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2024-07-10 05:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”搭帐篷“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Set up a tent。以下是关于搭帐篷中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Set up a tent

Last summer, Mike and his fends went camping in the National Park. Dung the day, they set up tents on the top of the mountain. They hiked on a path in the park.

They also went fishing by the lake and cght a lot of big fish at night. They all gathered aund the bond fire and had a good time. They told terble stoes.

Finally, Mike and his fends had a good time.




Field svival training the pblem of field svival training is important to us now. Therefore, how to svive in the wild, in case you get lost while hiking in the field, today we are going to do some svival training in the wild. I have bught a compass, a flashlight, a map and a bunch of other things.

We have trekked mountains, thugh deep forests, and finally we come I went to a great place to set up a tent. We lit the fire and found something to cook. We learned how to solve pblems by oselves and how to care for each other.




Last Satday I went to the seaside for an outing with some of my clasates. It took us hos to get there as soon as we got there. We immediately set up a tent, and then we made a fire in the open air to cook.



标签: 英语  中考 




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