
您所在的位置:网站首页 极坐标绘图用什么函数表示 利用MATLAB绘制极坐标等值线图


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笔者结合几天的学习成果和代码(Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.引用代码为了解释和传播知识,如有侵权请联系笔者删除)为大家详细讲解一下MATLAB实现代码:




口说无凭,太抽象,不好理解,结合这张图,我们就可以更好地理解theta、rho矩阵的含义了,相当于把一个平面每一个格网点的坐标拆解成x和y两个矩阵,还是不明白的可以查看meshgrid函数的帮助文档(命令行窗口中输入help meshgrid),更好地理解一下这个坐标格网的分解关系。当然,这两个矩阵可以用MATLAB自带的ndgrid函数生成(不了解的小伙伴可以在MATLAB命令行窗口中输入help ndgrid查看帮助文档),然后注意z值要与坐标格网中的(theta,rho)数对一一对应。


function hpol = ContourPolar(theta,rho,z,n,maxrho) %ContourPolar Polar coordinate plot. %这个函数可以绘制极坐标等值线图 % modified from POLAR in 2001/01/01 % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 5.17 $ $Date: 1998/09/30 15:25:05 $ %theta 观测方位角 %rho 观测天顶角 %z 反射率值 %n 等值线的条数 %maho 极径的最大值 %输入参数中方位角和天顶角组合成数对,每个数对x坐标为方位角,y坐标为天顶角,theta为数对的x坐标,rho为数对的y坐标,z为每个数对对应的数值 d = 0.5; % axes('Parent',gcf,'position',[0.10 0.10 0.5 0.5]); maxvza = maxrho; if nargin < 4%输入三个参数,默认等值线8条 n = 8; end if nargin < 5%输入四个参数,默认maxrho = max(rho) maxrho = max(rho); end if isstr(theta) | isstr(rho) error('Input arguments must be numeric.'); end if ~isequal(size(theta),size(rho)) error('THETA and RHO must be the same size.'); end 2.生成极坐标等值线图的内核


% get hold state cax = newplot; next = lower(get(cax,'NextPlot'));%结果'replace' hold_state = ishold;%获取当前hold状态 % transform data to Cartesian coordinates.(笛卡尔坐标) delta = maxrho/50; xx = rho.*cos((90-theta)*(pi/180)); yy = rho.*sin((90-theta)*(pi/180)); xi = -maxrho:delta:maxrho; yi = xi; [xi,yi] = meshgrid(xi,yi); zi = griddata(xx,yy,z,xi,yi,'cubic'); [M,c] = contourf(xi,yi,zi,n); % c.LineStyle = '-'; c.LineStyle = 'none'; c.LineWidth = d; % c.LineColor = 'w'; % c.LineWidth = 0.000000000000000000000001; %surf(xi,yi,zi); % axis([-60,60,-60,60,25,40]); %view(0,90); %shading flat; % get x-axis text color so grid is in same color tc = get(cax,'xcolor'); ls = get(cax,'gridlinestyle'); % Hold on to current Text defaults, reset them to the % Axes' font attributes so tick marks use them. fAngle = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle'); fName = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontName'); fSize = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontSize'); fWeight = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontWeight'); fUnits = get(cax, 'DefaultTextUnits'); % set(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle', get(cax, 'FontAngle'), ... % 'DefaultTextFontName', get(cax, 'FontName'), ... % 'DefaultTextFontSize', get(cax, 'FontSize'), ... % 'DefaultTextFontWeight', get(cax, 'FontWeight'), ... % 'DefaultTextUnits','data') % only do grids if hold is off if ~hold_state % make a radial grid hold on; maxrho = max(abs(rho(:))); hhh=plot([-maxrho -maxrho maxrho maxrho],[-maxrho maxrho maxrho -maxrho],'linewidth',d); set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1],'plotboxaspectratiomode','auto') v = [get(cax,'xlim') get(cax,'ylim')]; ticks = sum(get(cax,'ytick')>=0); delete(hhh); % check radial limits and ticks rmin = 0; rmax = v(4); rticks = max(ticks-1,2); if rticks > 5 % see if we can reduce the number if rem(rticks,2) == 0 rticks = rticks/2; elseif rem(rticks,3) == 0 rticks = rticks/3; end end 3.生成外侧同心圆

