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2024-02-23 03:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,该领域的研究主要包括机器人技术、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理等等。

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that tries to understand the nature of intelligence and to produce  new intelligent machines that can react in a similar way to human brains.The research of artificial intelligence includes: robotics ([rəʊˈbɒtɪks]  机器人技术), speech recognition(语言识别), image recognition(图像识别), natural language processing (自然语言处理)and so on.


例如,阿尔法围棋(Alpha Go)是一款围棋人工智能程序,主要工作原理是“深度学习”,形成神经网络“大脑”进行精准复杂的处理。




1.With the progress of technology, artificial intelligence is no longer an alien  [ˈeɪliən] (陌生的) notion to the public.


2.The technology industry is facing up to the worldshaking ramifications(震撼世界的结果) of artificial intelligence. 


3.Artificial intelligence is taking over many human jobs.


4.Artificial intelligence is embedded in many features of modern life for the simple reason that intelligent machines can already outperform (超越)humans in many aspects.


5.As machines get smarter, they will do more of our thinking for us and make our life easier and more convenient.


6.Artificial intelligence has surpassed(超越) the human brain in terms of speed and accuracy.


7.Artificial intelligence and big-data technology(大数据技术) have been profoundly transforming(改变) the whole world. Companies can develop products and services that improve people’s lives. There are intelligent and automatic machines that can drive your car, translate foreign languages, organize your photos, recommend entertainment options and maybe diagnose your illnesses(诊断疾病). As artificial intelligence is applied in a growing number of areas, it is not new and we live with it all around us.


8.Automatic machines have make our life easier and more convenient; however,  another problem arises at the same time:   in a world run by intelligent machines, will our brains become lazy?


9.Starved of mental effort,  will human brains regress(退化)?


10.As far as I’m concerned, artificial intelligence will never replace human brains, and the challenge of AI, instead, will stimulate (刺激)human brains to be more intelligent and creative.


11. The computer-based artificial intelligence has to depend to humans for maintenance to ensure its survival. It requires the supplies and repairs, thus human brains will keep pace with the advancement of artificial intelligence.


12.Although some tasks are automatic, many others rely on human judgment.


13.There are certain human skills machines will probably never replicate, like common sense, adaptability, initiative  and  creativity.



Artificial Intelligence Will Not Make Human Brains  Regress

with the fast development of science and technology, artificial intelligence is taking over many human jobs and intelligent machines have become indispensible to modern life (人工智能快速发展的现状). Consequently, automatic machines have make our life easier and more convenient; however,  another problem arises at the same time: starved of mental effort, will our brains regress?(转折,提出问题)As far as I’m concerned, the challenge of AI, instead, will stimulate human brains to be more intelligent and creative.(表明中心论点)

As we all know, AI works according to the preestablished programs, but human brains are quite different from the machines. Human beings can take initiative and do things actively. With emotion, imagination and vision, mankind can think and work creatively, so human brains will not regress; on the contrary, they are needed to complete tasks requiring creation and inspiration.(分论点一)


Moreover, when people are free from tedious, repetitive daily routines, they can devote themselves to do more creative thinking and learning, so their intelligence would be enhanced rather than weakened.(分论点二)

Based on the discussion above, we can conclude that our brains will not become lazy even if AI can do many human jobs. No matter how smart automatic machines are, they are made by mankind, so they can never surpass human brains in intelligence.(结论,总结全文,重申中心论点,人脑不会退化)






artificial intelligence, intelligent machines, automatic machines, electronic machines, AI,computer-based machines,AI driven by big-data


human brains will not regress

our brains will not become lazy

our brains will not retrogress


outperform, surpass




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