
您所在的位置:网站首页 白搭用成语怎么说出来 “百搭”用英文怎么说?


2024-06-16 00:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在生活中,每个女性朋友对于衣服百搭是非常关心的, 这样在买衣服的时候就会做出不同的选择。 所谓百搭,就是指衣服的颜色方面、 款式方面都可以相互搭配, 穿起来自然美观, 不会让人感觉怪异。 那么你知道”百搭“用英语怎么说? 一起来学习下吧! 百搭 go with everything (1) go除了表示“走,去”,还表示“

(颜色、味道、风格等)相配,相称” 英语解释为if colors, tastes, styles ets go,

they look, taste etc good together。 (2) go with sth. “和……搭,和……配” (3) go with everything “百搭,搭什么都好看,

与任何东西都相配” 例 Despite their four-inch heel,

the 'go with everything' shoes are comfortable. 尽管这双“百搭”的鞋子跟高有10厘米,

但穿起来很舒服。 There were many things Gabrielle Solis knew for certain.

She knew red was her color.

She knew diamonds went with everything. 加布丽尔•索利斯对许多事都确信无疑,

她确信红色最衬她,她确信钻石是百搭。 for certain “确定,无疑” Monica: Wait. He pooped in my shoe? Which one? 等等,他在我的鞋里大便?哪个? Rachel: I don't know. The left one. 我不知道。左脚。 Monica: Which ones? 是哪一双? Rachel: Those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything. 那双你觉得百搭的厚底门诺鞋。《老友记》

穿着讲究  a great dresser

(1) dress作动词,表示“(给……)穿衣服;穿某种衣服” (2) a great dresser “穿着讲究的人,穿着得体的人” (3) a fashionable/stylish dresser “穿着时尚的人” 例 A: Well, he's a great dresser, a great dancer. 你看,他穿着很讲究,跳舞也很好。 B: That doesn't prove anything. 那些不能证明什么。 He is a great dresser. He has good taste in clothes. 他穿着讲究,衣品很好。 Her mother is classy and a fashionable dresser. 她妈妈很有气质,衣着时尚。




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