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2024-04-24 18:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”求职对话“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Job search dialogue。以下是关于求职对话的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Job search dialogue

======================================A: I'm a reporter from XX daily. As you know, the job market is getting more and more severe. But you have a good position in Microsoft China.

When facing a competitor who has lost several years' work experience, you think that interview is very important. B: it is a well-known fact that "lifelong work" has no longer existed in the world So fast, this leads to more and more fierce competition in the job market, most people need to change jobs every few years, so you can't be hired without doing well in the interview, and your income will depend on your performance: but in fact, for many fresh graduates, how to get good results in the interview seems to be quite difficult。Well, if you want to be successful, what's your secret? If you know how to prepare and know what is expected to happen, it's easy to prepare for an interview. A: it's a real precaution to avoid danger.

Can you explain it in detail? B: Yes, first of all, you should be very confident in everything you know. No recruiter will Second, you should be prepared to answer frequently asked questions. Last but not least, you must train yourself to say what to say about the tough question: Yes, I can't agree with you more, but you know, many job seekers can't do it in the end, even if they think they're doing well in the interview, what do you think is the root cause: face to face For example, what do you think is behind the question of "why do you want to know" for example? They're just interested in your job, or there's something else behind the question.

They're sure they want to know about your personality. You should make them believe that you're a responsible person, not your carelessness. A: great.

Thank you very much for your kindness and sharing your valuable experience in job search. But for our interview time, I want all the readers I would appreciate your help and wish you a brilliant future at Microsoft: I am very happy to do so, and I do not welcome you. Thank you for your blessing.




Rose left school at the age of seventeen to study typing at a university. She passed all the exams. Rose was looking for a job and it wasn't hard for her because there was a growing demand for typists.

Rose lives with her parents. She went to a company manager close to her parents' home. I wanted the job, but how much would you give me? The manager said, I'll give you 27 pounds now, 30 pounds in three months.

Rose thought for a few seconds and said, OK, I'll start working in three months.





Dear XX: I'm Lin Wang. I see your company's recruitment information on the website. I think they meet these requirements.

So I write a self recommendation letter. I graduated from X university. I am a professional of XXX.

I have worked in a company for many years, mainly engaged in XX's work experience and work experience, so that I can quickly adapt to the new environment. I have a strong sense of team cooperation, and I hope I can I hope you can give me an interview opportunity so that your company can have a deeper understanding of me and look forward to your reply.



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