美国宣布取消对伊朗的经济制裁 并交换囚犯

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美国宣布取消对伊朗的经济制裁 并交换囚犯

2022-05-04 02:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Iran emerged from years of economic isolation on Saturday when world powers began to lift crippling sanctions against the Islamic Republic in return for Tehran complying with a deal to curb its nuclear ambitions.

鉴于伊朗履行了核问题协议的承诺,周六,伊朗摆脱了多年的经济孤立这一状况,世界大国开始解除了对这个伊斯兰国家的经济制裁。 In a dramatic move scheduled to coincide with the scrapping of the sanctions, Tehran also announced the release of five Americans including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian as part of a prisoner swap with the United States. 与经济制裁的解除相一致的,还有另一戏剧性的举动,伊朗宣布作为囚犯交换的一部分,将会释放包括华盛顿报驻伊记者贾森·礼萨安在内的5名美国囚犯。 Together, the lifting of sanctions and the prisoner deal considerably reduce the hostility between Tehran and Washington that has shaped the Middle East since Iran's Islamic Revolution of 1979. 1979年伊斯兰革命以来,美国和伊朗之间的敌意影响了整个中东地区的态势,而这次经济制裁的解除和囚犯互相释放,很大程度上减轻了双方的敌意。

美国宣布取消对伊朗的经济制裁 并交换囚犯

The U.N. nuclear watchdog ruled on Saturday that Iran had abided by an agreement last year with six world powers to curtail its nuclear programme, triggering the end of sanctions.

联合国核能调查机构周六宣布,伊朗正式履行了去年与六国(美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、中国和德国)签署的伊核问题全面协议,这促成了制裁的最终解除。 "Iran has carried out all measures required under the (July deal) to enable Implementation Day (of the deal) to occur," the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency said in a statement. Within minutes, the United States formally lifted banking, steel, shipping and other sanctions on Iran, a major oil producer. Other countries are likely to follow. 位于维也纳的国际原子能机构发表声明说,“伊朗已经开始执行伊核问题全面协议所要求的所有措施,全面协议自当天起正式执行。”几分钟内,美国正式解除了对伊朗这一石油生产国在银行、钢铁、航运等方面的制裁。其他国家有可能跟随此举。 Tens of billions of dollars worth of Iranian assets will now be unfrozen and global companies that have been barred from doing business there will be able to exploit a market hungry for everything from automobiles to airplane parts. 数百亿的伊朗资产将会解冻,而被禁止经营的跨国公司也将在此开发如饥似渴的市场,从汽车到飞机部件的需求。 In an unusual move, President Barack Obama pardoned three Iranian-Americans charged for violating sanctions against Iran, while prosecutors moved to drop charges against four Iranians outside the United States. 另一不寻常举动是,美国总统奥巴马释放了三名伊朗公民,他们都是因反对美对伊制裁而遭到起诉的,与此同时,检察官还对另外四名逃亡在美国的伊朗公民停止了指控。 The prisoner swap was the culmination of months of diplomatic contacts, secret talks and legal manoeuvring. 互放囚犯是两国几个月以来在外交联系、秘密谈判和合法部署上的顶峰。




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