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2024-07-12 17:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


It’s easy to get stuck. Nestle yourself deeper and deeper into that warm, safe and comforting comfort zone.人很容易就被困住,人经常将自己深深地放置在那温暖、安全和舒适的区域。

But if you want to improve your life you’ll sooner or later need to step out of that zone. Because it’s there you’ll find all those new and exciting experiences. Where you’ll find freedom from boredom.但如果你想要改进自己的生活,迟早都需要走出这个舒适区。因为只有走出舒适区你才能经历更多新鲜和刺激的事情,才能从厌倦里找回自由。

Here are 8 ideas that can help you get out of your comfort zone. Some are ways to make the process easier. Some are ways you may not have thought of (or forgotten).以下8招能够帮助你走出舒适区,有一些是能够使这个过程更容易一些的建议,但有一些是你从来都没有想起过或是已经忘记了的。


1. Face your fears. But do it in small steps.直面恐惧,但是一小步一小步来。

This is one of the best ways to overcome fears and get out of your comfort zone. What holds us back in our zone of comfort is often a fear or that facing that fear straight on might be overwhelming. This is a solution to those two problems. It allows you to stretch your comfort zone slowly making it less uncomfortable and frightening.这是克服恐惧,走出舒适区最好的方法之一。经常将我们带回舒适区的通常就是恐惧或者直面恐惧的疲惫。一步一步去面对恐惧能够解决之前提到的两个问题。这能够让你慢慢地延长你的舒适区,让你面对恐惧的时候不那么害怕。

If you’re for instance nervous socially you might not feel able to ask people out on dates right away. The fear of being rejected and that others might think less of you if you get turned down can make many of us feel unable to ask the question.例如,如果你社交恐惧,不敢马上约别人出去,害怕被拒绝,并且如果你的音调很低,会让别人更少的注意到你,也可能让大部分人无法问你问题。

So you take small steps instead. Steps like first just saying hi to people. Or starting to talk more to people online via forums and Instant Messaging. And then trying to be more involved in conversations at work or in school to exercise your conversation-muscles.那么你可以小步骤慢慢来,如一开始只是和他打招呼,或者通过论坛或即时通讯工具开始和更多的人交谈,然后尽量投入到工作或学校里的对话,来锻炼你的社交能力。


2. Try something weird.尝试一些新奇的事情

One obvious way to move out of your comfort zone is to do something new. But a more interesting option might be to think of doing something weird. When you choose something new you may choose something that is line with your personality. So your experiences can become limited. Instead, choose something that’s out of character for you. Something that isn’t you as you are right now. Something that you – and/or the people close to you – wouldn’t think that you would do.走出舒适区最显著的方式是做一些从来没有尝试过的事情。但更加有意思的一个选择是尝试一些比较新奇的事情。当你选择一些从来没有尝试过的新鲜事,你可能还是选择了一些和自己个性相符的事情,这样你的经历就会非常有限,相反,选择一些与你个性不符的事情,一些不是现在的你会做的事情,一些别人认为你不会去做的事情。


3. Make a new acquaintance.结识一个新朋友

This will expose your to new experiences, opinions and interests. And it’s not just about meeting new people the usual way. Try just picking up a biography about someone you know nothing about. Start reading a book from a writer you haven’t read before. Read about a random topic at Wikipedia. Or add an unexpected RSS-feed about something you normally never read about.这样会拓宽你的经历,选择和兴趣。这并不只是以平常的方式去结识新的朋友,而是选择结识一个一无所知的朋友,如读一本你从没接触过作者的书。在Wikipedia里随意读一些,或者添加一个意想不到的RSS-feed,读一些你平常从来没有读过的书。


4. Take a friend with you.和朋友一起

In general, it’s often easier to not go it alone. And this applies to many situations. Including when you are going for the emotional bungee jump that getting out of your comfort zone can be.通常,结伴而行会更容易一些。这样可以一起面对更多的共同情况,包括你走出舒适区时遇到的情感纠结。

