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support [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/səˈpɔːrt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/səˈpɔrt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(sə pôrt, -pōrt) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 support [sth]⇒ vtr (weight: hold up)SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 支撑 zhī chí,zhī chēng TCTraditional Chinese 支撐   SCSimplified Chinese 托住 zhī chí,tuō zhù  The pole supports the roof of the building.  这根柱子支撑着建筑物的屋顶。 support [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (aid, back)SCSimplified Chinese 援助, 资助, 赞助  The government supported the aid organisation financially.  政府为该援助组织提供财政支持。 support [sb]⇒ vtr (family: provide for)SCSimplified Chinese 赡养 shàn yǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 供养 shàn yǎng,gòng yǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 抚养 shàn yǎng,fǔ yǎng  The father supports the family with his earnings.  父亲用自己的收入供养着全家。 support [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (team: cheer for) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 拥护, 支持  He supports the Yankees.  他支持杨基队。 support [sth]⇒ vtr (endorse, be in favor of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng TCTraditional Chinese 贊成  The senator would never support that bill; it goes against his principles!  那个法案有违参议员的原则,他是绝对不会同意的。 support doing [sth] v expr (be in favor of doing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 拥护 zhī chí,yōng hù TCTraditional Chinese 擁護   SCSimplified Chinese 赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng TCTraditional Chinese 贊成  He supported raising taxes.  他支持提高税赋。 support [sth] vtr (computing: be compatible) (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 支持,兼容 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持  My operating system doesn't support this particular media player.  我的操作系统不兼容这一款媒体播放器。 support n (structural: holds [sth] up)SCSimplified Chinese 支撑物 zhī chēng wù   SCSimplified Chinese 支柱 zhī chēng wù,zhī zhù TCTraditional Chinese 支柱   SCSimplified Chinese 支座 zhī chēng wù,zhī zuò TCTraditional Chinese 支座  The support gave way and the roof collapsed.  支柱倒了,屋顶塌了下来。 support, support for [sth] n (approval, backing)SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 赞同 zhī chí,zàn tóng TCTraditional Chinese 贊同  There's a lot of popular support for the organic food movement.  这场有机食品运动得到了许多人的支持。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 support n (help for users)SCSimplified Chinese 技术支持 jì shù zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 技術支援   SCSimplified Chinese 技术援助 jì shù zhī chí,jì shù yuán zhù  If you can't fix it yourself, you need to call technical support. support n (emotional help) (感情上、道义上)SCSimplified Chinese 激励,支持,鼓励 jī lì,zhī chí,gǔ lì TCTraditional Chinese 激勵,支持,鼓勵  His family's support throughout his divorce was important to him.  离婚期间家人对他的支持对他来说非常重要。 support n (maintenance)SCSimplified Chinese 赡养费 shàn yǎng fèi TCTraditional Chinese 贍養費   SCSimplified Chinese 赡养 shàn yǎng fèi,shàn yǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 抚养 shàn yǎng fèi,fǔ yǎng  He pays seven hundred dollars in child support a month.  每个月会支付700美元的儿童抚养费。 support n ([sth], [sb]: gives aid)SCSimplified Chinese 给予帮助的人或事物 gěi yǔ bāng zhù de rén huò shì wù  Her son was a great support to her in her final years. support n (actor in a secondary role)SCSimplified Chinese 配角 pèi jué  The young actor was a fine support to the film's leading man. support [sth] vtr (withstand)SCSimplified Chinese 经受 jīng shòu TCTraditional Chinese 經受   SCSimplified Chinese 承受 jīng shòu,chéng shòu TCTraditional Chinese 承受  This house can support all sorts of harsh weather. support [sth] vtr literary, formal (tolerate, put up with)SCSimplified Chinese 忍受 rěn shòu TCTraditional Chinese 忍受   SCSimplified Chinese 容忍 rěn shòu,róng rěn TCTraditional Chinese 容忍  He could no longer support all the crying.  他再也忍受不了所有这些哭闹了。 support [sth] vtr (sustain life) (生命)SCSimplified Chinese 维持 wéi chí TCTraditional Chinese 維持   SCSimplified Chinese 维系  There isn't enough water on the moon to support life. support [sth] vtr (law: corroborate) (法律术语)SCSimplified Chinese 证实, 支持  Her testimony supported his statement. support [sb]⇒ vtr (theater: perform with)SCSimplified Chinese 为…做配角 wèi zuò pèi jiǎo  Two excellent unknowns were supporting the lead actor.  两位出色的不知名演员正在为男主演做配角。 support [sb] vtr (help emotionally) (感情上、道义上)SCSimplified Chinese 支持,赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng TCTraditional Chinese 支持,贊成  His family supported him throughout his divorce.  他离婚一事,家人全程支持。 support [sb] vtr (music: be secondary act to) (音乐)SCSimplified Chinese 担任...的助唱  An acoustic guitarist is supporting the rock band on their tour of Europe. support yourself vtr + refl (be financially independent)SCSimplified Chinese 自给自足 TCTraditional Chinese 自給自足  My sons are both grown up now and support themselves.