双语新闻播报(October 12)

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双语新闻播报(October 12)

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双语新闻播报(October 12)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-10-12 17:50

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> Chinese mainland rises to 11th place on WIPO's innovation rankings《2022年全球创新指数报告》发布 中国位列第11位

A staff member introduces a minimally invasive orthopedic surgery robot to visitors at the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in East China's Shanghai, Sept 1, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]


The Chinese mainland has climbed to 11th place on the 2022 Global Innovation Index (GII) released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), up one place from its 2021 ranking.世界知识产权组织(WIPO)近日发布《2022年全球创新指数报告》。结果显示,中国排名第11,较去年再上升1位。


This elevation in rank marks the Chinese mainland's 10th consecutive ascent, bringing it to the top of the 36 upper middle-income economies, according to the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on Thursday.国家知识产权局9月29日表示,中国的全球创新指数排名连续十年稳步提升,位居36个中高收入经济体之首。


The GII tracks the most recent global innovation trends and reveals the most innovative economies in the world, ranking the innovation performances of approximately 130 economies, according to the WIPO.世界知识产权组织称,全球创新指数追踪最新的全球创新趋势,并列出世界上最具创新力的经济体,对全球约130个经济体的创新表现进行综合评价排名。


In terms of innovation input sub-indicators, the Chinese mainland ranked first in domestic market scale and number of firms offering formal training, according to this year's GII report.报告称,创新投入方面,中国的国内市场规模,提供正规培训的公司占比等细分指标排名第一。


In terms of innovation output sub-indicators, the Chinese mainland ranked first in patents by origin, utility models by origin, labor productivity growth, trademarks by origin and creative goods exports, according to the report.创新产出方面,中国的本国人专利申请量、本国人实用新型申请量、劳动力产值增长、本国人商标申请量、创意产品出口等细分指标排名第一。

> Nation to boost major projects我国将加大对新型基础设施建设的支持力度

An aerial view of the Zhongjiang-Suining Highway in Sichuan province. [Photo/CHINA DAILY]


China will step up efforts in the construction of major projects and new infrastructure as part of its overall drive to foster long-term, sustained, innovation-driven and high-quality development, the country's top economic regulator said on Monday.国家发展改革委日前表示,中国将加大力度建设重大项目和新型基础设施,以促进长期持续、创新驱动和高质量的经济发展。


Experts said the government has already introduced a series of stimulus policies for infrastructure spending to shore up growth, and its accelerated push to construct key projects will help boost domestic demand, expand effective investment and stabilize the overall economy.专家表示,政府已经出台了一系列刺激基础设施投资的政策,以支撑经济增长。加快推进重点项目建设将有助于扩大国内需求,扩大有效投资,稳定整体经济。


They said China's economy will continue to pick up in the third and fourth quarters of the year with existing policy support and forceful infrastructure spending.他们表示,在现有的政策支持和强有力的基础设施投资下,中国经济将在今年第三和第四季度持续复苏。


The country will support the construction of major projects, with a key focus on implementing 102 key projects mapped out during the period of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and projects in the five-year plan for transportation development, said Zheng Jian, director of the Department of Infrastructure Development at the National Development and Reform Commission.国家发展改革委基础设施发展司司长郑剑表示,下一步将以“十四五”规划102项重大工程以及“十四五”现代综合交通运输体系发展规划等项目清单为重点,推进重大工程建设。


Song Wen, deputy director of the Planning Department at the National Energy Administration, said the NDRC and the NEA are accelerating the push for the implementation and construction of key projects mapped out in the 14th Five-Year Plan to expand effective investment.国家能源局规划司副司长宋雯表示,发展改革委、能源局正在加快“十四五”规划的重大项目建成投产,积极拓展有效投资空间。


She said investment in key energy fields during the 14th Five-Year Plan period is expected to grow by more than 20 percent compared with the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), providing a strong driving force to expand effective demand and promote stable economic growth.她表示,预计“十四五”期间能源重点领域投资较“十三五”增长20%以上,为扩大有效投资、促进经济平稳运行提供强劲动力。


"We expect infrastructure investment will remain strong and do the heavy lifting to support growth," said Lloyd Chan, a senior economist at the Oxford Economics think tank.智库机构牛津经济研究院的高级经济学家劳埃德•陈说:“我们预计基础设施投资将保持强劲,并为支撑经济增长发挥重要作用。”


Chan said stimulus rolled out in this year's Government Work Report and the 33 measures announced in May will feed through into the second half. New measures also include channeling 300 billion yuan to specific projects, along with allocating an additional quota of 500 billion yuan in local government special bonds that will be utilized by the end of October as new infrastructure projects become available for infrastructure financing.劳埃德•陈表示,今年政府工作报告中提出的刺激措施和5月份宣布的33项措施将在下半年发挥作用。新措施还包括新增3000多亿元政策性开发性金融工具,以及将于10月份发行的5000多亿元专项债地方结存限额,专项债地方结存限额将重点支持新型基础设施建设项目的融资。


Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that fixed-asset investment increased by 5.8 percent year-on-year in the January-August period, compared with 5.7 percent between January and July. Notably, infrastructure investment jumped 8.3 percent during the first eight months of the year, higher than that in the first seven months.国家统计局的数据显示,中国1-8月城镇固定资产投资同比增长5.8%,1-7月为5.7%。值得注意的是,今年前8个月,基础设施投资增长8.3%,高于前7个月。


Yang Haiping, a researcher at the Central University of Finance and Economics' Institute of Securities and Futures, said infrastructure investment will likely accelerate in the second half of the year. 中央财经大学证券期货研究所研究员杨海平表示,今年下半年基础设施投资可能会加速。


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