接下来这一段代码就是绘制我们在图上看到的外侧的一个个同心圆,我们可以修改for i=(rmin+rinc):2*rinc:maxvza,控制同心圆数量和显示的位置,向量中每一个值就是同心圆显示的位置,比如,我画的那张这里i的值就是10:20:70,这里rmin默认是0,rinc默认是10,可以根据需要自行修改。

% define a circle th = 0:pi/50:2*pi; xunit = cos(th); yunit = sin(th); % now really force points on x/y axes to lie on them exactly inds = 1:(length(th)-1)/4:length(th); xunit(inds(2:2:4)) = zeros(2,1); yunit(inds(1:2:5)) = zeros(3,1); % plot background if necessary % if ~isstr(get(cax,'color')), % patch('xdata',xunit*rmax,'ydata',yunit*rmax, ... % 'edgecolor',tc,'facecolor',get(gca,'color'),... % 'handlevisibility','off'); % end % draw radial circles c82 = cos(80*pi/180); s82 = sin(80*pi/180); % rinc = (rmax-rmin)/6;%rticks; 天顶角圆圈个数 % for i=(rmin+rinc):rinc:rmax % hhh = plot(xunit*i,yunit*i,ls,'color',tc,'linewidth',1,... % 'handlevisibility','off'); % % end % set(hhh,'linestyle','-') % Make outer circle solid % for i=(rmin):2*rinc:rmax % % text((i+rinc/20)*c82,(i+rinc/20)*s82, ... % [' \fontsize{15} ' num2str(i)],'verticalalignment','bottom',... % 'handlevisibility','off','Color','r') % end rinc = 10;%(rmax-rmin)/6;%rticks; 天顶角圆圈个数,画径向圆圈%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i=(rmin+rinc):2*rinc:maxvza%可以根据输入的rho修改这里,控制同心圆数量和显示的位置 hhh = plot(xunit*i,yunit*i,'-','color',[.3,0.3 0.3],'linewidth',d,... 'handlevisibility','off'); end hhh = plot(xunit*maxvza,yunit*maxvza,'-','color',[0 0 0],'linewidth',d,... 'handlevisibility','off'); set(hhh,'linestyle','-') % Make outer circle solid 4.标注天顶角


%标注刻度 for i=20:20:80 text((i-10+rinc/20)*c82,(i-10+rinc/20)*s82, ... [' \fontsize{6} ' num2str(i-10)],'verticalalignment','middle',... 'handlevisibility','off','fontname','times new roman','fontweight','bold') end % text((75-10+rinc/20)*c82,(75-10+rinc/20)*s82, ... % [' \fontsize{10} ' num2str(75)],'verticalalignment','bottom',... % 'handlevisibility','off')%,'Color','r' 5.标注方位角和轴


% plot spokes th = (1:6)*2*pi/12; cst = cos(pi/2-th); snt = sin(pi/2-th); cs = [-cst; cst]; sn = [-snt; snt]; plot(rmax*cs,rmax*sn,'-','color',[.3,0.3 0.3],'linewidth',d,... 'handlevisibility','off') % annotate spokes in degrees rt = 1.15*rmax; for i = 1:1:length(th)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% text(rt*cst(i),rt*snt(i),[' \fontsize{8} ' int2str(i*30)],'horizontalalignment','center','handlevisibility','off','fontname','times new roman','fontweight','bold'); if i == length(th) loc = int2str(0); else loc = int2str(180+i*30); end text(-rt*cst(i),-rt*snt(i), [' \fontsize{8} ' loc],'horizontalalignment','center',... 'handlevisibility','off','fontname','times new roman','fontweight','bold') end % set view to 2-D view(2); % set axis limits axis(rmax*[-1.15 1.15 -1.15 1.5]);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end % Reset defaults. set(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle', fAngle , ... 'DefaultTextFontName', fName , ... 'DefaultTextFontSize', fSize, ... 'DefaultTextFontWeight', fWeight, ... 'DefaultTextUnits',fUnits ); % plot data on top of grid if nargout > 0 hpol = q; end if ~hold_state set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1]), axis off; set(cax,'NextPlot',next); end set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'visible','on'); set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'visible','on'); %colormap gray; %pcolor(255,255,255); colormap cool; end



