早间新闻 第三季 第一集 The Morning ShowS03E01英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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早间新闻 第三季 第一集 The Morning ShowS03E01英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-06-23 05:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

2022年3月10日记者、作家、变革的重要力量Journalist, author and a vital force for change,艾丽克丝利维将永远以偶像被铭记Alex Levy will forever be remembered as an icon.从主持多年的《The Morning Show》到艾美奖热播节目《走近艾丽克丝》From her many years on The Morning Show to her Emmy-winning hit Alex Unfiltered,艾丽克丝拉近了 我们与世界及彼此间的距离Alex brought us closer to the world and to each other.喷火战机这些年来 你们对我来说都十分重要You've all meant a lot to me over the years,为此 我打心底感谢你们and I want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.艾丽克丝利维 1971年至2022年我看着太得意了 你们不觉得吗?I look too perky. Don't you think I look too perky?看起来像是:“天啊 她终于死了”Like, "Oh, my God. She's dead."-是 我去找几张其他照片 -你也这么觉得?- Yeah. I'll find some alts. - You agree, right?-是的 -两位 搞讣告这玩意很变♥态♥- Yeah. - You guys, this obituary shit is morbid...-我知道 -还完全没必要- I know. - ...and it is unnecessary.你要搭亚轨道火箭升空 整个过程大概只有13分钟而已You're going up in a suborbital rocket for, like, 13 minutes.都不够你吃完火箭上发的花生You're not gonna have time to finish your peanuts.科里为了收视率I would not put it past Cory在电视直播上炸死我 我也完全不意外 那个混♥蛋♥to blow me up on live TV just for the ratings. Son of a bitch.那他收视率调查周时怎么办?But then what would he do for Sweeps Week?两位 老实说吧 这次火箭之旅到底有多“青涩”?Guys, honestly, how maiden is this voyage?我是说 上天前他们会测试这些火箭吧?I mean, they do test these rockets, right?不会测试的No, they don't test them.他们只会把火箭拼装起来 然后炸上太空They just kinda staple them together and blow 'em up into space.当然会测试啦 好吗?Of course, they test them, okay?和你一起上太空的还有造火箭那人You're going up with the guy who built the thing.你难道觉得他不想完好无损回来?You don't think he wants to come back in one piece?希望如此 我也不知道I hope so. I don't know.天啊 好吧Oh, my God. Okay.那人跟航♥天♥局签了很多合同 完全不用担心 艾丽克丝The guy has multiple NASA contracts. It is going to be fine, Alex.他们也这样跟挑战者号♥上的人说的That's what they said to the crew of the Challenger.-天啊 又来 你认真? -还有阿波罗1号♥- Oh, boy, here we go. Really? - And Apollo 1.-好吧 -还有阿波罗13号♥- Okay. - And 13.13号♥回来了 虽然他们有汤姆汉克斯 但还是回来了Thirteen came back. I mean, they had Tom Hanks, but still.科里 我是艾丽克丝 你为什么躲着我?这是问句Cory, it's Alex. Why are you avoiding me? Question mark.混球Fucker.-艾丽克丝 -在- Alex. - Yes?-可以录制了 -天啊 很好- We're ready for you. - Oh, God. Good.-埃斯特 采访埃斯特 -来吧- Esther. Let's do Esther. - Let's do it.我今天有幸请来了 著名心理治疗师埃斯特佩雷尔I am joined today by acclaimed psychotherapist Esther Perel,她是畅销书作家、演说家和播客 《我们从哪里开始》的主持人best-selling author, speaker and host of the podcast Where Should We Begin?-很高兴你能上我的节目 -谢谢 很高兴能来- So happy to have you here. - Thank you. Pleasure to be here.那么 在世界停摆了两年后So, two years after the world shut down我们都只是勉强回归正常生活and we are all just barely getting back on our feet.埃斯特 你跟很多夫妻聊过Esther, you speak to a lot of couples.大家现在都有什么感觉?What is everybody feeling right now?露娜加西亚 问问 我现在不方便说话尽快给我回电♥话♥Are you sneaking out of your own bed?自己的床还偷偷摸摸?Are you sneaking out of your own bed?肯定是我状态不佳I must be off my game.抱歉 我迟到了Sorry, I'm late.这么说 不共进午餐?So, no lunch?我得去上班I gotta go to work.你这儿有吃的吗?You got anything to eat?艾德维尔行吗?Advil?昨晚的你更有趣You were more fun last night.我得快点赶过去I gotta be there soon.好吧...Okay.我们不仅仅是身体上被隔离We haven't just had a physical lockdown.情感上也处于隔离状态We are in an emotional lockdown,我们一直在努力生存 而现在我们想要蓬勃发展and we have been surviving and now we are wanting to be thriving.但要达成这一点 我们要充分体验But for that, we need to fully experience the difference between not being dead“未死”和“真正活着”之间的区别and being actually alive.“未死” 我们要...怎么做到呢?"Not being dead." And how do we-- How do we do that?要怎样才能找回“活着”的感觉?How do we get back to feeling alive?我都不知道这种感觉到底什么样I don't even know what that looks like.每个人对于“活着”的感受都不一样It's different for every person.