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 arch support n (orthopaedic device for foot)SCSimplified Chinese 足弓支撑 zú gōng zhī chēng  because of his flat feet, his shoes were fitted with arch supports. child support n (money paid by absent parent)SCSimplified Chinese 子女抚养费 zǐ nǚ fǔ yǎng fèi  My ex-husband has to pay child support every month. customer support n (help with purchased product)SCSimplified Chinese 用户支持 emotional support n (psychological help)SCSimplified Chinese 精神支持   SCSimplified Chinese 感情支持  Counsellors provide emotional support to patients. emotional support animal n (provides psychological support)SCSimplified Chinese 情感支持动物 financial support n (monetary assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 经济支持 jīng jì zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 經濟支持   SCSimplified Chinese 经济支援 jīng jì zhī chí,jīng jì zhī yuán  His parents provided financial support for him while he was in college. full support n (total approval or backing)SCSimplified Chinese 全力支持 quán lì zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 全力支持  Our financial backers have given the project their full support. full support n (every possible assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 全力帮助 quán lì bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 全力幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 全力支持 quán lì bāng zhù,quán lì zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 全力支持  In an ideal world, a teacher has time to give each student his full support. give [sb] support, lend [sb] support v expr (help, assist [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 支持,支援 zhī chí,zhī yuán TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助,协助 bāng zhù,xié zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助,協助 give support to [sb], lend support to [sb] v expr (help, assist [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 支持,支援 zhī chí,zhī yuán TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助,协助 bāng zhù,xié zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助,協助 give support to [sth], lend support to [sth] v expr (back, assist [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 给予支持 gěi yǔ zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 給予支持   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 gěi yǔ zhī chí,bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助  They asked me to give support to a cause I don't believe in. in support of [sth/sb] prep (in favour of)SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持  In 2008 more Americans were in support of Barack Obama than John McCain. in support of [sth/sb] prep (as assistance to)SCSimplified Chinese 协助 xié zhù TCTraditional Chinese 協助   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 xié zhù,bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助  There were many sponsor companies that donated equipment in support of the team.  许多赞助商公司都捐赠器械来支持这只队伍。 income support n (welfare payment to low earners)SCSimplified Chinese 收入补贴,收入补助 jockstrap, athletic supporter, also UK: athletic support n (sportsman's groin support) (运动时用)SCSimplified Chinese 男士下体护身,护裆 nán shì xià tǐ hù shēn,hù dāng  When playing sports, men must wear a jockstrap to support their groin. life support n (equipment to sustain a patient's life)SCSimplified Chinese 维持生命的设备 wéi chí shēng mìng de shè bèi   SCSimplified Chinese 生命维持设备 wéi chí shēng mìng de shè bèi,shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi  There are ethical questions associated with keeping a person on life support. Because he was brain dead, Jim's family decided to turn off his life support. life-support system n (medical machine)SCSimplified Chinese 生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi logistic support n (provision of military supplies) (提供军需物资)SCSimplified Chinese 后勤保障,后勤支持 moral support n (encouragement)SCSimplified Chinese 道义上的支持 dào yì shàng de zhī chí  My friend had to see a cancer specialist, so I went with her for moral support. Bart's dad provided moral support by attending all of his basketball games. mutual support n (reciprocal help)SCSimplified Chinese 互助 hù zhù TCTraditional Chinese 互助   SCSimplified Chinese 互相支持 hù zhù,hù xiāng zhī chí  They had a relationship of mutual support, so when she needed some help he was quick to provide it. nonsupport, non-support n (failure to pay alimony)SCSimplified Chinese 不尽赡养义务 bú jìn shàn yǎng yì wù   SCSimplified Chinese 不提供赡养费 bú jìn shàn yǎng yì wù,bù tí gōng shàn yǎng fèi peer support n (help of colleagues, friends)SCSimplified Chinese 同行支持,同伴扶持 Sales Support n (administrative assistant to salesperson)SCSimplified Chinese 销售支持 support bubble n (group in contact during pandemic)SCSimplified Chinese 社交泡泡   SCSimplified Chinese 支援泡泡 support [sb] financially⇒ vtr (provide with money to live on)SCSimplified Chinese 在经济上给予...支持  I can no longer support you financially, so you'll need to get a job. support group n (gathering of people for mutual help)SCSimplified Chinese 互助小组 support services npl (backup or assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 后勤服务,援助服务,支持服务 support staff n also npl (employees providing backup or assistance)SCSimplified Chinese 支持人员,后勤职工 support system n (people providing support)SCSimplified Chinese 支持系统 TCTraditional Chinese 支援系統   SCSimplified Chinese 支援系统 Tech Support n abbreviation (Technical Support)SCSimplified Chinese 技术支持 jì shù zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 技術支援 Technical Support n (service offering help with technology)SCSimplified Chinese 技术支持 jì shù zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 技術支援   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: support [səˈpɔːt] I n 1 [u] (moral) 支持 zhīchí The prime minister gave his full support to the reforms.