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2024-01-17 23:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


高鹏永, 石必明, 张雷林, 薛创, 钟珍, 刘义

(安徽理工大学 安全科学与工程学院, 安徽 淮南 232001)

摘要:为研究水分含量对煤燃烧特性的影响,以朱集西煤矿烟煤为研究对象,利用锥形量热仪测试了不同含水率煤样点燃时间、热释放速率、总热释放量、烟气生成速率、总烟释放量、CO生成速率等参数,并分析了煤样燃烧效率。实验结果表明:① 煤样点燃时间随着含水率增大先减少后增加,煤样点燃时间从长到短对应的含水率排序为17.82%>13.82%>1.82%>5.82%>9.82%;煤样热释放速率峰值随含水率增大先减小后增大再减小,煤样热释放速率峰值从大到小对应的含水率排序为9.82%>1.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%;煤样总热释放量、烟气生成率和总烟释放量随含水率增大先减小后增大再减小,其从大到小对应的含水率排序为1.82%>9.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%;在燃烧后期,含水率5.82%的煤样CO生成速率最低,含水率17.82%的煤样CO生成速率最高,高水分含量会增大CO产率;煤样燃烧效率从大到小对应的含水率排序为9.82%>5.82%>1.82%>13.82%>17.82%。② 适当的水分含量可提高煤的燃烧性能,应选择含水率为5.82%~9.82%的煤,可缩短煤点燃时间,减小烟气生成率、总烟释放量和CO生成速率,提高热释放速率和燃烧效率。

关键词:煤自燃; 燃烧特性; 含水率; 点燃时间; 热释放速率; 总热释放量; 烟气生成速率; 总烟释放量; CO生成速率; 燃烧效率

0 引言


1 实验方法 1.1 煤样制备

实验煤样取自中安联合煤化有限责任公司朱集西煤矿11502综采工作面,煤种为中等变质程度的烟煤,其工业分析结果见表1。将剥去氧化层的新鲜煤块用研磨机和筛煤机在N2气氛中进行破碎并筛分出粒径为0.10~0.15,0.15~0.20,0.20~0.30 mm的煤样,密封保存。选取3种不同粒径煤样各20 g,制成5组(每组60 g)混合煤样,将混合煤样在真空干燥箱内干燥24 h后,用透明喷壶均匀喷洒蒸馏水到煤样中,添加水分后的煤样放入密封袋中抽掉空气,放置在阴冷环境中7 d,使得煤体孔隙和裂隙中充分浸入水分,制成含水率分别为5.82%,9.82%,13.82%,17.82%的煤样。

表1 煤样工业分析结果

Table 1 Industrial analysis results of coal samples %


1.2 实验过程

实验仪器预热并调试完成后,待锥形加热器加热到所需温度,将称量好的60 g煤样均匀平铺在放有铝箔纸的样品槽(长×宽×高为100 mm×100 mm×10 mm)中,然后将样品槽置于燃烧支架上方进行实验。实验条件:室温为20 ℃,相对湿度为40%,热辐射强度为45 kW/m2。煤样燃烧过程分为热解、燃烧和红热3个阶段,如图1所示。在热解阶段,煤中的水分和挥发物析出,煤样表面出现白色烟雾及微量黑烟,同时有闪燃的现象出现;在燃烧阶段,煤中挥发物和固定碳燃烧,煤样表面出现明亮火焰;在红热阶段,煤中少量的固定碳燃烧,煤样表面出现微量白烟,无明显的明亮火焰。

(a) 热解阶段

(b) 燃烧阶段

(c) 红热阶段

图1 不同阶段煤样燃烧现象

Fig.1 Combustion phenomena of coal samples at different stages

2 实验结果与分析 2.1 点燃时间


表2 不同含水率煤样点燃时间

Table 2 Ignition time of coal samples with different moisture content


2.2 热释放速率和总热释放量

热释放速率是指在一定的热辐射强度下,单位面积煤样燃烧所释放热量的速率,其峰值可表征煤燃烧时的最大热释放程度[13]。不同含水率煤样热释放速率如图2所示。可看出不同含水率煤样热释放速率变化趋势基本相似,经短暂波动后迅速达到峰值再逐渐下降,最终趋于稳定;煤样热释放速率峰值随含水率增大先减小后增大再减小,煤样热释放速率峰值从大到小对应的含水率排序为9.82%>1.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%;当含水率大于9.82%时,煤样水分含量越高,热释放速率峰值越小且下降越明显;1.82%,5.82%,9.82%,13.82%,17.82%含水率的煤样热释放速率达到峰值的时间分别为40,30,25,45,130 s,煤样在点燃的瞬间其热释放速率达到峰值,其中含水率17.82%的煤样热释放速率达到峰值的时间较长。

