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2024-07-06 08:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265













第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




The Tanzania Conference

The Tanzania Conference will be held in order to create direct communication between the conservation (保护) workers. It is sponsored by the Rufford Small Grants (RSG), a group that funds nature conservation projects across the developing world.

This conference, chaired by Hudson Laizer, will bring 49 people from 7 countries.

Two rounds of Experience Sharing Presentations will be held, each consisting of 4 speeches.

Feature Presentations:

◆ Lucas Kwiyega, Tanzania

His presentation will focus on his second RSG project of taking new measures to prevent illegal killing of lions in Western Tanzania.

◆ Tutilo Mudumba, Uganda

He will talk about how he uses the RSG to collect animal traps and makes these wires into marketable goods.

◆ Daniel Niyonsaba, Rwanda

He will share his third RSG research project findings which focus on why the elephants are dying out in National Park of Rwanda.

◆ Evarastus Obura, Kenya

He will present his project entitled “Understanding the decline of threatened antelopes: using barcoding(条形码)to measure the impact of damaged wetland”.

1. What is the aim of the conference?

A. To raise money.      B. To set up a project.

C. To connect conservationists.    D. To look for conservationists.

2. How many presentations will be held?

A.8.  B.4.   C.49.  D.7.

3. Who will talk about the causes of the elephant's extinction?

A. Mr. Kwiyega.     B. Mr. Mudumba.

C. Mr. Niyonsaba.    D. Mr. Obura.



Our school owned a boat named Jolie Brise. It was one of the most famous tall ships in the world and three times winner of the Fastnet Race. The boat was unusual: especially for a remote grammar school in Wiltshire, about as far away from the sea as it can get in England. Obviously, such a site didn't match its fame.

Mr Parish had originally intended to join the Royal Navy but ended up as a teacher at our school. Some pupils guessed that he still felt the call of the ocean - perhaps because his lessons were almost entirely devoted to navigation (航海). They argued that it was deeply unfair to learn about navigation but never actually go to sea. Then Mr. Parish, seeing a bunch of young people prepared to crew the boat, allowed them to sail her in rectum for working on the boat. And that was the beginning of the school sailing club.

By the time I arrived, the sailing club had grown. At weekends, we would work on her all day, cleaning and painting her, and collapse into sleeping bags on the floor at night Then came the big day when a school sailing trip was announced. Its destination was Saint-Malo. But it also meant that we had to refit the ship by removing every piece of ballast(压舱物)and replacing the bilge water(底舱污水)before we were allowed to sail.

And I did learn the ropes on that school trip. I learned how to operate a ship in the high waves. I learned the meaning of teamwork and became a better team player. I also learned that the best fish is the one that you have caught and cooked yourself from a boat that you have rebuilt and sailed yourself.

4.What was unusual about the boat Jolie Brise?

A. It was in a perfect condition.    B. Its lawful owner was Mr. Parish.

C. It won glory for the Royal Navy.   D. Its location wasn't as famous as it was.

5.Why was the sailing club set up?

A. The crew were selected.     B. The boat needed workers.

C. Mr. Parish tried to explore the sea.   D. Students asked to practice navigation.

6.What finally made the school sailing trip possible?

A. The club's permission.     B. Mr. Parish's sailing experience.

C. The students' preparing the ship for it.  D. The school's offering financial support.

7.What does the underlined phrase “learn the ropes” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Learn to cook.      B. Master useful skills.

C. Ensure sailing safety.     D. Use ropes properly.



Real financial security and freedom is not in our job but in our passion. It's easy to decline and evaluate a man by his pursuit. Joseph Campbell once said, “Follow your dream and the universe will open doors where there are only walls.”

In life, we'll always be found doing any of these two things: either making a living or making a difference. Pensions (养老金) and salaries stop many from pursuing excellence while passion unlocks hidden potentials that equip us for challenges and opportunities. A job helps us make a living while passion enables us to make a difference.

I want to sincerely help to adjust and clarify the misguided belief among workers that a job is a means of livelihood. Rather, it should be a means to fuel our passion. The earlier you realize this basic truth of life, the more clearly you'll be able to position yourself in living a life of impact and value.

The success of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) shows how meaningful it is to pursue your passion instead of your pension. Its founder, Colonel Harland Sanders, didn't realize this until he was given his first social security check of 105 dollars. But he decided that there surely was something to do for himself and other people instead of living on that small pension. He was determined to engage himself in what brought him impact and value. Drawing inspiration from his mother's special recipe for fried chicken, he invented “finger-licking” seasoning with elevenspices and herbs. Despite much rejection, he managed to round up some investors and promote company's rapid expansion to more than 6,000 locations. Sanders' life pointed towards two facts about making a difference: one, there is no age that is too old to make a difference; two, there is nothing too small or insignificant to make a difference with, as long as it is your passion.

