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2024-07-16 22:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

import random

from operator import itemgetter

class Gene:


    This is a class to represent individual(Gene) in GA algorithom

    each object of this class have two attribute: data, size


    def __init__(self, **data):


        self.size = len(data['data'])  # length of gene

class GA:


    This is a class of GA algorithm.


    def __init__(self, parameter):


        Initialize the pop of GA algorithom and evaluate the pop by computing its' fitness value.

        The data structure of pop is composed of several individuals which has the form like that:

        {'Gene':a object of class Gene, 'fitness': 1.02(for example)}

        Representation of Gene is a list: [b s0 u0 sita0 s1 u1 sita1 s2 u2 sita2]


        # parameter = [CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, popsize, low, up]

        self.parameter = parameter

        low = self.parameter[4]

        up = self.parameter[5]

        self.bound = []



        pop = []

        for i in range(self.parameter[3]):

            geneinfo = []

            for pos in range(len(low)):

                geneinfo.append(random.randint(self.bound[0][pos], self.bound[1][pos]))  # initialise popluation

            fitness = self.evaluate(geneinfo)  # evaluate each chromosome

            pop.append({'Gene': Gene(data=geneinfo), 'fitness': fitness})  # store the chromosome and its fitness

        self.pop = pop

        self.bestindividual = self.selectBest(self.pop)  # store the best chromosome in the population

    def evaluate(self, geneinfo):


        fitness function


        x1 = geneinfo[0]

        x2 = geneinfo[1]

        x3 = geneinfo[2]

        x4 = geneinfo[3]

        y = x1**2 + x2**2 + x3**3 + x4**4

        return y

    def selectBest(self, pop):


        select the best individual from pop


        s_inds = sorted(pop, key=itemgetter("fitness"), reverse=True)          # from large to small, return a pop

        return s_inds[0]

    def selection(self, individuals, k):


        select some good individuals from pop, note that good individuals have greater probability to be choosen

        for example: a fitness list like that:[5, 4, 3, 2, 1], sum is 15,



        we randomly choose a value in [0, 15],

        it belongs to first scale with greatest probability


        s_inds = sorted(individuals, key=itemgetter("fitness"),

                        reverse=True)  # sort the pop by the reference of fitness

        sum_fits = sum(ind['fitness'] for ind in individuals)  # sum up the fitness of the whole pop

        chosen = []

        for i in range(k):

            u = random.random() * sum_fits  # randomly produce a num in the range of [0, sum_fits], as threshold

            sum_ = 0

            for ind in s_inds:

                sum_ += ind['fitness']  # sum up the fitness

                if sum_ >= u:

                    # when the sum of fitness is bigger than u, choose the one, which means u is in the range of

                    # [sum(1,2,...,n-1),sum(1,2,...,n)] and is time to choose the one ,namely n-th individual in the pop



        # from small to large, due to list.pop() method get the last element

        chosen = sorted(chosen, key=itemgetter("fitness"), reverse=False)

        return chosen

    def crossoperate(self, offspring):


        cross operation

        here we use two points crossoperate

        for example: gene1: [5, 2, 4, 7], gene2: [3, 6, 9, 2], if pos1=1, pos2=2

        5 | 2 | 4  7

        3 | 6 | 9  2


        3 | 2 | 9  2

        5 | 6 | 4  7


        dim = len(offspring[0]['Gene'].data)

        geninfo1 = offspring[0]['Gene'].data  # Gene's data of first offspring chosen from the selected pop

        geninfo2 = offspring[1]['Gene'].data  # Gene's data of second offspring chosen from the selected pop

        if dim == 1:

            pos1 = 1

            pos2 = 1


            pos1 = random.randrange(1, dim)  # select a position in the range from 0 to dim-1,

            pos2 = random.randrange(1, dim)

        newoff1 = Gene(data=[])  # offspring1 produced by cross operation

        newoff2 = Gene(data=[])  # offspring2 produced by cross operation

        temp1 = []

        temp2 = []

        for i in range(dim):

            if min(pos1, pos2) self.bestindividual['fitness']:

                self.bestindividual = best_ind

            print("Best individual found is {}, {}".format(self.bestindividual['Gene'].data,


            print("  Max fitness of current pop: {}".format(max(fits)))

        print("------ End of (successful) evolution ------")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, popsize = 0.8, 0.1, 1000, 100  # popsize must be even number

    up = [30, 30, 30, 30]  # upper range for variables

    low = [1, 1, 1, 1]  # lower range for variables

    parameter = [CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, popsize, low, up]

    run = GA(parameter)


在if __name__ == "__main__":语句后面,我们设定所有的参数。在这里交叉概率CXPB为0.8,变异概率MUTPB为0.1,总共跑NGEN=1000代,每代的种群大小为100。



参考:Python手把手构建遗传算法(GA)实现最优化搜索 - FINTHON





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