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2024-04-20 17:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”简爱读后感“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Jane Eyre's Reading Comments。以下是关于简爱读后感的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Jane Eyre's Reading Comments





In English

"Jane Eyre" is a classic novel written by Charlotte Bronte. The story revolves around the growth of the protagonist Jane Eyre and tells the story of her pursuit of and happiness in adversity. After reading "Jane Eyre" I was deeply inspired and gained a deeper understanding of the importance of self-effort courage and independent thinking.

Jane Eyre is an orphan who grew up in a poor family. She has experienced various difficulties since childhood but she did not give up her pursuit of happiness. She has a strong desire for knowledge and insists on improving herself through reading and learning. Although she is in a low social status she does not feel inferior or stop fighting because of it. On the contrary she changes her destiny with her own efforts and intelligence. I admire Jane Eyre's persistence and courage. She tells me that as long as I have the courage to pursue my dreams I can change my destiny.

In addition to pursuing and happiness Jane Eyre also adheres to her values and independent thinking. After she meets Rochester although she deeply loves him she does not give up the pursuit of her own independent personality. When faced with the choice between morality and she resolutely chooses the voice in her heart. Jane Eyre tells us that even in love we should not forget our core values and independent thinking and have the courage to stick to our principles.

"Jane Eyre" taught me the importance of perseverance and effort. No matter how great the setbacks and difficulties are as long as we maintain courage and independent thinking we can achieve our goals. This novel also made me understand that only by truly pursuing happiness and can we find our own true happiness.


Jane Eyre is a classic work uploaded from the history of British literature. It successfully makes English literature take an independent and positive attitude towards love, life, society and religion, dare to fight for and peace, love foreign women's literary works with female image, and like reading Charlotte's Jane Eyre, if we think that the paragraph written by Charlotte is only for Jane Eyre is a woman who lives in the changeable times of the century. When the thought has a new beginning, in the penetration of Jane Eyre, the most important thing is the consciousness of ideological independence.

Let us imagine if Jane.




Jane Eyre is a classic work in the history of English literature. It has successfully created the first novel in the history of British literature that love and life, society and religion all adopt an independent and positive attitude and dare to fight for and equality. Charlotte Wendy's Jane takes away her stubborn character and her independent personality leaves us.

Her action makes her successful, happy woman Jane With the independent female classics, I wish that under the sun, more flowers come from Jane. No matter rich or poor, beautiful or ordinary, they all have a kind heart and rich heart, relying on independent personality and strong character.



标签: 初一 英文 满分




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