8. How does the author support his argument in paragraph 2?

A. By listing examples.     B. By showing contrast.

C. By including a quote.     D. By sharing his experience.

9. How did Sanders probably feel when offered his first social security check?

A. Deeply moved.     B. Pleasantly surprised.

C. Greatly relieved.     D. Internally motivated.

10. What does the author suggest we do?

A. Pursue our passion.    B. Get a well-paid job.

C. Secure our position.    D. Get career guidance.

11.What is the best title for this text?

A. Passion or Pension?    B. Following Your Dreams

C. Working for Pension    D. To Work or not to Work?



In a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers at Ohio State University show how artificial intelligence (Al) can follow clinical trials to identify drugs for repurposing, a solution that can help advance innovative treatments.

Repurposing drugs is legal and not unusual. When doctors prescribe (开处方) drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for purposes different from what is printed on the labels, the drugs are being used “off-label.” Just because a drug is DA-approved for a specific type of disease does not prevent it from having possible benefits or other purposes.

For example, Metformin, a drug that is FDA-approved for treating type 2 diabetes, is also used to treat PCOS (a disease of women), and other diseases. Trazodone, an anti-depressant with DA-approval to treat depression, is also prescribed by doctors to help treat patients with sleep issues.

The Ohio State University research team created an AI deep learning model for predicting treatment probability with patient data including the treatment, outcomes, and potential founders(干扰因素).

Confounders are related to the exposure and outcome. For example, a connection is identified between music festivals and increases in skin rashes (红疹).Music festivals do not directly cause skin rashes. In this case, one possible confounding factor between the two may be outdoor heat, as music festivals tend to run outdoors when the temperature is high, and heat is a known cause for rashes. When working with real-world data, confounders could number in the thousands. AI deep learning is well-suited to find patterns in the complexity of potentially thousands of confounders.

The researcher team used confounders including population data and co-prescribed drugs. With this proof-of-concept, now clinicians have a powerful Al tool to rapidly discover new treatments by repurposing existing medications.

12. What do we know about a drug used off-label?

A. It is sold without a label.      B. It is available at a low price.

C. Its uses extend beyond the original ones.   D. Its clinical trials are rejected by doctors.

13. Metformin and Trazodone are similar as both of them ______.

A. are used off-label     B. treat rare diseases

C. result in sleep issues    D. are medical breakthroughs

14. What can be inferred about “confounders”?

A. They are possible treatments.      B. They are environmental factors.

C. They can be easily recognized in real-world data.  D. They should be taken into serious consideration.

15. What is the main idea of the text?

A. AI examines benefits of existing drugs.    B. AI identifies off-label uses for drugs.

C. AI finds new drugs for common diseases.   D. AI proves the power of drug research.


第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

When I decided to leave my home country to pursue a degree in Canada, I hadn't expected that communication would be an issue.   16    I took English lessons in my teens and scored well on English tests.

But soon after my arrival in Canada, I realized how wrong I was. In research discussions, surrounded by native English speakers, I had to be careful. I needed to consciously follow each conversation and translate it to my native language   17    Finally, I tried to find the right English words to communicate that response. Constantly thinking about what I would say next, I had a hard time remaining focused in conversations.

But when I again failed to say exactly what I meant in a meeting a few months later, a simple idea occurred to me.  18    Communicating with my colleagues by e-mail, I had more time to think and comfortably express my thoughts. Over time, this practice helped improve my English significantly.


I decided to remind them that English is not my first language. I asked them to speak more slowly to help me follow the discussions. It was a little awkward to draw attention to what might be seen as a weakness. And at first, the other members of the research team seemed slightly surprised. But the dynamics quickly improved. They seemed to become more aware of how they were speaking, and I felt more comfortable joining in the conversation.   20  


A. Plus, I learned to be open with my colleagues.

B. Why not contribute to the discussion in writing?

C. I had thought I could express myself in English easily.

D. Gradually I grew uncomfortable with oral communication.

E. Then, I had to reflect carefully on it and think of a response.

F. With efforts on both sides, we could overcome language barriers.

G. How can one deny the significance of effective communication?


第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共15小题:每小题1分, 满分15分)

阅读下而短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Jade lives in Australia, a country famous for kangaroos, but not for snow. Yet at 12, she   21    to ski at the North Pole.

Despite the lack of   22    training space, Jade still built her   23    at the gym. She ran with giant tyres attached to her waist to   24    what it was like to pull a sled(雪橇) across ice. By the age of 14, Jade was   25   .

The far north is not a blank carpet of soft snow, but Jade   26    the tough conditions. Even though every part of her body was   27   , she never thought of giving up. In April 2016, Jade made   28   , becoming the youngest person to ski to the North Pole.

When talking about her   29   , she stated that every human body is   30   , whether you are a man or a woman. But when the talk was posted online,some Internet bullies (霸凌者)wrote   31    comments like “Make me a sandwich” to make her feel   32   .

To prove women's place is far beyond the   33   , Jade and her team pushed on to the South Pole and made it. Holding a plate with a sandwich, Jade   34    had her photo taken and posted online. She dared the bullies, “I made you a sandwich. Now   35    37 days and 600 km to the South Pole, and you can eat it.”

