻辑标志词有:lead to, derive from, reflect, present, on the basis of, imply, spring from 等等

1.2 隐性因果关系

除了上面明显的原因和结果逻辑关系标志词之外,还有一类是我们经常看见的,表面看起来并非因果关系,但仔细分析之后,实际其所表达的是因果关系,这类逻辑关系词我们称之为:隐性因果关系,其典型的逻辑标志词有:lead to, derive from, reflect, present, on the basis of, imply, spring from 等等

因果关系标记符号:A导致B产生,记为 A --> B,其中箭头指向结果B

因果关系标记符号:A导致B产生,记为 A --> B,其中箭头指向结果B



SAT阅读中,常见条件关系逻辑标志词包括:Given that, Suppose that, if ... then, when ... then, only if, if, as long as 等

SAT阅读中,常见条件关系逻辑标志词包括:Given that, Suppose that, if ... then, when ... then, only if, if, as long as 等



SAT阅读当中,常见句子之间的举例关系逻辑标志词有:For example/instance, Consider/Think/Take sth (as an example)等;

常见句子内部的举例关系逻辑标志词有:such as, like, including 等

SAT阅读当中,常见句子之间的举例关系逻辑标志词有:For example/instance, Consider/Think/Take sth (as an example)等;

常见句子内部的举例关系逻辑标志词有:such as, like, including 等



SAT阅读当中,能够表示递进关系的逻辑标志词有:even, indeed..., not only... but also, let alone…,包括标点符号分号;等


举例说明:OG Test 2 Passage 1 Professor

Fromthe first week of my residence in X ----I felt my occupation irksome. Thethingitself --- the work of copying and translating business-letters ---was a dry and tedious taskenough, but had that been all, I should long have borne with thenuisance;I am not of impatient nature, and influenced by the double desire of getting my living and justifying to myself and others the resolution I had taken to become a tradesman, I should have endured in silence the rust and cramp of my bestfaculties;I should not have whispered, even inwardly, that I longed forliberty;I should have pent in every sigh by which my heart might have ventured to intimate its distress under the closeness, smoke, monotony, and joyless tumult of Bigben Close, and its panting desire for freer and fresherscenes;I should have set up the image of Duty, the fetish of Perseverance, in my small bedroom at Mrs. King's lodgings, and they two should have been my household gods, from which darling, my cherished-in-secrets, Imagination, the tender and the mighty, should never, either by softness or strength, have severed me.

整句句子两句话,非常的长,但是有个好处就是分号特别的多,分号表示递进关系,只需要理解其中的一半就可以了。比如说:黑色标记部分things was a dry and tedious task...nauisance事情本身就很枯燥单调的任务,而且很恶心。其后分号部分的内容应该就是对此部分的内容的进一步拓展。而这些dry and tedious态度,则是对其前面一句话中irksome(烦恼)的态度的详细描述。所以没有必要浪费时间去读完整段长句。




举例说明:Groundwater, water that saturates the ground, flows under the ground.

其中,water that saturates the ground部分就是同位语用来解释说明什么是groundwater的。



SAT阅读中,常见转折关系逻辑标志词有:however, but, though, whereas, while, despite, instead of, nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless, yet, in fact, albeit, although等等

SAT阅读中,常见转折关系逻辑标志词有:however, but, though, whereas, while, despite, instead of, nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless, yet, in fact, albeit, although等等


Althoughtelevision news programs helped focus the country on the rifts that had begun to percolate on campuses, in city streets, and around dining room tables, as a ruleentertainment programming avoided conflict and controversy.




SAT 阅读中,比较常见表示对比关系的逻辑标志短语包括:not A but B, in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of,more A than B; shift from A to B, decay from A to B, reconcile A with B, replace A with B, distinguish from A to B, oscillate between A and B, A is preferable to B, endorse A over B

常见副词包括:paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly, curiously;

SAT 阅读中,比较常见表示对比关系的逻辑标志短语包括:not A but B, in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of,more A than B; shift from A to B, decay from A to B, reconcile A with B, replace A with B, distinguish from A to B, oscillate between A and B, A is preferable to B, endorse A over B

常见副词包括:paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly, curiously;


The remarkable thing about dinosaurs is not that they became extinct, but that they dominated the earth for so long.

这句话的意思是:关于恐龙,不是它们最后灭亡了,而是它们统治了地球这么长的时间。这个句子使用了「not A but B」的句型,表达了两件事情的对比。对比关系,需要把握对比的对象和对比的内容:对比对象 thing about dinosaurs 有关恐龙的事情,对比的内容:not extinct VS but doninated earth for long 不是灭绝 VS 而是统治地球很长时间。

在 SAT 阅读中,还有一种隐形的对比关系,比如说:时间对比,now, recently, no longer 等等,能够提示段落、文章前后出现的观点以及态度的转变。

在 SAT 阅读中,还有一种隐形的对比关系,比如说:时间对比,now, recently, no longer 等等,能够提示段落、文章前后出现的观点以及态度的转变。



SAT阅读中,比较关系常见逻辑标志词:比较级加 than(比……更……),或者是 as…as…(和……一样……)。

SAT阅读中,比较关系常见逻辑标志词:比较级加 than(比……更……),或者是 as…as…(和……一样……)。



SAT阅读中,常见类比关系逻辑标志词:as if, as though, just as, just like,unlike等

SAT阅读中,常见类比关系逻辑标志词:as if, as though, just as, just like,unlike等

Summary 总结

以上九种逻辑关系:因果关系、条件关系、举例关系、递进关系、解释关系、转折关系、对比关系、比较关系、类比关系等。前面五种逻辑关系可以归纳为逻辑一致性关系,简记为 + ;而后面四种逻辑关系可以归纳为逻辑相反性关系,简记为 —。

逻辑一致性关系,标记为 + ; 逻辑相反性关系,标记为 - 。

逻辑一致性关系,标记为 + ; 逻辑相反性关系,标记为 - 。

对于这些在 SAT 阅读中经常出现的逻辑关系,我们一定要非常熟悉,这样在实际考试中才能快速地形成条件反射,迅速找到句间、段间关系。

比如,一看到 allow, lead to, reflect 这样的词,我们能够非常迅速地反应过来它们提示了因果关系;一看到这样的因果关系的标志词,我们就要能够很快地明确哪部分内容是原因,哪部分内容是结果;一看到 although, but, however 这样的转折关系词,就能够明确前后两部分内容的语义是相反的,且文章(或者作者)希望强调的内容是转折后项等等。


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