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2024-07-13 10:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

是的,因为我从不做任何事。Yes, because I never do anything.我甚至都没去坐我赢来的游轮,因为我I didn't even go on the cruise I won because I因为我没有驾照,而且爸爸对太阳过敏。didn't have a license and dad is allergic to the sun.你不能离开爸爸。- 不会有事的。You can't leave dad. - It will be fine.没错 -准备好去玩了吗?That's right. -Ready for fun?准备好了Yes!我们走 来感受魔法吧Let's go! Come and feel the magic.我们在哪儿?Where are we;我们在哪里找到这些衣服的?Where did we find these clothes? -Where did we find the vehicle?我小时候把靴子弄丢了,妈妈不肯再给我买♥♥芭比娃娃。I had lost my boots when I was little and my mother wouldn't buy me another Barbie只为了这双靴子。- 它们为你工作!Only for the boots. - They work for you!谢谢!Thanks!她一直是我最喜欢的芭比娃娃。- 你是我最喜欢的人。She was always my favorite Barbie. - You are my favorite person.别告诉他,我从来没有过肯恩。Don't tell him, but I never had a Ken.因为他完全没有必要。Because he is completely unnecessary.我可没这么说。 妇女担任所有I didn't say that. Women hold all the positions of权力控制金钱,这才是男人真正要做的。power control the money, which is what men actually do.听起来不错 - 看,萨沙,海豚!Sounds nice. - Look, Sasha, dolphins!我离快乐如此之近I am so close to joy我离快乐如此之近I am so close to joy是哪首歌♥Which song is it;我们有了一位女总统,我们整天都在工作、娱乐和女人味中度过。We have a female president and we are all work, fun and femininity all day.你在玩巨手吗?-不,那太疯狂了。Are you playing giant hands? -No, that's crazy.请问,你看到有穿旱冰鞋的女人吗?Excuse me, did you see any women on roller skates?一个金发女郎、一个黑发女郎和一个十几岁的女孩在那边滑冰。A blonde, a brunette and a teenage girl skated over there.没有...No...总是从轮滑鞋开始...It always starts with roller skates...对不起;-他们去了芭比乐园。Sorry; -They went to Barbie Land.不...... -他还带了人来。No... - He also brought people.极端的事情也会发生 -比如什么;Extreme things can happen. -Like what;我们无法想象We could never have imagined.两棵智慧树的播客。A podcast from two wise trees.或者由 2000 名年轻父亲组成的合唱团。Or a choir of 2,000 young fathers.都不行。我们得去芭比乐园。Not even. We have to go to Barbie Land.去找溜冰鞋。朝一个方向跑Go find skates. Run in one direction.我已经感觉到我的脚后跟在踢了!I can already feel my heels kicking up!这就是我必须做的 把你带到这里来This is what I have to do. Bring you here.听起来差不多。Sounds about right.这是...This is...真奇怪Strange.我带了啤酒I brought beers.拿啤酒的是总统The one with the beer is the President拉拉队是最高法♥院♥。and the cheerleaders are the Supreme Court.这比当总统强多了。It's much better than being President.今天有些不对劲。Something is wrong today.你好,芭比Hello, Barbie.很好 你好,肯Good. Hi, Ken!来杯啤酒Have a beer.这孩子渴了The kid is thirsty.总之...Anyway...去哪里看我的梦想家园。那里的一切都会给你灵感。Where to see my Dream Home. Everything there will inspire you.我们又可以换衣服了And we can change clothes again!国会大厦The Capitol!是粉红色的吗?Is it pink? -Pink!这里...And here...这里是梦想家园。我住在这里Here are the Dream Homes. I live here.您可以看到房♥屋内部。You can see inside the houses.每个芭比娃娃都有自己的房♥子吗?Does every Barbie have her own house?真酷 肯恩一家住在哪里?Cool. Where do the Kens live?我不知道。I do not know.一开始我还以为外面都是男人。At first I thought it was dominated by men out there.后来有一段时间,我觉得马占主导地位。Then for a while I thought the horses dominated.后来我意识到,马是人的延伸。Then I realized that horses are extensions of men.我有一个树屋!我攒钱买♥♥的。I had this tree house! I saved up to buy it.我从没见过这样的汽车。这里发生了什么?I've never seen a car like this before. What happened here;从本质上讲,一切存在都是为了提升男性的存在感。In essence, everything exists to enhance the male existence.令人惊叹 -美丽。Amazing. -Beautiful.我知道。