21. A. managed  B. decided  C. offered  D. afforded

22. A. authentic  B. large  C. comfortable  D. private

23. A. career  B. confidence  C. strength  D. team

24. A. tell  B. feel  C. remember  D. share

25. A. mature  B. determined  C. available  D. ready

26. A. braved  B. improved  C. predicted  D. identified

27. A. working  B. refusing  C. bleeding  D. aching

28. A. progress  B. promises  C. history  D. efforts

29. A. hobby  B. adventure  C. advantage  D. award

30. A. complex  B. beautiful  C. amazing  D. valuable

31. A. mean  B. kind  C. brief  D. fair

32. A. puzzled  B. small  C. nervous  D. worried

33. A. gym  B. field  C. kitchen  D. office

34. A. unwillingly  B. casually  C. secretly  D. proudly

35. A. ski  B. walk  C. run  D. cycle


第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With a big smile on her face, Gan Youqin chats with her followers in her live-stream (直播) every night, trying    36    (promote) sales of oranges from her hometown, a small village in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. She, together with her teammates,   37    (help) villagers sell nearly 500,000 kilograms of oranges every week.

The 40-year-old woman, who used to be a farmer and housewife, is now admired in her hometown   38    her great success in boosting sales of farm produce.

Gan   39    (know) as one of the pioneers who shares country life and promotes sales of related products online. She was   40    (initial) encouraged by her nephew, who asked Gan to be the main character in his short videos   41    (feature) country life.

As Gan’s fame grew, they began to sell fruit from their family orchard (果园),  42    soon fell short of demand. They then launched an e-commerce company selling various kinds of   43    (agriculture) products from all over the region.

Gan’s company has been   44    great success and Gan has received lots of awards for her   45    (achieve). She is now devoted to shooting videos and live-streaming, but is also planning to offer free training to those who love the industry.


第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)

你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以“特别的寒假”为题, 写一篇短文参赛, 内容包括:







A Unique Winter Holiday


第二节 读后续写(满分25分)

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The football season was almost over. Sally had been playing football all summer. She really enjoyed running around with the other players in her bright orange uniform, chasing the black and white ball across the grassy field. As much as she tried, though, Sally still had not scored one single goal.

Before each game. they had a practice session. The coach showed Sally and her team how to pass the ball to each other and take shots at the goal. Sally was pretty good at passing the ball. but even during practices, she couldn't kick the ball past the goalkeeper. She wondered if she should quit football and join a different club.

“Don’t give up,” said the coach. But it was half-time, and Sally was feeling frustrated(沮丧).She was trying! Every time she got a chance to kick the ball, it would go in the wrong direction or a player from the other team would take control of it. She sipped at her cola and pouted(撅嘴).

The break was over and the referee blew his whistle to start the game again. The two teams walked back onto the field, both determined to win. Sally bent, tied up her shoelace and heard her mother whisper in her ear. “Stay focused. Keep your eyes on the ball. Look for an opportunity to get the ball. You can do it.”

Sally stood up and took a deep breath. Even if she didn't get one goal all summer, she knew that she had tried her best. That was something to be proud of. So she smiled at her mother and headed to her position. The whistle blew, and the game continued.

The score was tied with one goal each. The green team was pretty good, but Sally's orange team was fast. The girls’ ponytails bounced as they ran, with many feet kicking frantically(拼命地) at the ball when it came near them. It was a rather boring game and Sally’s heart was no longer in it.





Sally started daydreaming about joining other school clubs. ___________


Recalling her mother's words, Sally was woken from her daydream. __________





第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)


6-10 CBBDD  11-15 ACADB  16-20 CEBAF


第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)

21-25 BACBD  26-30 ADCBC  31-35 ABCDA


第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

36.to promote  37.helps  38.for 39.is known  40. initially

41.featuring  42.which  43.agricultural  44.a  45.achievement(s)


第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)


A Unique Winter Holiday

My last winter holiday was very unique. I stayed in the local city with my parents instead of going back to my hometown.

Although I couldn't visit my grandparents due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I video chatted with them, sending my new year's wishes. Apart from my daily studies, I helped with cleaning and preparing our family dinner on New Year's Eve. Also I had a great time cycling around the city with my friends.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter where you spend your holiday; what matters is how you spend it.



Sally started daydreaming about joining other school clubs. She could be a member of the hip hop club, which her best friend Tracy kept talking about. She imagined herself dancing on stage of a big auditorium with thousands of people cheering for her. She could also try a different sport, like jogging or cycling. Anyway, football would be her last choice. Just as her mind was wandering, she saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was her mother. “Stay focused. You can do it.”

Recalling her mother's words, Sally was woken from her daydream. At that very moment, her teammate passed the ball to her. She took control of it and dribbled it between her feet, moving forward toward the net of the green team. She passed a few players and was soon positioned right in front of the net. Focused on the ball, she kicked it as hard as she could. The referee blew her whistle. “Goal!”. Sally's team won. Her mom was right. All she had to do was stay focused.




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