那我问你 艾丽克丝So let me ask you, Alex,“我最有活着的感觉 是在我...”这句话 你如何补充完整?how would you complete the sentence "I feel most alive when..."?你会怎么说?What would you say?-是在我工作时 -好- When I'm working on something... - Right.是在做热爱的事时 我感觉自己生机勃勃...that I feel very passionate about, I feel very alive.-是的 你会感到全情投入、沉浸其中... -是的- Right. And you feel immersed and engaged... - Yes.好奇满满、活在当下...and curious and present-而且能够承担风险 -对- and able to take risks. - Right.那我要问你 为什么只有工作能给你这种感觉?So, my question to you is, why only at work?我是说 你上一次 有这种沉浸、强烈的感觉I mean, when is the last time that you allowed yourself但这是由另一个人带给你的 那是什么时候的事?that kind of immersion and intensity but with another human being?好Okay.你确定这安全?Are you sure this is safe?要是有人看了报道 知道是我怎么办?What if someone sees your story and knows it's me?不会的 请你理解 我们会完全隐藏你的身份No, please understand, we will completely conceal your identity.我保证没人会认出你I promise you no one will recognize you.但德克萨斯的真♥相♥必须公诸于世 露娜But people have to know what's going on in Texas, Luna.只是我现在无法表达这有多重要It's just, I can't express how important it is right now.我只有下周能不上班 所以下周才能过去I have to go next week. It's the only time I can get off work.没问题 我们过几天见 好吗?No problem. I'll see you in a few days, okay?好Okay.-布莱德莉 -科里- Bradley. - Cory.你怎么样?How are you?很好 是 很忙I'm good. Yeah. Busy.你明天的演讲准备好了?You got the speech ready for tomorrow?第一稿很烂 不过我准备好了Well, shitty first draft, but yes.我们都会过去给你加油打气Well, we will all be there to cheer you on.-太好了 我一小时后要直播 -好的- Great. I'm on in an hour. - Right.-是 -去打动他们吧- Yeah. - Kill the people.好的Okay.你看了关于澳大利亚洪水 修改后的新闻稿了吗?Did you see the revised copy on the flood in Australia?看了 死亡人数确认了吗?Yeah. Did we get a confirmation on the death toll?政♥府♥称至少21人死亡 但他们最终宣布全国进入紧急状态Government says 21 dead at least, but they finally declared a national emergency.确认过了?That's confirmed?-是 -好 知道了 谢谢- Yeah. - Okay. Got it. Thank you.-大家晚上好 -嗨 布莱德莉- Good evening, everyone. - Hey, Bradley.-我们来录制一场精彩的节目吧 -晚上好- Let's have a great show. - Good evening.-声音测试? -十秒 各位- Sound check? - Ten seconds, guys.三、二、一Three, two, one.能听见吗?Can you hear me?是的 能听见 盖尔Yes. I can hear you, Gayle.-好 准备就绪 四、三、二 -祝节目成功- Okay, clear. Four, three, two. - Have a good show.欢迎收看UBA电视网晚间新闻 我是布莱德莉杰克森Welcome to the UBA Evening News. I'm Bradley Jackson.拜登总统今天与中国国家主席习♥近♥平♥通话President Biden spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping today就乌克兰依然被入侵期间 中俄关系问题进行沟通as the US navigates China's ties to Russia amid the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.太热了?Too hot?-不是 杀不死你的... -差点杀死你- Nope. What doesn't kill you... - Almost kills you.几年前 我独自攀登安纳普尔纳峰时I was solo climbing on Annapurna a few years back.氧气罐失效Oxygen tank failed.天气突然恶劣 我差点被活埋Weather rolled in, should've buried me.等等 别剧透 你活下来了?Wait, don't tell me. You survived?我遇到了其他几个登山者 他们带了一个备用氧气罐Came across these other climbers, they had a spare tank.他们把备用氧气罐给了我 我供他们的孩子读完了大学They gave me their spare tank. I put their kids through college.绝对的 这故事可真精彩Well, fuck yes. That's a good story.它告诉我们 人与人之间要互相帮助 保罗 我们也可以这样 你和我That's people who need people, and that could be us, Paul. You and me.你得承认 这一定会是个重磅新闻You got to admit, it would make a great press release.新冠疫情期间 当所有人窝在床上 沉溺于负面新闻而郁郁寡欢时While everyone was doomscrolling under the covers during COVID,有两个人在汉普顿斯涨潮时相遇two guys, they cross paths at high tide in the Hamptons达成了传媒领域十年来最大的一笔交易to forge the biggest media deal in a decade.现在你如饥似渴啊?So now you're thirsty?我是真的很渴 没错Well, I literally am thirsty. Yeah.嘿 但我愿与你分享公♥司♥项目 我个人 也对你开诚布公 我们何时能成交?But, hey, my kimono is open. So are my pores. Where are we on this?什么意思?我早准备好了What do you mean? I'm ready to close.是你一直在耽误这事的进展You're the one that's holding this thing up.要么搞定这事 要么分道扬镳It's time to either dance or fuck off.那就接受我的报价 我也已经准备好成交了Well, meet my price. I'm ready to go to the prom.




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