I’d say this probably the most popular way to get yourself out of comfort zones. If you are going to a party where you know few people then it may be easier to bring a friend. If you have decided to start going to the gym it might be easier to actually get going and keeping going there every week if you have a gym-partner.可以说,这可能是走出舒适区最常见的方式。如果你要去一个熟识朋友的聚会,会更容易结识新朋友。如果你决定开始健身,有一个搭档的话,会更容易让你每周都坚持下去。

However, there are potential downsides to bringing friends too. If you are at the party with your friend then you might not meet and get to know that many new people. If you are going to the gym with a partner it might lead to the two of you talking and focusing less on getting a great workout.当然和朋友一起也会有其他的负面影响,然而比如你和朋友一起去一个聚会的话,你就可能不会去认识其他的新朋友了。如果你和一个搭档一起去健身房的话,你们两个就会有机会交谈,更少的注重锻炼的质量啦。


5. Educate yourself.自我教育

Your comfort zone might be protecting your from imaginary dangers. Maybe things aren’t as difficult or scary as you imagine? Do a bit of research. Getting some good information can dissipate quite a bit of your fear and nervousness.你的舒适区可能会保护你远离虚构的危险。也许这些事情并不是你想象中的那么难或可怕。做一些小调查,获得一些可靠的消息能够驱散你的一些恐惧和紧张。

Do a bit of Googling. Read books and blogs. Ask someone who has been there before. By reading/hearing about what others that have done the same thing you are about to do saw, heard, felt and did you can not only lessen negative feelings but also get some very valuable and practical tips.上网搜索一下,查阅更多的书籍和博客。咨询一下前人,听一下别人在经历你即将要面对、听到、感受到的事情的经验,但你不能单是减轻一下自己消极的感觉,更重要的是获取一些有价值和实践性的建议。


6. Awash your mind with positive memories.利用积极的记忆来更新你的思绪

Realise it can be fun to get out of your comfort zone despite what your mind and feelings might be telling you before you get started. Think back to the previous times when you have broken out of your comfort zone. Focus on the positive memories, when you got out there, when you took a chance. And it wasn’t so bad, it was actually fun and exciting and something new to you.在你准备开始走出舒适区的时候,虽然你的思绪和感受可能会提醒你,但你自己意识到走出舒适区是非常有趣的。想想你之前打破舒适区的经历和记忆,当你再次冒险走出舒适区的时候,专注于积极的记忆。这并不是坏事,实际上,看到全新的自己相当有趣和刺激。

A lot of times we automatically play back our negative experiences – or negative interpretations of events – in our minds before we are about to do something. And we forget about the positive memories and our previous, positive achievements. Avoid that trap. Let the good memories flow through your mind instead and let things become easier.许多时候我们开始做某事的时候,会自动地就回忆起消极的经历或者有关事务的消极解释,我们忘记一些积极的记忆和之前成功的记忆。为了避免这些僵局,让更多积极的记忆更新我们的思绪,让事情变得更容易一些。


7. Use other methods to pump yourself up.利用一些其他的方法来激励自己

Besides remembering positive memories, there are a whole bunch of things you can do to pump up your emotional state temporarily. Here is a small list of such tips within in this list:除了记住一些积极的记忆,还有一些其他的事情你可以尝试去做,暂时的激励自己的情绪。以下是其他方法的列表:

Use Music. Listen to uplifting and motivational music.利用音乐。听一些令人振奋和激励人心的音乐。

Use Your Body. How you use your body affects how you feel. Move in a confident way and you’ll soon feel more confident. Move in an excited way and you’ll soon feel more excited.利用你的肢体。你如何利用你的肢体决定你所感受的。保持自信的姿势,很快你便感到更自信。保持积极的心态,很快你会感到更加积极。

Use Your Imagination. Close your eyes. Visualize how great everything will unfold. How wonderful and excited you will feel.利用想象。闭上眼睛,把生活中的美好事物想象成一幅图景,你能够感受是多么的奇妙和兴奋。

Use Your Breathing. Not exactly a way to pump yourself up but rather to calm yourself down quickly.利用你的呼吸。这并不是激励自己的真正的一个方法而是快速让你安静下来的一个方法。




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