首相对(對)改革给(給)予大力支持。 Shǒuxiàng duì gǎigé jǐyǔ dàlì zhīchí. 2 [u] (financial) 资(資)助 zīzhù the proposal to cut agricultural support by 15%削减(減)15%的农(農)业(業)资(資)助的提议(議) xuējiǎn bǎi fēn zhī shíwǔ de nóngyè zīzhù de tíyì 3 [u] (=kindness, help) 帮助 bāngzhù mentally ill people in need of support患心理疾病的人士需要帮助 huàn xīnlǐ jíbìng de rénshì xūyào bāngzhù 4 [c] (for object, structure) 支承 zhīchéng 5 [u] (=balance) 支撑(撐)物 zhīchēngwù Alice was leaning against him for support.艾丽(麗)斯把他当(當)支撑(撐)物靠着(著)。 Àilìsī bǎ tā dàng zhīchēngwù kàozhe. 6 [u] (=evidence) (for theory, statement) 依据(據) yījù History offers some support for this view.历(歷)史为(為)此观(觀)点(點)提供了某些依据(據)。 Lìshǐ wèi cǐ guāndiǎn tígōngle mǒuxiē yījù. II vt 1 (morally) [+ policy, strike etc] 支持 zhīchí He thanked everyone who had supported the strike.他对(對)支持罢(罷)工的所有人士表示感谢(謝)。 Tā duì zhīchí bàgōng de suǒyǒu rénshì biǎoshì gǎnxiè. 2 (financially) 供养(養) gōngyǎng He has a wife and three children to support.他需要供养(養)妻子和3个(個)孩子。 Tā xūyào gōngyǎng qīzi hé sān gè háizi. 3 (=hold up) [+ object, structure] 支承 zhīchéng the girders that supported the walkway支承着(著)人行道的大梁 zhīchéngzhe rénxíngdào de dàliáng 4 (=hold up) [+ person] 撑(撐)着(著) chēngzhe Let your baby sit on the floor with cushions to support him.让(讓)你的婴(嬰)儿(兒)坐在地上,用坐垫(墊)撑(撐)着(著)他。 Ràng nǐ de yīng'ér zuò zài dìshang,yòng zuòdiàn chēngzhe tā. 5 (=substantiate) [+ theory, statement] 证(證)实(實) zhèngshí There was no evidence to support such a theory.没(沒)有证(證)据(據)来(來)证(證)实(實)这(這)一理论(論)。 Méiyǒu zhèngjù lái zhèngshí zhè yī lǐlùn. 6 [+ football team] 支持 zhīchí Tim supports Manchester United.蒂姆支持曼联(聯)队(隊)。 Dìmǔ zhīchí Mànliánduì. in support of 支持 zhīchí to support o.s. (financially) 养(養)活自己 yǎnghuó zìjǐ 在这些条目还发现'support': 在英文解释里: abut - adhesion - affirm - anchor - ankle brace - appanage - approval - astroturfing - back - back up - backing - backrest - backstop - backup - banister - barrack - base - beam - bear - bear out - bed base - believe in - benefactress - bipartisanship - bolster - bolster up - book end - bookrack - boost - bra - brace - bracket - brief - bring home the bacon - bubble - bulwark - buoy up - buttress - buy in - cantilever - carry - carry a motion - case - centering - champion - champion an idea - championship - cheer on - cheerleader - cheerleading 中文: 撑 - 支护 - 支持 - 支援 - 支撑 - 后盾 - 声援 - 扶 - 拥护 - 搀 - 支 - 支座 - 支架 - 民心 - 赡 - 赡养 - 靠山 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - S, 更多……同义词: help, aid, assistance, comfort, succor, 更多……习惯性搭配: support your family, contact [customer, technical, IT] support, a support [worker, center, line, program], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'support' 的论坛讨论:

Lodging Support Services, Lodging Operations support retention ... try various ways to show our support to our husband/s. - English Only forum "...that would a support a person in a place they live." - English Only forum ...without undermining support for the pending Senate bill - English Only forum 'supporting' OR 'in support of' - English Only forum ‘a common thread through most of the stories is the support from the family’ - English Only forum ‘Authors Guild, an organization whose mission is to support working writers’ - English Only forum “[f]ocus on disrupting support (...)" - English Only forum ”I am honored to support " or "I support"? - English Only forum ( ) for the support of the public, ... - English Only forum (a) financial support - English Only forum (As?) the plates are welded to the support brackets - English Only forum (the) support of friends - English Only forum (the) Technical Support (Desk) - English Only forum [as our financial support] or [as their financial support] - English Only forum a certificate to support your responsibilities under IR(ME)R 2000? ( England ) - English Only forum a circumstance...must always support itself - English Only forum a country's graduation from aid or mother support - English Only forum a fillip of support/neighbor/surprise - English Only forum a January 2015 poll / would support if runs - English Only forum a loss of support - article - English Only forum public hungry for eating outside their homes responded with immediate support - English Only forum a strong support or strong support - English Only forum a support - English Only forum A support representative will - English Only forum a support vehicle then ran into the back of the car(,) carrying Johnson. - English Only forum a temple constructed by the committee with public support - English Only forum a traveller and confidential support of a small firm - English Only forum a Trump presidency would galvanise support - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'support'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "support" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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