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#英语的本质| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


结构部分1结构是什么结构就是简单句子,是句子中的核心成分。大树长的枝繁叶茂的,结构就是树干。结构就是不加任何修饰的主干。2结构由什么构成。主语,谓语,宾语,补语,系动词,表语3结构有哪些类型。回答:只有5种。主谓。I work........I cry.......I jump......I sit.主谓宾:I love you.主谓双宾:I give her a pen.......I give a pen to her.主谓宾补:I should keep the room clean.(补语就是对宾语的补充。可以用“是”来表示。比如:房间是干净的。主系表:I am a student. She is beautiful.4如何判断这5种句型结构。(1)去掉修饰成分后可以看出来。去掉形容词,副词,介词短语=形容词和副词。去掉从句。(2)去掉时态。搞定修饰。1用什么来修饰。一般用定语,状语来修饰。定语的形式名词、形容词、介词短语。形容词从句动词不定时(to do )、动名词(doing)现在分词(doing)、过去分词(done)状语的形式副词、介词短语副词从句动词不定式(to do)现在分词(doing)、过去分词(done)2能修饰什么定语一般修饰名词。就是主语,宾语,表语。状语一般修饰动词、形容词、或者整个句子。3怎么修饰。首先需要明白的是,汉语结构和英语是一样的,区别就在于修饰部分的顺序。就是说,在没有修饰的时候,和中文是一样的顺序。主谓-----他笑了:he laughed.主系表---他是个老师:he is a teacher.主谓宾---他爱她:he loves her.和中文的差异主要在于修饰时候的顺序问题。他非常爱她。=he very much loves her.(x)=he loves her very much(✓)综上,搞定修饰的位置才是学习英语的关键所在。(1)定语顺序:真定语在前,人造定语在后。也就是单个名词或者形容词,要放在修饰的前面。例如:a beautiful girl;sports meeting运动会(sports是名词)人造定语:一般是介词短语和从句。例如:the bird with the tree(介词短语)an old man who loses his way(从句)----一个迷路的老人。(2)状语顺序,句首状语,句尾状语,句中状语。一般是放在句子前后进行修饰的单句中一般是放在最后。the boy needs a pen very much.男孩非常需要一支钢笔。(very 是状语修饰谓语动词need,表示程度)两个句子的话,放前房后都可以的。if i am not busy tomorrow,i will play football with you.I will play football with you ,if I am not busy tomorrow.当出现两个状语的时候,根据中文语序采用就近原则例如:昨天晚上,我从上海回来了。主干是我来。“从上海”、“回”都是状语,修饰谓语的“来”,其中“回”跟中文语序“来”更近。所以就近原则。Last night,I came back from shanghai.当状语表示为‘否定,频率,程度’的单个副词的时候,要放在句中修饰。(1)一般是放在实义动词的前面I often go to see a film.(2)要放在系动词之后。He is always at home.(3)如果第一个动词是助动词或者情态动词,要放他们后面He has already had his lunch.PS表示频率:seldom,often,always,usually,constantly,normally,ever,regularly,continually,repeatedly.表示否定:not,never,hardly,barely,rarely,scarcely表示程度:quite,well,completely,rather,entirely,greatly,really,almost,only,even,merely,simply,probably,possibly,badly。3搞定时态1什么是时态时态就是一个动作发生的时间和所处的状态。关键点:时态包括了“时间”和“状态”时间可分为:过去,现在,未来状态可以分:一般状态,进行状态,完成状态2有哪些时态,在什么时候应用什么时态。一般过去:did------I played football yesterday.一般现在:do/does-------I often go to library.(表习惯。表真理-----actions speak louder than words.表事实-----I have a book。一般将来:will/shall+动原、、、、、或者be going to、be about to +动原will----I will play football tomorrowbe to----I am to play football tomorrowbe going/be about to --------We are going/about to play football tomorrow.过去进行:was/were doing -----I was playing football at that time.现在进行:am/is /are doing -----I am reading .Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts. The plane is taking off.将来进行:will be doing--------What will you be doing the time tomorrow?