图2 不同含水率煤样热释放速率

Fig.2 Heat release rate of coal samples with different moisture content


图3 不同含水率煤样总热释放量

Fig.3 Total heat release of coal samples with different moisture content

2.3 烟气生成速率和总烟释放量


图4 不同含水率煤样烟气生成速率

Fig.4 Flue gas generation rate of coal samples with different moisture content


图5 不同含水率煤样总烟释放量

Fig.5 Total smoke release of coal samples with different moisture content

2.4 CO生成速率


图6 不同含水率煤样CO生成速率

Fig.6 CO generation rate of coal samples with different moisture content

3 煤样燃烧效率评价








图7 不同含水率煤样火灾性能指数和火灾增长指数

Fig.7 Fire performance index and fire growth index of coal samples with different moisture content

4 结论

(1) 煤样点燃时间随着含水率增大先减少后增加,煤样点燃时间从长到短对应的含水率排序为17.82%>13.82%>1.82%>5.82%>9.82%;煤样热释放速率峰值随含水率增大先减小后增大再减小,煤样热释放速率峰值从大到小对应的含水率排序为9.82%>1.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%;煤样总热释放量、烟气生成率和总烟释放量随含水率增大先减小后增大再减小,其从大到小对应的含水率排序为1.82%>9.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%;在燃烧后期,含水率5.82%的煤样CO生成速率最低,含水率17.82%的煤样CO生成速率最高,高水分含量会增大CO产率;煤样燃烧效率从大到小对应的含水率排序为9.82%>5.82%>1.82%>13.82%>17.82%。

(2) 适当的水分含量可提高煤的燃烧性能,应选择含水率为5.82%~9.82%的煤,可缩短煤点燃时间,减小烟气生成率、总烟释放量和CO生成速率,提高热释放速率和燃烧效率。


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Combustion characteristics experiments of coal with different moisture content

GAO Pengyong, SHI Biming, ZHANG Leilin, XUE Chuang, ZHONG Zhen, LIU Yi

(School of Safety Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China)

Abstract:In order to study the effect of moisture content on the combustion characteristics of coal, taking the bituminous coal from Zhujixi Coal Mine as the research object, the method uses cone calorimeter to test the parameters of ignition time, heat release rate, total heat release, smoke generation rate, total smoke release and CO generation rate of coal samples with different moisture content and analyzes the combustion efficiency of coal samples. The experimental results show the following points. ① The ignition time of coal samples decreases first and then increases with the increase of moisture content. The order of moisture content of coal samples corresponding to ignition time from long to short is 17.82%>13.82%>1.82%>5.82%>9.82%. The peak heat release rate of the coal sample decreases first, then increases and then decreases with the increase of water content. The order of moisture content of coal samples corresponding to peak heat release rate from large to small is 9.82%>1.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%. The total heat release, smoke generation rate, and total smoke release of coal samples decrease first, then increase and then decrease with the increase of water content. The order of the moisture content of coal samples corresponding to the total heat release, smoke generation rate, and total smoke release from large to small is 1.82%>9.82%>5.82%>13.82%>17.82%. In the late stage of combustion process, the coal sample with 5.82% moisture content has the lowest CO generation rate, and the coal sample with 17.82% moisture content has the highest CO generation rate. The high moisture content will increase the CO yield. The order of the moisture content of coal samples corresponding to the combustion efficiency from high to low is 9.82%>5.82%>1.82%>13.82%>17.82%. ② Appropriate moisture content can improve the combustion performance of coal. It is suggested to choose the coal with moisture content of 5.82% to 9.82% so as to shorten the coal ignition time, reduce the smoke generation rate, total smoke release and CO generation rate, and improve the heat release rate and combustion efficiency.

Key words:coal spontaneous combustion; combustion characteristics; moisture content; ignition time; heat release rate; total heat release; smoke generation rate; total smoke release; CO generation rate; combustion efficiency










作者简介:高鹏永(1995-),女,山西吕梁人,硕士研究生,研究方向为火灾防治理论与技术,E-mail:[email protected]


GAO Pengyong,SHI Biming,ZHANG Leilin,et al.Combustion characteristics experiments of coal with different moisture content[J].Industry and Mine Automation,2021,47(7):120-124.




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