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2024-07-14 05:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

三色团子-原神行秋特色菜,是提瓦特大陆最美丽的小零食,与稻妻宵宫原版三色丸子有很多相似之处。外国网友热议 2021-09-26 21:12 分类:日常 信息来源:网文世界 Genshin Impact Recipe #43 / Tricolor Dango 三色团子 A soft, glutinous snack. Glutinous rice has been grown into powder and rolled into a ball before being steamed. 软糯弹牙的点心。由磨成粉的糯米加水捏成球状,再蒸煮而成。 The Sakura Bloom and Snapdragon colors lend an extra liveliness to these dango.  绯樱绣球和金鱼草的颜色更是为团子带来了一丝活泼的气息。 外国网友评论:译者:Perter.Zhu upset banana   Fun Fact: Dango is often served with green tea 有趣的事:团子常和绿茶一起上桌 Inês Azevedo   Fun fact: Green tea has properties that help with digestion, which is why it can be served with heavier, more saturated meals. 绿茶有助于消化,这就是为什么它可以与饱腹食物一起食用。 Yuan   One day, I'll be able to make all of these glorious masterpieces. And give them to a friend obsessed with genshin impact foods 总有一天,我会把这些料理完美刻覆。 把它们送给痴迷原神食品的朋友 Agent Silv   Would still love to see Crystal Shrimp/All-Delicacy Parcels (Xingqiu's Specialty) 想看行秋的特色菜品水晶虾做法   Yanfii   I think why it wasn't really chewy was because there wasn't enough water, because it should be stretchy if u stretch it  之所以不耐嚼,是因为没有足够的水份,因为如果你拉伸开来,它应该是有弹性的 Arc Angelus   Never had tri-colored Dango before is it good it looks really delicious 从未吃过三色团子,它好吃吗?看起来不错的样子 Amber XV   Your guess as good as mine. I need some reference to how it tastes before I try it 和我想的一样好。在吃之前,我会尝尝它的味道 evelinux333   I would love to make this myself but the ingredients are a bit pricy in my country, looks yummy 我很想试试,但在我的国家,配料有点贵,它确实看起来很好吃 sour milk   Same here, i don't think matcha is even available here 同上,我这里连抹茶都没有 JNJR's   Would love to see your take on the Mushroom Pizza. 你对蘑菇披萨有什么看法 Rares Romanu   I cant wait for more inazuma specialities mostly sakura tempura. 我想要更多的稻妻特色菜,比如天妇罗。 Rpground   Klee just had her Birthday, really hoping for some of Klee's Specialty/Fisherman's Toast 可莉刚过生日,希望能吃到她的特色菜——渔人吐司 Dazai osamu   It looks good tbh but I’m probably never gonna make it 看起来不错,但我永远做不到 angiesksksks   THAT LOOKS SO GOOD- I really wanna try it but i unfortunately don't have the time to 确实看起来不错,很想尝试下,但我没时间 Chickenfarmer10   Making Tri-Flavor skewers would be cool! They look really yummy 很酷!看起来很好吃的样子 Izzy Ley   Eee! You made the dish I recommended! This makes me happy and they look delicious! 哇!你做了我喜欢的菜!这让我很开心,而且看起来不错! Wafudramon   The first recipe from inazuma is my favourite. THANKS CHEF! 这份食谱是我最喜欢的稻妻美食。谢谢厨师! Geordie Hughes   Thank you for telling me about the website, I am going to make Cake for Traveler with your recipe for my birthday soon 谢谢你的食谱,我很快就要用食谱做生日蛋糕了 TanzaKnight   I hope you do Yoimiya's special dango, it looks adorable 希望你做宵宫的团子,它看起来很可爱 Rocky The Beabull   My friend recommended you when I wanted to make Almond Tofu, now your my favorite food channel! Thanks for al the help on these recipes! 我想做杏仁豆腐时,朋友推荐了你,现在你是我最喜欢的美食博主!谢谢你的帮助! Sneasel   I wanna try to make these! Seems easy enough. 它看起来很容易,我想试试


网文世界原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 日常 » 三色团子-原神行秋特色菜,是提瓦特大陆最美丽的小零食,与稻妻宵宫原版三色丸子有很多相似之处。外国网友热议

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