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2023-07-11 07:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




    在上一期热点文献推荐中,我们为您推荐了半导体领域的最新发展前沿,包括用于太赫兹应用的电子元器件、用于深度学习加速器的CMOS兼容电化学突触晶体管阵列、用于晶圆级可拉伸电子器件的真空沉积聚合物电介质、使用粘附光刻的过渡金属二硫族化合物场效应晶体管的晶圆级集成。     本期我们为您选取了4篇文献,介绍通信领域的最新发展前沿,包括高于100GHz无线通信感知与安全的挑战和解决方案、实现移动目标自动跟踪与无线通信的基于计算机视觉的智能超表面系统、用于双向相位调制的自偏置非互易磁超表面、用于室内太赫兹无线通信的分布式可重构智能表面。   Wireless communications sensing and security above 100 GHz Jornet, Josep M., etc. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2023, 14(1) The field of sub-terahertz wireless communications is advancing rapidly, with major research efforts ramping up around the globe. To address some of the significant hurdles associated with exploiting these high frequencies for broadband and secure networking, systems will require extensive new capabilities for sensing their environment and manipulating their broadcasts. Based on these requirements, a vision for future wireless systems is beginning to emerge. In this Perspective article, we discuss some of the prominent challenges and possible solutions which are at the forefront of current research, and which will contribute to the architecture of wireless platforms beyond 5G. 阅读原文:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36621-x Intelligent metasurface system for automatic tracking of moving targets and wireless communications based on computer vision Li, Weihan, etc. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2023, 14 The fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication has an urgent need for target tracking. Digital programmable metasurface (DPM) may offer an intelligent and efficient solution owing to its powerful and flexible controls of electromagnetic waves and advantages of lower cost, less complexity and smaller size than the traditional antenna array. Here, we report an intelligent metasurface system to perform target tracking and wireless communications, in which computer vision integrated with a convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to automatically detect the locations of moving targets, and the dual-polarized DPM integrated with a pre-trained artificial neural network (ANN) serves to realize the smart beam tracking and wireless communications. Three groups of experiments are conducted for demonstrating the intelligent system: detection and identification of moving targets, detection of radio-frequency signals, and real-time wireless communications. The proposed method sets the stage for an integrated implementation of target identification, radio environment tracking, and wireless communications. This strategy opens up an avenue for intelligent wireless networks and self-adaptive systems. 阅读原文:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36645-3   Schematic of the intelligent target tracking system A self-biased non-reciprocal magnetic metasurface for bidirectional phase modulation Yang, Weihao, etc. NATURE ELECTRONICS, 2023, 6(3): 225–234 Non-reciprocal metasurfaces can encode optical functions on forward- and backward-propagating waves, and could be used to create non-reciprocal antennas and radomes for full-duplex wireless communication and radar systems. However, such metasurfaces typically require external electric- or magnetic-field biasing or rely on non-linear effects, which makes practical implementation challenging. Here we report a self-biased non-reciprocal metasurface based on magnetic meta-atoms made from lanthanum-doped barium hexaferrite. The metasurface offers a transmittance of up to 77% and an operation angle of ±64°. We show that they can be used for on-demand bidirectional phase modulation, which provides non-reciprocal functionalities including microwave isolation, non-reciprocal beam steering, non-reciprocal focusing and non-reciprocal holography. The approach could also be potentially extended to megahertz and optical frequencies by using different self-biased magnetic materials. 阅读原文:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-023-00936-w   Self-biased non-reciprocal metasurfaces Distributed Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Energy-Efficient Indoor Terahertz Wireless Communications Huo, Yiming, etc. IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, 2023, 10(3): 2728–2742 With the fifth-generation (5G) networks widely commercialized and fast deployed, the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication is envisioned to provide competitive Quality of Service (QoS) in multiple aspects to global users. The critical and underlying research of 6G is, first, highly dependent on the precise modeling and characterization of the wireless propagation when the spectrum is believed to expand to the terahertz (THz) domain. Moreover, future networks' power consumption and energy efficiency are critical factors to consider. In this research, based on a review of the fundamental mechanisms of reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted wireless communications, we utilize the 3-D ray-tracing method to analyze a realistic indoor THz propagation environment with the existence of human blockers. Furthermore, we propose a distributed RISs framework (DRF) to assist the indoor THz wireless communication to achieve overall energy efficiency. The numerical analysis of simulation results based on more than 2900 indoor THz wireless communication subscenarios has demonstrated the significant efficacy of applying distributed RISs to overcome the mobile human blockage issue, improve the THz signal coverage, and increase signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and QoS. With practical hardware design constraints investigated, we eventually envision how to utilize the existing integrated sensing and communication techniques to deploy and operate such a system in reality. Such a DRF can also lay the foundation of efficient THz communications for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. 阅读原文:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9917484   Illustration of (a) DRF-enabled indoor THz Wireless communication (transparent view through the front wall) and (b) top-down transparent view of the DRF-enabled indoor THz Wireless communication with the mask layer of spatial sampling   “前沿文献专题推荐服务”是图书馆情报服务部学科服务的重要内容。欢迎有相关需求的科研人员与我们联系,我们将为您提供更有针对性的定题服务。 联系电话:62281933 62283502 地址:西土城校区图书馆125室情报服务部 联系人:杨老师 闫老师 邮箱:[email protected]

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