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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 点 dot   point   light (a fire)   o'clock   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 dot n (symbol: .)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   SCSimplified Chinese 圆点 diǎn,yuán diǎn  Ben put a line of dots along the boundary on the map.  本在地图的边上画了一列圆点。 blotch n (spot, stain)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   SCSimplified Chinese 污点 diǎn,wū diǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 污斑 diǎn,wū bān  The mustard left a blotch in the middle of my tie. order sth vtr (request) (饭菜酒水等)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   SCSimplified Chinese 要 TCTraditional Chinese 要   SCSimplified Chinese 请求 diǎn,qǐng qiú TCTraditional Chinese 請求  We should order another bottle of wine.  我们该再要一瓶酒。 pip n (dice, etc.: spot, dot) (骰子)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點  The six pips on the dice meant that Lisa won the game. pt, pt. n abbreviation (point)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   SCSimplified Chinese 分数 diǎn,fēn shù TCTraditional Chinese 分數   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 point n UK (dot)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   SCSimplified Chinese 圆点 diǎn,yuán diǎn  Finally, the travellers saw a point of light in the distance.  最终,游客们远远地看到了一个光点。 point n (degree, level)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   SCSimplified Chinese 度数 diǎn,dù shù TCTraditional Chinese 度數  The water reached boiling point.  水达到了沸点。 point n (finance: index measure) (金融指数)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點  The Dow Jones lost thirty-two points today.  道琼斯指数今天下跌了32个点。 point n (printing: 1/72 inch)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點   (印刷字体尺寸)SCSimplified Chinese 磅值 diǎn,bàng zhí  The main text should be twelve point; titles should be sixteen point.  正文应该用12磅值,标题应该用16磅值。 dot n (Morse code) (摩斯电码)SCSimplified Chinese 点 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點  Morse code for "SOS" is dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 复合形式:英语中文 a quarter till sth, a quarter 'til sth (US), a quarter to sth, quarter to sth (UK) expr (15 minutes before the hour)SCSimplified Chinese 差十五分钟到…(点)  I'll meet you at a quarter till one... in the afternoon, of course. at prep (time) (时间)SCSimplified Chinese 在…时刻,在…点 zài … shí kè,zài … diǎn  The train leaves at nine o'clock.  火车9点发车。 autumnal equinox n (first day of the fall season)SCSimplified Chinese 秋分(点) qiū fēn diǎn blob n (globule: of liquid) (液体)SCSimplified Chinese (一)滴,(一)点 yì dī,yì diǎn  Squeeze a blob of shampoo onto your head and work it in. nod sth vtr (head: move up and down)SCSimplified Chinese 上下摇晃(脑袋)   SCSimplified Chinese 点(头)  He nodded his head in affirmation.  他点头表示肯定。 on the dot of sth expr informal (time: precisely at)SCSimplified Chinese 准时在...点   SCSimplified Chinese ...准点  The garage promised my car would be ready by 4 pm and they rang me on the dot of 4 to confirm that I could pick it up. point n (mathematics: decimal point) (数学)SCSimplified Chinese 点,小数点 diǎn,xiǎo shù diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點,小數點  The value of pi is about three point one four.  圆周率的近似值是3.14。 point n (finance: hundredth of a cent) (金融,汇率)SCSimplified Chinese 基点,点 jī diǎn,diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 基點,點  The dollar fell by eighty points against the yen.  