过去完成:had done------I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.(车来用的是过去式,指发生在过去,等车发生在车来之前,所以就是过去的过去,要用过去完成。现在完成:have/has done(本质是过去到现在,关键点是当前仍有影响)1for+一段时间:I have studied English for 8 years.I have studied english for 8 years.2.So far 迄今为止,到目前为止。:So far there have been no bad new.3.Up to now/until now 迄今为止,到目前为止:Until now ,they have had very little say4.recently/lately最近:He has had a really rough time recently.5.before以前,在这之前。:Have you ever used this software before?6.In/over the past few years在过去的几年中。:In the past few years,China has made remarkable achievement.7.It is +最高级结构+(that)+从句用现完:It is the most interesting book I have ever read.8.It is the first/second time +(that)+从句用现完:It is the first Chinese court have accepted such filings.具体语境I had lunch (只是陈述过去的真实)I have had lunch (曾经吃过的对现在的影响,放在语境中,比如我已经吃过了,所以你不用做饭了。)将来完成:will have done------Be the end of the 21st century China will have become a strong and prosperous country.3语态的相关内容----为什么要让主动变被动-------主要突出强调做宾语那个词如何变被动主动局:They asked him some questions.被动句:He was asked some questions (By them)





定语,状语主语谓语宾语系动词表语补语定语状语名词实义动词名词be名词形容词名词副词名词性从句助动词+实义动词名词从句半系动词形容词介词短语形容词介词短语动词不定式情态+实义动词不定式(to do)动词不定式(to do)介词短语动词不定式(to do)介词短语状语从句、副词性从句动名词名词从句现在分词定语从句、形容词从句动词不定式动词不定式过去分词动词不定式现在分词动名词动名词过去分词现在分词(doing)现在分词过去分词(done)过去分词










be半系动词,如feel-----I feel sick.


只有3种。be动词,------He is reading.(协助完成进行时态)do------I have studied English for 8 years.(协助完成完成时态)have------Do you have a English book?(协助完成疑问句)


must can will may should


一般做句子结构成分--如主语,宾语,表语the man writes a book.the man is a doctor偶尔客串一下定语成分the man writes an English book.(english就是定语。)


可以做结构成分---如宾语,宾补he is angryI find her very clever.也可以做修饰成分---做定语来修饰名词a beautiful girl


在句子中做修饰成分---做状语,可以修饰除名词外的词修饰动词:run quickly修饰形容词:very beautiful修饰副词:very well修饰句子:Forunately, we got there in time.


介词开头,名词结尾的in factby the wayon the bus at schoolof our schoolout of control介词短语相当于副词,形容词可以做结构成分,做表语,宾补可以做修饰成分---做定语修饰名词,做状语修饰非名词的词(可以修饰所有词,也可以修饰句子)三中从句





(1)形式:引导词+陈述语序的句子(2)类型:四种主语从句:that he will have no free time tomorrow is clear.太头重脚轻了,一般换成。It is clear that he will have no free time tomorrow.it 是形式主语,主语还是 that it will rain tomorrow.宾语从句I know that he will have no free time tomorrow.表语从句The problem is that he will have no free time tomorrow.同位语从句we are discussing the problem that he will have no free time tomorrow.(3)造句方法:i:陈述句变成四种从句=that+愿句子以he will have no free time tomorrow为例子。变主语从句:从句+is clear。That he will have no free time tomorrow is clear.太头重脚轻了。一般换成It is clear that i will have no free time tomorrow.It 是形式主语,主语还是I will have no free time tomorrow.变宾从:I know that he will have no free time tomorrow.变表从:The problem is that he will have no free time tomorrow.变同从:We are discussing the problem that he will have no free time tomorrow.II,一般疑问句变四种从句=whether、if +陈述语序的句子(whether使用情况多,if使用情况少)以will he have time tomorrow?为例子变宾从:I know whether he will have time tomorrow.变主从:Whether he will have time tomorrow isnot clear.要变成:It is not clear whether he will have time tomorrow.(主要是避免头重脚轻)变表从:The problem is whether he will have time tomorrow.变同从:We are discussing the problem whether he will have time tomorrow.III,特殊疑问句变四种从句=特殊疑问句+句子的陈述语序以where are you?为例子主从:where you are isnot clear------要改成: It isnot clear where you are.宾从:I know where you are.表从:The problem is where you are .同从:We are discussing the problem where you are.III名词性从句的引导词when,where,why ,how -----这4个都是做状语who(代替人,做主语),whom(代替人,做宾语)whose(代替人或物,做定语)what(代替物,做主语或者宾语)which(哪一个,可做多种成分)that(无含义,只起到引导从句的作用)whether、if(表示是否,只引导从句的作用)定语从句:一个做定语修饰名词的句子1形式:(要修饰的名词)+引导词+句子以the girl who is beautiful为例子。the girl 是要修饰的名词who is beautiful是定语从句,其中“who”是引导词。2造句方法:定从造句三步法。第一步-----写2个简单句子-----I read a book .A book is interesting.第二步-----找出来2个句子中都有的词------a book ---第三部-----把其中一个句子改成定从--------I read a book that is interesting.3定从的引导词what ,how ,whether,if 特殊关系:when ,where,why(做状语who(代替人,做主语whom(代替人,宾语)whose(代替人或物,做定语)物which(代替物,主宾)that(代替人或物,主宾)状语从句:一个做状语的句子(1)状语的本质:用一个引导词来体现两个句子的最佳语义关系。从句都是完整句子,引导词建立主从关系,让两个句子联系起来。(2)状从的公式:状从可以跟主句交换位置Although you are clever,I dont like you I dont like you ,although you are clever.(3)状语的引导词:让时空和因果的9大条目比式一场。r