另外,要插入颜色带,可以使用加入colorbar(可以搜索帮助文档help colorbar进行查看),并通过设置对象进行颜色带属性修改。


function hpol = ContourPolar(theta,rho,z,n,maxrho) %ContourPolar Polar coordinate plot. %这个函数可以绘制极坐标等值线图 % modified from POLAR in 2001/01/01 % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 5.17 $ $Date: 1998/09/30 15:25:05 $ %theta 观测方位角 %rho 观测天顶角 %z 反射率值 %n 等值线的条数 %maho 极径的最大值 %输入参数中方位角和天顶角组合成数对,每个数对x坐标为方位角,y坐标为天顶角,theta为数对的x坐标,rho为数对的y坐标,z为每个数对对应的数值 d = 0.5; % axes('Parent',gcf,'position',[0.10 0.10 0.5 0.5]); maxvza = maxrho; if nargin < 4%输入三个参数,默认等值线8条 n = 8; end if nargin < 5%输入四个参数,默认maxrho = max(rho) maxrho = max(rho); end if isstr(theta) | isstr(rho) error('Input arguments must be numeric.'); end if ~isequal(size(theta),size(rho)) error('THETA and RHO must be the same size.'); end % get hold state cax = newplot; next = lower(get(cax,'NextPlot'));%结果'replace' hold_state = ishold;%获取当前hold状态 % transform data to Cartesian coordinates.(笛卡尔坐标) delta = maxrho/50; xx = rho.*cos((90-theta)*(pi/180)); yy = rho.*sin((90-theta)*(pi/180)); xi = -maxrho:delta:maxrho; yi = xi; [xi,yi] = meshgrid(xi,yi); zi = griddata(xx,yy,z,xi,yi,'cubic'); [M,c] = contourf(xi,yi,zi,n); % c.LineStyle = '-'; c.LineStyle = 'none'; c.LineWidth = d; % c.LineColor = 'w'; % c.LineWidth = 0.000000000000000000000001; %surf(xi,yi,zi); % axis([-60,60,-60,60,25,40]); %view(0,90); %shading flat; % get x-axis text color so grid is in same color tc = get(cax,'xcolor'); ls = get(cax,'gridlinestyle'); % Hold on to current Text defaults, reset them to the % Axes' font attributes so tick marks use them. fAngle = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle'); fName = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontName'); fSize = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontSize'); fWeight = get(cax, 'DefaultTextFontWeight'); fUnits = get(cax, 'DefaultTextUnits'); % set(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle', get(cax, 'FontAngle'), ... % 'DefaultTextFontName', get(cax, 'FontName'), ... % 'DefaultTextFontSize', get(cax, 'FontSize'), ... % 'DefaultTextFontWeight', get(cax, 'FontWeight'), ... % 'DefaultTextUnits','data') % only do grids if hold is off if ~hold_state % make a radial grid hold on; maxrho = max(abs(rho(:))); hhh=plot([-maxrho -maxrho maxrho maxrho],[-maxrho maxrho maxrho -maxrho],'linewidth',d); set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1],'plotboxaspectratiomode','auto') v = [get(cax,'xlim') get(cax,'ylim')]; ticks = sum(get(cax,'ytick')>=0); delete(hhh); % check radial limits and ticks rmin = 0; rmax = v(4); rticks = max(ticks-1,2); if rticks > 5 % see if we can reduce the number if rem(rticks,2) == 0 rticks = rticks/2; elseif rem(rticks,3) == 0 rticks = rticks/3; end end % define a circle th = 0:pi/50:2*pi; xunit = cos(th); yunit = sin(th); % now really force points on x/y axes to lie on them exactly inds = 1:(length(th)-1)/4:length(th); xunit(inds(2:2:4)) = zeros(2,1); yunit(inds(1:2:5)) = zeros(3,1); % plot