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2024-07-14 10:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

目录的英文:catalogtable of contentsdirectory (computer)listcontents

参考例句:Computer generated bibliographic product机制目录There're two catalogues, the author catalogue and the subject catalogue.有两种目录:作者目录和主题目录。The directory service is unavailable.该目录服务不可用。Price;sales catalogue价格;销售目录No default temp directory exists!不存在缺省的临时目录!The directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use.因为目录树在使用中,目录服务未能为删除目录树而将其锁定。Upload (send) a file to this FTP directory把一个文件上载(发送)到此FTP目录The directory service failed to authorize the request.目录服务无法对此请求进行身份验证。He found it in the sear catalog.他在烤焦的目录里发现了它。I shall buy a catalogue.我去买一份目录册。catalog是什么意思:n.(图书、商品等的)目录;目录册,目录簿v. 登记,记载catalog directory目录登记簿 short cataloging简化编目 The new books are being cataloged. 新书正在编目。table是什么意思:n. 桌子;表格;目录adj. 桌子的v. 制表;把...置于桌上;提交;搁置This table tilts. 这张桌子倾斜着。The table was badly charred by a flatiron. 这张桌子被熨斗烧焦。They have already engaged that table.他们已经预订了那张桌子。contents是什么意思:n. 内容;容量;目录;满足v. 使满足adj. 满足的,满意的No man is content人心不知足Content is happiness知足常乐No man is content with his lot无人满意自身的命运和境遇






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