- 芭比娃娃来了I know. - Barbie has arrived.肯?Ken?你做了什么what have you done你穿的是什么?What are you wearing;别问我,跟着我走,小家伙。Don't question me, just follow, little one.别叫我小姑娘。-迷你;喜欢这个迷你冰箱吗?Don't call me little girl. -Miniature; Like this mini fridge?不,肯No, Ken.这是我的梦想家园,是我的!It's my Dream Home, it's mine!这不再是你的梦想家园It's Not Your Dream Home Anymore你不需要道场和家。- 还有现金You don't need a dojo and a home. - And cash.但听起来不错。 试试吧。But it sounds nice. Try it.魔道场 -不要说Mojo Dojo. -Don't say it.魔咒道场卡萨之家!Mojo Dojo Casa Home!多奇怪啊?How weird is that?这些魔咒道场之家简直是一飞冲天。These Mojo Dojo Casa Houses literally fly off the shelves.孩子们疯了似的要买♥♥。我们买♥♥了肯的 T 恤、马克杯......The kids are asking for them like crazy. We got Ken t-shirts, mugs...这是最流行的纹身。-不...It is the most popular tattoo. -No...华纳已开始为一部Warner has started auditions for a肯电影的试镜,它已经是一部大♥片♥了。Ken movie and it's already a blockbuster.它发生了。我们没有想到的It happens. What we didn't imagine.如果我们找不到那个写... -秘书If we don't find the one who writes... -Secretary.她,还有她女儿 如果我们不把她们带回来She, along with her daughter. If we don't bring them back关闭传送门,世界将永远改变。to close the portal, the worlds will be changed forever.我们还在乎芭比和肯吗? 钱多的是What do we care about Barbie and Ken? Money flows in abundance.你真无♥耻♥,二号♥执行官。Shame on you, Executive No. 2.我一生都在开会,难道就是为了关心钱吗?Have I spent my whole life in meetings to care about money?不!我所做的一切都是为了小女孩和她们的梦想。No! I did it all for little girls and their dreams.用最不奇怪的方式In the least weird way.我们走快点吧 我们没时间了Let's go faster. We don't have time.听着,我只是在 Dojo Mojo Casa House 喝啤酒。Look, I'm just drinking beers at Dojo Mojo Casa House.肯 - 如果你愿意,可以留下来。Ken! - You can stay if you want.作为新娘,或者作为没有附加条件的异地恋。As a bride or as a long distance relationship with no strings attached.什么;-你觉得呢;What; -What do you think;我们一起喝酒好吗?Shall we drink together?不,我不和你喝酒。No, I won't drink with you.那好吧Very well.你们芭比娃娃不能控制一切,羊毛是我们自己织的。You barbies don't control everything, we make the wool the way we want it.我有帽子I have hats.我饥饿的孩子们在哪里? 谁想吃零食?Where are my hungry boys? Who wants snacks?芭比,很高兴见到你。你能相信这是真的吗?Barbie, nice to see you. Can you believe this is happening?是啊,是不是很棒?Yeah, isn't that great?有人要啤酒吗?Anyone want a beer?你在干什么,你是医生吗?What are you doing; Are you a doctor.我喜欢做一个有用的罐子。I like being a useful pot.艾伦喜欢帮忙做足部按♥摩♥。Alan likes to help with the foot massage.不,我不喜欢。-我们喜欢。No I do not like it. -We love it.我现在很盲目。I am so blind right now.还有我And I.我喜欢什么都不去想。这就像是给心灵做了一次水疗。I like that I don't think about anything. It's like a spa day for the mind.永远Forever.他们怎么了?What happened to them?我们向他们解释了父权制无懈可击的逻辑,他们就崩溃了。We explained to them the infallible logic of patriarchy and they collapsed.这就像 1500 年代的当地人和It's like the 1500s with the locals and the天花,他们毫无招架之力。smallpox, they had no defense against it.系好安全带,亲爱的Yes! Buckle up, love.因为 "芭比之国 "现在变成了 "肯之国"。Because Barbie Country is now Ken Country.就像洛杉矶世纪城一样And it will be like Century City Los Angeles因为世纪城的一切都是完美的。because everything is perfect in Century City.一到这里,你就会想,"真不敢相信这里这么完美!"As soon as you arrive, you're like, "I can't believe how perfect it is here!"不,那里并不是一切都很完美,因为我们让他们失望了!No, not everything is perfect there because we let them down!不,是你们让我失望了No, you let me down!在那里,我是个人物。Out there I was somebody.当我走在街上...And when I was walking down the street...




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