虽然,,但是---even if .Although/even though /thoughEven if you have dark skin,you still need protection from the sun.I like her,although i could cheerfully throttle her at times.


before,after,while,as ,when ,until.as soon as


whereHe was in a position where he had to force a decision.whereverSit wherever you like


becauseWe have to start,because/for everybody is here.sincesince/as everybody is here,let us start.


so thatI will give you a key so that you can let yourself in.




In order thatI am saving money in order that i can buy a house.


thanthe situation was more complicated than they had realized at first.


as就像;;;;as if、as thoughChildren must do as they are told.He looked as if he didnt have a care in the world.Her head felt as if it would burst.







有4中形式。:动词不定式,动名词,现在分词,过去分词。动词不定式to do。表示主动,一般表示将来,相当于名词+形容词+副词做主语:To be a doctor is my dream.一般要改成:It is my dream to be a doctor.做宾语:I wanted to visit my uncle.做表语:my dream is to be a doctor.做定语:I have nothing to say.做宾补:The teacher told us to read some famous book.做状语: To save the child ,he laid down his life.动名词doing,(表示主动,相当于名词)做主语:swimming is a good sport in summer.做宾语:I enjoy singing.做表语:Seeing is believing.做定语:a swimming pool现在分词:doing(表示主动和进行,相当于形容词+副词)做表语:the book is boring做状语:the storm left,having cause a lot of damage to this area.做定语:dont wake up the sleeping boy.做宾补:I heard a bell ringing.过去done(分词本质上都是一种省略形式,规避了两个谓语动词,作用相当于形容词和副词)表示被动或者完成,做表语:the glass is broken做定语:a polluted river做状语:given more time,i can do my work better.做宾补:I found my money stolenPS:既可以接不定式,也可以接动名词,但是含义完全不同的8个。rememberremember todo 记住要做某事remember doing sth记得做过某事forgetforget todo 忘记去做某事forget doing sth忘记做过regretregret todo遗憾要做某事regret doing sth后悔做过了try try todo努力做某事try doing 尝试做过某事meanmeantodo 计划做某事mean doing sth意味着做某事cant helpcant help todo sth 不能帮助做某事cant help doing 情不自禁做某事go on go on todo 继续做另一件事go on doing sth继续做同一件事。stopstop todo停下来去做另一件事stop doing 停下正在做的PS:动名词和现在分词的区别动名词:本质上是一个名词,不能做状语做表语时候,动名词表明身份可以与主语交换位置。Her job is feeding the animal 变成Feeding the animal is her job。现在分词:本质上是一个形容词,副词,不能做主语和宾语。现在分词表性质特征,不能与主语互换位置。The class is interesting.变成Interesting is the class(x)





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