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Green stoplight

雷电精灵 圣水花费 1 稀有度 普通 类型 军队 竞技场 电磁峡谷 上线日期 2 November 2020

目录 1 Strategy 2 History 3 Trivia 4 数据 “Jumps on enemies, dealing Area Damage and stunning up to 9 enemy Troops. Locked in an eternal battle with Knight for the best mustache.”

The Electro Spirit card is unlocked from the Electro Valley (Arena 11). It is a single-target, low-ranged ground troop with low hitpoints and damage. Its physical appearance is similar to an Ice Spirit, but its body is purple and it has a bright blue mustache. If it jumps onto a unit, its attack will arc and strike up to 8 other targets within 4 tiles of each other. An Electro Spirit card costs 1 Elixir to deploy.

Strategy[] If it crosses the bridge at full health, the player can deploy a unit between their Princess Tower and King's Tower to force a King's Tower activation for minimal tower damage. Since it can chain onto more units in one attack than the Electro Dragon, small swarms like Skeletons can also function as a link to the player's King's Tower. As a result, the player should avoid using the Electro Spirit in decks where a King's Tower activation greatly hampers the effectiveness of future attacks, such as a Graveyard deck. Use this fact and deploy it only when the opponent is low on Elixir, or if it is countered by Troops. Its increased chain count, chain range, and lower cost in comparison to the Electro Dragon makes it notably more difficult to nullify for a good trade. The Electro Spirit can stun and force most, if not all troops in a push to retarget, simply by deploying it from a short distance so that it can jump on the frontmost unit. It is important to note that the Electro Spirit does slightly less damage per hit than the Ice Spirit. For example, when used in tandem with a Dart Goblin, the Electro Spirit is incapable of dropping the health of Minions to the point where the Dart Goblin can one-shot them, whereas the Ice Spirit is able to do so. The Electro Spirit can counter most swarms with the help of a Princess Tower, when placed to pull the swarm off to a side before stunning them. This does not work very well versus the Minion Horde, as the Princess Tower must still shoot each Minion twice to defeat them, and since there are 5 of them, this equates to 10 shots to defeat the entire Horde. This is not fast enough to prevent some Minions from swiping at the tower. When combined with a Zap or Giant Snowball, the Electro Spirit can allow the spell to one-shot all swarms besides Barbarians. This is especially useful on offense, as it will allow for the player's push to continue for a good trade, and the Electro Spirit is almost guaranteed to hit each swarm unit with its chain attack. In the same principle, it can be used with a Fireball to effectively put troops like a Musketeer or a Wizard into a hitpoint range where the spell can one-shot them. The Log or a Barbarian Barrel are the cheapest methods of countering an Electro Spirit that is being tanked for by something else, as they can both one-shot it. When attacking, the Electro Spirit should generally not be played behind the push when these cards are in hand, as it will result in a waste of 1 Elixir. However, the player may want to do this to bait the spell, which can allow them to more effectively use other cards, such as a Goblin Barrel (which is weak to the aforementioned spells). Pairing the Fire Spirit with