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2024-07-08 10:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”龙的介绍“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Introduction to Dragon。以下是关于龙的介绍的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Dragon

The bones of diplodosaurus were found in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. Other large carnivorous dinosaurs would kill diplodosaurus to eat it. The inner ear also provides postural cues, showing that T.

rex's head was in an alert, forward looking position, while diplodosaurus was looking down. It is speculated that diplodosaurus was a giant dinosaur. It's about feet long, its neck is feet long, and its tail is feet long.

The two dragons walked in groups. They walk very slowly. Shuanglong's brain is very small, not smart.






Dragon (Chinese: dragon, in Chinese mythology, is a majestic beast that inhabits rivers, lakes and oceans and wanders in the sky. Originally, it was a god of rain. Unlike its evil European counterparts, as early as the 6th century BC, a dragon made up of dancers still had similar dances in traditional Chinese Society to ensure good luck in the ancient Chinese universe Scientists have defined four kinds of Dragons: Tianlong, which guards the heaven of gods, the dragon of treasure, the dragon of treasure, the dragon of water and spirit, and the dragon of wind and rain.

Only the last two are meaningful. They become Dragon Kings, gods living in the four oceans, bringing rain. The protected sea people are usually described as a quadruped with scales, snake shaped bodies, horns, claws and demons His big eyes and lungs are regarded as the king of animals, and his image is regarded as a sacred symbol of imperial power by the Chinese emperor.




Chinese dragon, or dragon, symbolizes strength and excellence, bravery and bravery, heroism and perseverance, nobility and divinity. One dragon overcomes obstacles until success. He is energetic, decisive, optimistic, intelligent and ambitious.

Unlike the negative energy of Western dragons, most oriental dragons are beautiful, friendly and wise. They are Oriental Angels rather than hated. They are loved and worshipped Temples and shrines have been built to commemorate them because they control rain, rivers, lakes and oceans.

Many Chinese cities have pagodas where people used to burn incense and pray to dragons.



标签: 英语 初中 英文 作文 介绍




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