什么是统计学中的 Standard Error ( SE )?

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什么是统计学中的 Standard Error ( SE )?

2023-06-07 14:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

什么是统计学中的 Standard Error ( SE )?

我们来看一段英文解释:The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is called as standard error. In sampling, the three most important characteristics are: accuracy, bias and precision.

Standard Deviation:缩写为 SD 或者 S,中文翻译为 标准差 或者 标准偏差,最常见的叫法是 标准差,是方差的平方根。

                                    在国家计量技术规范中,标准差 的正式名称是 标准偏差,简称:标准差,用符号  \sigma  表示。

Sampling Distribution:中文翻译为 抽样分布,样本统计量的分布。

Standard Error:缩写为 Sx 或者 SE,中文翻译为:标准误 或者 标准误差。

所以,从定义中可以看出 标准差和标准误(标准误差)是两个不同的概念。

英文名词中文名词英文缩写计算公式说明Standard Deviation标准差,标准偏差SD,或者 ss=\sqrt{\frac{\left ( x_{1}-\overline{x} \right )^{2}+\left ( x_{2}-\overline{x} \right )^{2}+...+\left ( x_{n}-\overline{x} \right )^{2}}{n-1}}n为样本数量Standard Error标准误,标准误差Sx,或者 SESE_{\overline{x}} = \frac{s }{\sqrt{n}}n为样本数量


SE_{\overline{x}} = \frac{s }{\sqrt{n}},其中 s 表示 Standard Deviation,即标准差;n 表示观测测次数;


计算平均值:\overline{x} = \frac{14+36+45+70+105}{5} = \frac{270}{5} = 54

计算标准差:s=\sqrt{\frac{\left ( x_{1}-\overline{x} \right )^{2}+\left ( x_{2}-\overline{x} \right )^{2}+...+\left ( x_{n}-\overline{x} \right )^{2}}{n-1}} = \sqrt{\frac{\left ( 14-54 \right )^{2}+\left ( 36-54 \right )^{2}+\left ( 45-54 \right )^{2}+\left ( 70-54 \right )^{2}+\left ( 105-54 \right )^{2}}{5-1}} = 34.86

 计算 SE_{\overline{x}} = \frac{s }{\sqrt{n}} = \frac{34.86}{\sqrt{5}} = 15.59

由此可见,标准差 和 标准误,或者标准误差是不同的。一个字的差异,却是不同的概念。


It can be said that:

The estimate derived from any one sample is accurate to the extent that it differs from the population parameter. Since the population parameters can only be determined by a sample survey, hence they are generally unknown and the actual difference between the sample estimate and population parameter cannot be measured.

The estimator is unbiased if the mean of the estimates derived from all the possible samples equals the population parameter.

Even if the estimator is unbiased an individual sample is most likely going to yield inaccurate estimate and as stated earlier, inaccuracy cannot be measured. However it is possible to measure the precision i.e. the range between which the true value of the population parameter is expected to lie, using the concept of standard error.










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