Electro Spirit is very effective, as they both cost 1 Elixir, which will only use a total of 2 Elixir. This combination can take out units such as Princess, Minions, Archers, Bomber, Firecracker and can even completely stop a Goblin Barrel with the help of the Princess Tower. This combo can help a lot decks which try to bait The Log or Arrows, since the combo is very effective against swarms. It is also good on the offensive side, having more damage potential than The Log and can hit air. The player should make sure to deploy the Spirits a short distance from their targets to ensure they can finish deploying and attack successfully. History[] The Electro Spirit was made available before its general release on 2/11/20 as part of a Restricted Card Challenge, which started on 14/10/20. Players who achieved at least 7 wins in the Challenge would receive an Electro Spirit card as a one-time reward. On 27/10/21, the 2021 Quarter 3 Update added the level 14 Electro Spirit. Trivia[] The description is inaccurate as Electro Spirit does not inflict area damage - it likely refers to the massive count of the multi-hit chain lightning mechanic. The other units that can deal damage to multiple units with one attack without an area damage radius are the Hunter, the Firecracker the Electro Dragon, and the Electro Wizard. The Electro Spirit is 1 of 9 cards to be associated with electricity, the others being Zap, Tesla, Zappies, Electro Dragon, Lightning, Electro Giant, Electro Wizard, and Sparky. It is the spirit-related card to have the lowest damage out of all spirit cards. It is the only card in the game to not receive any balance changes. It is 1 of 5 troops to be defeated as a part of their attack, the other four being the Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, Heal Spirit, and the Wall Breakers. It is the fourth card to cost only 1 Elixir, the others being Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, and Heal Spirit. 数据 RageSpell SlowIcon 花费Elixir 眩晕持续时间Freeze 移动速度Speed 部署时间Deploy Time 射程Range 目标Targets 数量Troop Count 行进方式Transport 类型Type 稀有度Rarity 1 0.5秒 极快(120) 1秒 2.5 空中和地面目标 x1 地面 军队 普通 等级Level 生命值Hitpoint 伤害Damage 1 90 39 x9 2 99 42 x9 3 108 47 x9 4 119 51 x9 5 131 56 x9 6 144 62 x9 7 158 68 x9 8 173 75 x9 9 190 82 x9 10 209 90 x9 11 230 99 x9 12 252 109 x9 13 278 120 x9 14 305 132 x9 百科导航 卡牌 综合 关于卡牌 • 卡牌总览 • 出战卡组 • 实用工具(英语) 军队卡牌 普通 亡灵 • 弓箭手 • 骑士 • 哥布林投矛手 • 哥布林 • 炸弹兵 • 骷髅兵 • 野蛮人 • 骷髅飞龙 • 烈焰精灵 • 蝙蝠 • 皇家卫队 • 皇家巨人 • 冰雪精灵 • 哥布林团伙 • 野蛮人精锐 • 亡灵大军 • 雷电精灵 • 骷髅气球 • 绿林团伙 • 烟花炮手 稀有 迷你皮卡 • 火枪手 • 巨人 • 瓦基丽武神 • 重甲亡灵 • 野蛮人攻城槌 • 法师 • 野猪骑士 • 飞行器 • 皇家野猪 • 三个火枪手 • 戈仑冰人 • 吹箭哥布林 • 电击车小队 • 治疗精灵 • 圣水戈仑 • 战斗天使 史诗 飞龙宝宝 • 骷髅军团 • 骷髅巨人 • 皮卡超人 • 攻城炸弹人 • 女巫 • 气球兵 • 黑暗王子 • 王子 • 哥布林巨人 • 猎人 • 戈仑石人 • 雷电飞龙 • 雷电巨人 • 骷髅守卫 • 巨石投手 • 飞斧屠夫 • 加农炮战车 传奇 掘地矿工 • 公主 • 超级骑士 • 寒冰法师 • 地狱飞龙 • 蛮羊骑士 • 熔岩猎犬 • 闪电法师 • 电磁炮 • 皇家幽灵 • 神箭游侠 • 幻影刺客 • 暗夜女巫 • 狂暴樵夫 • 女巫婆婆 • 渔夫 英雄 弓箭女皇 • 黄金圣骑 • 骷髅帝王 法术卡牌 普通 万箭齐发 • 电击法术 • 大雪球 • 皇家速递 稀有 火球 • 火箭 • 地震法术 • 治疗法术 史诗 野蛮人滚桶 • 哥布林飞桶 • 雷电法术 • 冰冻法术 • 伤害药水法术 • 镜像法术 • 狂暴法术 • 克隆法术 • 飓风法术 传奇 滚木 • 骷髅召唤 建筑卡牌 普通 加农炮 • 迫击炮 • 特斯拉电磁塔 稀有 哥布林牢笼 • 骷髅墓碑 • 地狱之塔 • 哥布林小屋 • 烈焰熔炉 • 炸弹塔 • 圣水收集器 • 野蛮人小屋 史诗 十字连弩 • 哥布林钻机 对战 基础 对战基础 • 卡牌 • 圣水 • 竞技场 • 活动 模式 训练营 • 锦标赛(特别活动挑战) • 2v2 • 达阵 • 金库攻防 皇家塔 国王塔 • 公主塔 游戏 基础 宝箱 • 奖杯 • 经验值 • 电子竞技 社交 部落 • 部落战 • 好友 • 友谊战 • 换卡币 • 表情 • 简写 • 部落宝箱 • 部落战1 货币 金币 • 宝石 • 星级点数 • 魔法物品 功能 商店 • 皇室令牌 • 玩家个人资料 • 皇室TV • 载入界面提示 • 通知 • 音乐 • 成就 • 任务




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