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2024-05-14 23:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


发布时间:2018年04月18日 17:19:44 评论 · 2162浏览


1. available:


There are plenty of jobs available in the area. (这个地方有很多工作机会。)

2. vacant: not being done by anyone at the moment and therefore available



The seat was left vacant when the secretary resigned. (这个秘书辞职后,这个岗位就悬空了。)

Our company only has one or two vacant positions at the moment. (我们公司现在只有一两个岗位还要招人。)

When the post became vacant it was offered to Wendy Brooks. (前任一走,温蒂·布鲁克斯就补上去了。)

I found my job through the situations vacant (=help wanted) section of the newspaper. (我通过报纸上的招聘广告找到的工作。)(备注:''help wanted''是美式英语的用法。)

fall vacant (=become vacant)(''fall vacant''常用于英式英语中)

He applied for the job of Eliot's personal secretary, which had just fallen vacant. (艾略特的秘书刚刚辞职,他就应聘做她的秘书。 )

The position will fall vacant next year. (明年这个职位就会空出来了。)

3. vacancy: an available job



There are over 3 million people unemployed and only 400,000 vacancies. (300多万人没工作,却只有40万个就业岗位。)

I'm sorry, but the firm has no vacancies at the moment. (抱歉,公司现在不招人。)

fill a vacancy

School administrators are trying to fill the vacancies before the beginning of the school year. (校领导想在新学期开始前完成招聘工作。)

4. open: a job that is open, especially a job that needs a lot of skill, is still available because it has not yet been given to anyone else


The position is still open. (这个岗位还招人。)

Is that job you told me about last week still open? (你上周跟我说的那份工作现在还招人吗?)

She is running for one of two open seats on the committee. (委员会现有两个职位空缺,她在努力争取。)

open to

The position is open to graduates in any subject. (这个岗位面向所有专业的毕业生招聘。)

come open

When the job finally came open, I was the first to apply. (这个岗位一开始招人,我就应聘了。)

5. opening: n. an available job


I was wondering if there were any job openings at your company. (我想问问你们公司要不要招人?)

We don't currently have any openings. (我们现在不招人。)

We do have an opening for someone with your qualification and experience. (我们正好要招一个像你这样有资历有经验的人。)

fill an opening

We expect to fill the openings through internal promotion. (我们希望提升内部员工来就任这些职位。)

6. unfilled: a job or position that is unfilled is available because an employer has not yet decided who should do it, or cannot find someone suitable for it


The job is still unfilled. (这个岗位还要招人。)

About 13,000 of the unfilled positions are for software engineers. (就业市场上,软件工程师这个职位还有约一万三千个空缺。)

It's hard to understand the unemployment figures when so many jobs go unfilled. (很难理解为什么这么多企业招不到人,同时又有这么多人找不到工作。)


下一篇> 《老爸老妈浪漫史》S01E13学习笔记(1)

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