
您所在的位置:网站首页 拳头公司的发展历程简介 【拳头游戏】拳头公司的变化和未来的发展


2024-03-23 07:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Players, 玩家,

Minutes ago, we shared with Rioters that we are refocusing on fewer, high-impact projects to move us toward a more sustainable future. Now, we want to tell you what these changes mean for our games, everything around them (esports, Arcane, music, etc.), and what to expect going forward.几分钟前,我们与Rioters分享了我们正在重新关注更少、高影响力的项目,以推动我们走向更可持续的未来。现在,我们想告诉你这些变化对我们的游戏意味着什么,它们周围的一切(电子竞技、街机、音乐等),以及未来的预期。

For most of our history, we’ve managed to avoid days like this, but this decision is critical for the future of Riot. This isn’t to appease shareholders or to hit a quarterly earnings number—it’s a necessity. Over the past few years, as Riot more than doubled in headcount, we spread our efforts across more and more projects without sharp enough razors to decide what players needed most. The adjustments we're making aim to focus us on the areas that have the greatest impact on your experience while reducing investment on things that don’t. 在我们历史的大部分时间里,我们都设法避免了这样的日子,但这个决定对Riot的未来至关重要。这不是为了安抚股东,也不是为了达到季度盈利数字——这是必要的。在过去的几年里,随着Riot的员工人数增加了一倍多,我们将精力分散在越来越多的项目上,而没有足够锋利的剃须刀来决定玩家最需要什么。我们正在进行的调整旨在将我们的重点放在对您的体验影响最大的领域,同时减少对不影响的事情的投资。

This means we’re eliminating about 530 roles globally, which represents around 11% of Rioters, with the biggest impact to teams outside of core development. We recognize that many of you don’t just care about the games you play, but also about the people who make them. These are not just organizational changes; they affect individuals and families, and we do our best to approach these decisions with respect and sensitivity. If you’d like to read the email we sent to Rioters, we’ve shared it here.这意味着我们将在全球范围内取消约530个岗位,约占拳头员工的11%,对核心开发之外的团队影响最大。我们认识到,你们中的许多人不仅关心自己玩的游戏,还关心制作这些游戏的人。这些不仅仅是组织变革;它们影响个人和家庭,我们尽最大努力以尊重和敏感的态度做出这些决定。如果你想阅读我们发给拳头员工的电子邮件,我们已经在这里分享了。

Doubling Down on Games at the Center加倍关注中心的游戏

With today’s moves, we’re going back to putting games at the center of everything we do. 通过今天的行动,我们将回到把比赛放在我们所做一切的中心。

Our vision for the future is bold and our commitment to our core live games – League of Legends, VALORANT, Teamfight Tactics, and Wild Rift – is more ambitious than ever. We're prioritizing these teams so they can focus on the content, features, and updates that directly respond to what you’ve been asking for. Expect events, modes, and long-term roadmaps that lead to vibrant (hopefully multi-decade) futures for these games.我们对未来的愿景是大胆的,我们对核心游戏——英雄联盟、无畏契约、云顶之弈和英雄联盟手游——的承诺比以往任何时候都更加雄心勃勃。我们正在优先考虑这些团队,以便他们能够专注于直接响应您要求的内容、功能和更新。期待事件、模式和长期路线图,为这些游戏带来充满活力(希望是几十年)的未来。

Our strategy will more tightly integrate esports, music, and entertainment with our games. Esports isn't just about competition; it's about the highs, the lows, and the communities that flourish around the games. Entertainment isn't just about storytelling; it's a gateway to the deeper narratives, characters, and worlds that enrich the game experience. As we’ve grown, some of our efforts have become more isolated, and we aspire to more seamlessly blend gameplay, competitive excellence, and narrative depth in ways that truly make it better to be a player. Whether it’s the next hit from K/DA, the story unfolding in Arcane, the intensity of a TFT Open, the one-of-a-kind chills of a Worlds game 5, or the electric atmosphere of VAL Champs, our focus is on quality, impact, and unified experiences for players around the world. 我们的战略将把电子竞技、音乐和娱乐与我们的游戏更加紧密地结合在一起。电子竞技不仅仅是竞争;这是关于高潮、低谷和围绕奥运会蓬勃发展的社区。娱乐不仅仅是讲故事;它是通往更深层叙事、角色和世界的门户,丰富了游戏体验。随着我们的成长,我们的一些努力变得更加孤立,我们渴望以真正让玩家变得更好的方式,将游戏性、竞争优势和叙事深度更无缝地融合在一起。无论是K/DA的下一部热门作品、Arcane中展开的故事、TFT Open的强度、Worlds 总决赛中独一无二的颤栗,还是VAL Champs的电子氛围,我们的重点都是为世界各地的玩家提供质量、影响力和统一的体验。