background if necessary % if ~isstr(get(cax,'color')), % patch('xdata',xunit*rmax,'ydata',yunit*rmax, ... % 'edgecolor',tc,'facecolor',get(gca,'color'),... % 'handlevisibility','off'); % end % draw radial circles c82 = cos(80*pi/180); s82 = sin(80*pi/180); % rinc = (rmax-rmin)/6;%rticks; 天顶角圆圈个数 % for i=(rmin+rinc):rinc:rmax % hhh = plot(xunit*i,yunit*i,ls,'color',tc,'linewidth',1,... % 'handlevisibility','off'); % % end % set(hhh,'linestyle','-') % Make outer circle solid % for i=(rmin):2*rinc:rmax % % text((i+rinc/20)*c82,(i+rinc/20)*s82, ... % [' \fontsize{15} ' num2str(i)],'verticalalignment','bottom',... % 'handlevisibility','off','Color','r') % end rinc = 10;%(rmax-rmin)/6;%rticks; 天顶角圆圈个数,画径向圆圈%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i=(rmin+rinc):2*rinc:maxvza hhh = plot(xunit*i,yunit*i,'-','color',[.3,0.3 0.3],'linewidth',d,... 'handlevisibility','off'); end hhh = plot(xunit*maxvza,yunit*maxvza,'-','color',[0 0 0],'linewidth',d,... 'handlevisibility','off'); set(hhh,'linestyle','-') % Make outer circle solid %标注刻度 for i=20:20:80 text((i-10+rinc/20)*c82,(i-10+rinc/20)*s82, ... [' \fontsize{6} ' num2str(i-10)],'verticalalignment','middle',... 'handlevisibility','off','fontname','times new roman','fontweight','bold') end % text((75-10+rinc/20)*c82,(75-10+rinc/20)*s82, ... % [' \fontsize{10} ' num2str(75)],'verticalalignment','bottom',... % 'handlevisibility','off')%,'Color','r' % plot spokes th = (1:6)*2*pi/12; cst = cos(pi/2-th); snt = sin(pi/2-th); cs = [-cst; cst]; sn = [-snt; snt]; plot(rmax*cs,rmax*sn,'-','color',[.3,0.3 0.3],'linewidth',d,... 'handlevisibility','off') % annotate spokes in degrees rt = 1.15*rmax; for i = 1:1:length(th)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% text(rt*cst(i),rt*snt(i),[' \fontsize{8} ' int2str(i*30)],'horizontalalignment','center','handlevisibility','off','fontname','times new roman','fontweight','bold'); if i == length(th) loc = int2str(0); else loc = int2str(180+i*30); end text(-rt*cst(i),-rt*snt(i), [' \fontsize{8} ' loc],'horizontalalignment','center',... 'handlevisibility','off','fontname','times new roman','fontweight','bold') end % set view to 2-D view(2); % set axis limits axis(rmax*[-1.15 1.15 -1.15 1.5]);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end % Reset defaults. set(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle', fAngle , ... 'DefaultTextFontName', fName , ... 'DefaultTextFontSize', fSize, ... 'DefaultTextFontWeight', fWeight, ... 'DefaultTextUnits',fUnits ); % plot data on top of grid if nargout > 0 hpol = q; end if ~hold_state set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1]), axis off; set(cax,'NextPlot',next); end set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'visible','on'); set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'visible','on'); %colormap gray; %pcolor(255,255,255); colormap cool; end







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