
您所在的位置:网站首页 第九十九用英语怎么说 第507期:代购用英语怎么说?


2024-07-10 00:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Daigou (literally: ‘Surrogate Shopping’) is an emerging form of cross-border exporting in which an individual or a syndicated group of exporters outside China purchases commodities (mainly luxury goods, but sometimes also groceries such as infant formulas) for customers in China, in order to either illegally or legally use loopholes to circumvent import tariffs imposed on overseas goods.


Daigou(字面意思:surrogate shopping – 代理购物)是一种新出现的跨境出口形式。由中国境外的个人或出口机构为中国的消费者代为购买商品的行为(主要包括奢侈品,也有婴幼儿配方奶粉等日用品),目的是合法或非法地利用政策漏洞绕开中国对进口商品征收的关税。

有些网站说BBC已经直接采纳Daigou这个拼音来指“代购”了,因此不需要翻译了,直接说Daigou就行。我不同意这种说法。英美媒体,如BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes等,的确有过文章中直接用了Daigou这个拼音,但都需要加一句解释,否则外国人根本不明白。


Forbes: Daigou–pronounced dye-go–literally means “representative purchasing” and refers to merchants who source and re-sell products even if they are not authorized distributors. 

Bloomberg: It’s a Mandarin term that’s part of the lexicon of the luxury-goods industry. Daigou (dye-go), or “to buy on behalf,” describes the practice of purchasing sought-after goods — from high-end handbags to premium infant formula — overseas to resell back home. It can also refer to the people who do the buying.

SCMP(南华早报):Zhu – not her real name – is one of an estimated 110,000 Chinese students in Australia making an income as a daigou – a Putonghua term (pronounced ‘dye-go’ in English) for someone overseas who “buys on somebody else’s behalf”.

BBC:In Australia, it’s estimated there are 40,000 daigou, which means “buying on behalf of” in Mandarin.



surrogate shopping 代购(行为);surrogate shopper/buyer 代购(人) buy on behalf online shopping agency procurement service Daigou shopping(行为);Daigou shopper(人)

佛老认为,surrogate shopping这个说法不错,明显是根据surrogate mother(代孕妈妈)这个词套用来的。surrogate的意思是“代理、代替”的意思。

buy on behalf这个说法最不好,首先不符合英语语法规则,完全是Chinglish生造出来的一个词。不建议。

Online shopping agency指代购机构或代购的人,这个说法比较准确,但有点长。而且代购也不完全都是在线交易,也可以线下委托别人代为购买。所以online有些多余,直接说shopping agency还可以,但这样又容易被人误认为是普通的国际贸易经济人。不建议。

Procurement service这个说法太笼统了,也太大了。Procurement一般指企业的大宗采购,翻译代购不够准确。不建议。

Daigou shopping这种说法目前还有点早,毕竟懂Daigou这个拼音的外国人还不多。以后或许可以。

因为代购基本都是海外代购,我觉得比较靠谱的翻译应该是:overseas surrogate shopping(行为);overseas surrogate shopper(人)。

当然,如果代购现象继续发展壮大,Daigou这个拼音早晚也许真的会被英语字典正式收录,就像很多中国特色词汇一样。如果到了那一天,依佛老之间,完全可以再发明一个新词:Daigouer 代购人


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