美元兑日元下跌了80个点。 send out for sth vtr phrasal insep (food: order to be delivered) (如点餐)SCSimplified Chinese 点,订 diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 點,訂 vernal equinox n (point when sun is across equator)SCSimplified Chinese 春分(点) chūn fēn diǎn  The vernal equinox occurs each March and heralds the arrival of Spring.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 点(點) diǎnI 名 1 (=时间单位) o'clock 早上8点(點) zǎoshang bā diǎn eight o'clock in the morning 他早上8点(點)上课(課)。 Tā zǎoshang bā diǎn shàngkè. He starts class at eight o'clock in the morning.2 (=钟点) 到点(點)了。 Dào diǎn le. It's time. 到点(點)了,该(該)开(開)会(會)了。 Dào diǎn le,gāi kāihuì le. It's time for the meeting.3 (=小滴液体) drop 雨点(點) yǔdiǎn raindrops (pl )4 (=痕迹) stain 油点(點)儿(兒) yóudiǎnr oil stain5 (指字、画) dot 6 (指几何) point 两(兩)点(點)之间(間),直线(線)最短。 Liǎng diǎn zhī jiān,zhíxiàn zuì duǎn. Between two points, a straight line is the shortest.7 (=小数点) decimal point 五点(點)六 wǔ diǎn liù five point six8 (=标志) point 终(終)点(點) zhōngdiǎn end point 沸点(點) fèidiǎn boiling point9 (=方面) point 优(優)点(點) yōudiǎn strong point 重点(點) zhòngdiǎn focal point 从(從)这(這)点(點)看,他是对(對)的。 Cóng zhè diǎn kàn,tā shì duì de.From this point of view he is right. 我对(對)这(這)点(點)毫不怀(懷)疑。 Wǒ duì zhè diǎn háo bù huáiyí.I have no doubts about that.II 动 1 (=画点) make a dot 2 [+ 头] nod 点(點)头(頭) diǎntóu nod one's head3 [+ 药水等] apply 点(點)眼药(藥) diǎn yǎnyào apply eye drops4 (=查对) check 点(點)名 diǎnmíng call the register5 (=指定) select 点(點)菜 diǎncài order food6 [+ 灯、火、烟等] light; (pt, pp lit) 点(點)烟(菸) diǎnyān light a cigarette7 (=点缀) decorate 客厅(廳)里(裡)点(點)缀(綴)着(著)彩灯(燈)。 Kètīng li diǎnzhuìzhe cǎidēng. The sitting room is decorated with coloured lights.8 (=启发) hint 老师(師)一点(點)他就明白了。 Lǎoshī yī diǎn tā jiù míngbai le. He quickly took the teacher's hint. III 量 1 (=少量) a little 有一点(點)问(問)题(題)。 Yǒu yīdiǎn wèntí. There is a bit of a problem. 她会(會)说(說)一点(點)日语(語)。 Tā huì shuō yīdiǎn Rìyǔ. She can speak a little Japanese. 请(請)给(給)我一点(點)糖。 Qǐng gěi wǒ yīdiǎn táng.Could you give me some sugar?2 (=事项) item 议(議)事日程上有6点(點)。 Yìshì rìchéng shang yǒu liù diǎn. There are six items on the agenda. 领(領)导(導)的讲(講)话(話)主要有3点(點)。 Lǐngdǎo de jiǎnghuà zhǔyào yǒu sān diǎn. There are three main points in the leader's speech. 我们(們)有4点(點)建议(議)。 Wǒmen yǒu sì diǎn jiànyì.We have four recommendations. 点(點)拨(撥)  diǎnbo 动 instruct 点(點)滴  diǎndī 名 bit 丰(豐)富的知识(識)是点(點)点(點)滴滴积(積)累成的。 Fēngfù de zhīshi shì diǎndiǎn dīdī jīlěi chéng de. In-depth knowledge is accumulated bit by bit. 点(點)击(擊)  diǎnjī 动 click 点(點)题(題)  diǎntí 动 set the theme; (pt, pp set) 这(這)段的第一句点(點)了题(題)。 Zhè duàn de dìyī jù diǎnle tí. The first sentence of this section sets the theme. 点(點)头(頭)  diǎntóu 动 nod 点(點)头(頭)哈腰  diǎn tóu hā yāo bow and scrape 点(點)心  diǎnxin 名 snack 点(點)缀(綴)  diǎnzhuì 动 decorate 点(點)子  diǎnzi 名 1 (=关键部分) key point 2 (=主意) idea

标题中含有单词 '点' 的论坛讨论:

2006夏 跟老爷看了一点 Cantonese: a little (一点?少少?) Cantonese: 请你挪过去一点好吗? Pronunciation: 一点 Pronunciation: 一点儿(點兒) 一点(儿) 一点也不为过 一点儿 / 一些 一点儿 / 一点 / 点 一点儿+noun 一点儿不摸门儿 一点儿高兴都没有 一点都不 七点多了 上周五下午3点多 下了带字幕的看,发现一点疏忽的地方 两点过一分 两者较早的时间点 交汇点 交通黑点 今年都一点儿雪也没有。 商店里一个面包也没有。 他鬼点子那么多 任何物理性质的攻击对你造成的伤害都降低25点,若该次攻击伤害不足25点,那么会强制扣除1点生命值。 优先股试点 优秀的设计及特点令到支架在有限的空间仍容易安装 你别光顾着和我说话,刚才差点追尾了! 你可不可以坐过去一点,我这里有点挤 你可认真点儿读书 你平均每天几点睡 / 你每天平均几点睡 你要(点儿)什么? 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "点" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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