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#我最仰慕的名人英语作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”我最仰慕的名人“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The celebrity I admire most。以下是关于我最仰慕的名人的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”我最仰慕的名人“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The celebrity I admire most。以下是关于我最仰慕的名人的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The celebrity I admire most

I admire the most people all over the world. David is the one I admire most. Not only because I like football, but also because I am moved by his spirit.

We all know that in the year when he became a criminal in the world cup, the red card almost ended his sports career. But his spirit is so strong that nothing can stop him from working hard, He finally succeeded. He has become one of the most famous football players, which makes me admire him from a criminal to a hero.

He has suffered too much and I need to learn from him.




Every time you turn on the lights, listen to recorded music, or watch a movie, you're enjoying one of Thomas Alva Edison's discoveries. In fact, if you don't take advantage of one of the many important discoveries that he patented in his life, it's very difficult. One day, Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements.

In terms of Telegraph and telephone, he invented the phonograph and brought music to me At home. He designed and built the first indoor electrical lighting system, lighting our home with electricity. Edison's music was recorded before the CD invented by the first gramophone.

You will hear Edison's early recordings played on the old "hand" cylinder and diamond disc model gramophone, and then try to guess the many different uses Edison proposed for this extraordinary invention. Explore the description of Edison in Louisville by transmitting information in Morse code through working telegraph keys The significance of finding telegrams in the boarding room during your life.




Hello, Lisa, I just received your email. You ask me who is my favorite star. I can tell you that my favorite star is Zhu Tingting, a Chinese women's volleyball player.

She is the outside batsman and captain of the Chinese women's Volleyball National team. She once played in Istanbul waksebak club in Turkey, and currently works for Tianjin Bohai Banki. She loves her because she is A great athlete, she has won many medals including Olympic gold medals for China.

What's your favorite star? Please tell me the best, your pen pal Li Hua.



标签: 英语 高二 作文 名人 满分




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