
您所在的位置:网站首页 老子写的什么必寡信 悠然见南山的上一句是什么,请问“轻诺必寡信”的前一句是什么?


2024-06-15 06:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

悠然见南山的上一句是什么,请问“轻诺必寡信”的前一句是什么? 综合百科 最后更新:2024-06-15 04:22:30 有点上瘾 发布:3年前 6万阅读









Q: 悠然见南山的上一句是什么?A: “登高一呼,应在山畔。”这是唐代著名诗人王之涣所作《送别》诗中的名句。这句诗虽然短暂,但却足以勾起人们对登山旅游的无穷向往和美丽幻想。而作为中国古代“文人墨客”们向来钟情的旅行地,南山成为了不少人精神休闲的天堂,也灵感源源不断地催化着文学艺术和诗词歌赋的创作与传播。Q: 悠然见南山的含义是什么?A: “悠然见南山”是“登山览胜”的意思,亦即“自在、舒畅地在南山上观赏自然风光”。此句来源于晏十八所作的《论语解》:“山而无人,江而不寒。即使每往南山游览,悠然见胜,自是畅快。”他认为南山景致独具一格,能够让游客体验到真正的舒服、自在和开心,故悠然见南山便成为了一种理想、美好和宁静的情感表达。Q: 悠然见南山的文化内涵是什么?A: “悠然见南山”代表的是中国传统文化中思想启迪、审美欣赏、情感陶冶、精神寄托和人生理想等观念和内涵。它表达了人们对大自然景物的欣赏和敬畏,对美好生活的向往和追求,对心灵净化与自我升华的意境的追寻。同时,它也承载了人们对自身创造力、智慧和能力的自信和信仰,对自然万物和谐共存的愿景和我们不断探索和追求的精神追求。Q: 悠然见南山的影响与作用是什么?A: “悠然见南山”的影响和作用是多层次、多角度的。它不仅具有文学、艺术、教育和旅游等方面的特殊价值,而且还是构建中华文化精神谱系、增强文化自信和民族认同的一个重要组成部分。可以说,“悠然见南山”自诞生以来就影响着几百年来的文人墨客和普通人,它是中华文化传统的重要标志和价值体系的重要组成部分,也是中华民族精神面貌和精神世界的重要代表。

【英文介绍/For English】:

The first sentence of "a husband who is light on promises must be trustworthy" is "so he can become great".

From the sixty-third chapter of "Lao Tzu": Doing nothing, doing nothing, doing nothing, and tasteless. How big is it. Complain with virtue. The difficulty of the picture is more difficult than the easy, and it is greater than the detail; the difficult things in the world must be done in the easy way; the big things in the world must be done in detail. Therefore, the sage does not become great in the end, so he can become great. If a husband is light on his promises, he will be seldom trustworthy. It is still difficult for a sage, so there will be no difficulty in the end.

Laozi's achievements are mainly reflected in the book "Laozi". It was originally called "Laozi" without the name of "Tao Te Ching". Later, it was called "Tao Te Ching", and was divided into eighty-one chapters, which were compiled into two parts, the first part was Dao Jing with thirty-seven chapters, and the second part was De Jing with forty-four chapters. The ideological structure of the whole book is: Tao is the "body" of virtue, and virtue is the "use" of Tao.

Lao Tzu's writings and thoughts have become valuable treasures of the world's historical and cultural heritage. The influence of Laozi's thoughts is not only unparalleled in Taoism, but also far-reaching outside Taoism. As early as the eighteenth century, some Western countries had versions of Laozi in multiple languages. According to the statistics of UNESCO, "Lao Tzu" is the book with the largest number of publications in the world besides the "Bible".

Lao Tzu is one of the three Eastern saints in the eyes of Westerners. The New York Times of the United States once listed Lao Tzu as the top ten writers in the world, both ancient and modern. There are statues of the world's top ten thinkers in the British Library Square in London, and Lao Tzu is one of them. Lao Tzu's thoughts have already broken through national boundaries and become the common spiritual wealth of all mankind.


轻诺必寡信 老子 




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