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2024-06-20 22:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Filing for divorce under the terms of infidelity is no longer the leading reason for marital breakups in the UK, new research has found.最新的研究发现,在英国,因“不忠”而申请离婚已不再是导致夫妻关系终止的首要原因。

According to a study by accountancy firm Grant Thornton, who release an annual survey on divorce in the UK, ‘growing apart’ is now the most common reason cited for cause of divorce.根据均富会计师事务所每年一次做所的关于英国离婚方面的调查表明:“情感隔阂”是目前离婚原因中最为普遍引用的一则原因。

The lack of emotional chemistry - or ‘falling out of love’ with their partner - has surpassed cheating as the leading cause of divorce in the country.缺乏情感上的化学反应,或者说,对另一半“没有感觉了”,已经超过了“欺骗”,成为导致英国离婚的首要原因。

Since the survey began in 2003, infidelity was the number one cause of divorce, with 25% of cases citing that as the main reason for splitting up. In the most recent survey,  27% of respondents said 'falling out of love' was the primary cause of marriage breakdown.自这项调查从03年开始时,“不忠”就在离婚原因中高居榜首——有25%的案件中其作为导致彼此分开的主因。但在最近的一次调查中,有27%的受访者却说道,“不再爱了”是婚姻关系破裂的首要原因。

Other common reasons for divorcing were: unreasonable behaviour (17%), mid-life crisis (10%) and money (5%).其他的常见原因还有:不合理行为(17%),中年危机(10%),金钱(5%)

The survey has lead to speculation there is a shift in attitude towards how British couples perceive divorce.此次调查引起了这样一种猜测:英国夫妇们在看待离婚问题时,是否发生了态度上的转变?

One influencing factor is celebrity relationships that have survived infidelity, suggesting that spouses are reacting less aggressively to cheating than in previous years.而对其具有影响力的一个根据是:名人夫妇之间的关系能够挺过“不忠”这一难关,这喻示着配偶们在受到欺骗时的反应不再像前几年那么激烈了。

Do you think Brits now look less critically on cheating? Or are more of us simply falling out of love with our partners?你觉得呢?现在的英国人是对欺骗不再那么计较了?还是真的只是越来越容易对另一半没有感觉了?




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