Beyond live titles, we have projects in the pipeline that we can’t wait to get to you when they’re ready. Project L has been making great progress and we’re looking for more opportunities for you to try out the game (stay tuned for more updates coming later this year). Arcane Season 2 is on track for November 2024. Plus, we have a number of projects cooking in various stages of R&D.除了这些力作,我们还有一些项目正在筹备中,我们迫不及待地想在它们准备好后向您介绍。Project L一直在取得巨大进展,我们正在为您寻找更多尝试游戏的机会(请继续关注今年晚些时候的更多更新)。《双城之战》第二季将于2024年11月上映。此外,我们还有许多处于不同研发阶段的开发项目。

Our volume of releases will never be massive. We want everything we deliver to be something that you can be proud of and excited to share with friends. That requires having financial flexibility to be able to take the time to make things that are truly great for players. We know we’ll still have occasional misses, but we want those misses to be for the right reasons, not because we prioritized the wrong things or had to rush projects out the door before they were ready.我们的发行量永远不会很大。我们希望我们提供的一切都能让您感到骄傲,并能与朋友分享。这需要有财务上的灵活性,以便能够花时间做出对球员来说真正伟大的事情。我们知道偶尔还是会有失误,但我们希望这些失误是出于正确的原因,而不是因为我们优先考虑了错误的事情,或者不得不在项目准备好之前就把它们赶出去。

Legends of Runeterra and Riot Forge符文之地传说和Riot Forge工作室

We want to specifically address two areas where you’ll see immediate impact from today’s changes: Legends of Runeterra and Riot Forge. 我们想具体解决两个领域,您将看到今天的变化带来的直接影响:符文之地传说和Riot Forge工作室。

As LoR continues its journey, we’re making changes to move the game toward sustainability. We know there’s a passionate community who absolutely love this game—we do too. Despite critical achievements and the role it’s played in helping to build out the world of Runeterra, LoR has faced financial challenges since launch, costing significantly more to develop and support than it generates. In response, we're reducing the size of our team and renewing our focus on The Path of Champions. This shift allows the team to experiment more in the PvE space, concentrating on the game mode where players have been spending the most time. The LoR team has more details here, and we have a video planned for the coming weeks to talk more about the future.随着LoR继续其旅程,我们正在做出改变,将游戏推向可持续发展。我们知道有一个充满激情的社区,他们绝对喜欢这个游戏——我们也是。尽管取得了关键成就,并在帮助建设Runeterra世界方面发挥了作用,但自推出以来,LoR一直面临着财务挑战,开发和支持的成本远远高于其产生的成本。作为回应,我们正在缩减团队规模,并重新关注英雄之路。这种转变使团队能够在PvE空间进行更多的实验,专注于玩家花费最多时间的游戏模式。LoR团队在这里有更多的细节,我们计划在未来几周播放一段视频,更多地谈论未来。

We’re ending new game development under Riot Forge after the upcoming release of Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story. Forge was an experiment to see what would happen when Rioters partnered with their favorite indie devs and let them loose on Runeterra with their unique viewpoints, styles, and expertise. Across six titles spanning different game genres, regions, and characters, it’s been inspiring to see what these devs created in partnership with the Forge team. We’re proud of what we’ve done together to bring these stories to life, but it’s time to refocus our efforts on the ambitious projects underway internally at Riot. 在即将发布的《班德尔城物语:英雄联盟外传》之后,我们将结束Riot Forge旗下的新游戏开发。Forge是一个实验,看看当Rioters与他们最喜欢的独立开发者合作,让他们以独特的观点、风格和专业知识在符文之地上自由发挥时会发生什么。在横跨不同游戏类型、地区和角色的六款游戏中,看到这些开发者与Forge团队合作创造了什么,真是令人鼓舞。我们为我们共同努力将这些故事变为现实而感到骄傲,但现在是时候将我们的精力重新集中在Riot内部正在进行的雄心勃勃的项目上了。

The Journey Ahead with You 与你同行的旅程

Our strategy moving forward is clear: we’re honing in on what we do best and what resonates most with you. Every endeavor, from development to storytelling to competition, will be crafted to deliver meaningful, memorable experiences with games at the center.


While change can bring uncertainty, it also presents opportunities for growth and innovation. We’re grateful for your ongoing support; nothing Riot has ever created would be possible without you. Your passion and engagement inspire us every day, and we’re excited to continue this journey together.


Dylan & Marc




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