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2024-07-15 13:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





All of the worlds of the Imperium shall look to their own defense. They shall also look to the defense of the Imperium, and the prosecution of such wars as the Emperor in His wisdom shall decree.Therefore, each populated planet shall raise and maintain its own planetary defense force, and from the ranks of this defense force it shall provide the best of its troops for recruitment into the Imperial Guard, according to such requirements as shall be imposed by the Administratum.


Statistically, you will almost certainly die when assaulting a well-maintained fortress with a competent commander. You must strive to make your death useful.

“抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。”——《帝国卫队战术手册》(Imperial Guard Tactical Manual)

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

“勇气得胜利,金属(战斗)得荣誉。”——尤蒂卡第一坦克连(Uttica 1st Tank Company)座右铭

Victory is achieved through mettle.Glory is achieved through metal.


Be swift and silent - as the breeze that crosses the dunes without stirring a grain of sand.


If you want a textbook example of righteous hatred, you need look no further than Commissar Yarrick. In him we see a man who justly despises his foes, and they in turn loath him.


Fifth Company, this is the moment of truth. You will not fear. You will not falter. You will not give a single step to the enemy.


Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win. The Emperor has given us his greatest weapon to wield. So make yourselves ready. We are the First Kronus Regiment, and today is our Victory Day.

“一旦人忘记了自己的职责,那就不再是人,而是连畜生都不如的东西。这种人不论是在人类的胸怀还是在帝皇的心中都没有一席之地。让他们死去,被遗忘吧。”-引述自《国教主教律令》(Prime Edicts of the Holy Synod of the Adeptus Ministorum)——勒托·巴贝登(Leto Barbaden),萨利纳斯行星总督

When the people forget their duty they are no longer human and become something less than beasts. They have no place in the bosom of humanity nor in the heart of the Emperor. Let them die and be forgotten.


A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt.

“一个受祝福的心灵容不下怀疑。”——戈登·贝弗罗(Groden Bevro)政委

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

“我在母星死亡的那晚离开了,自那以后我就一直在为它的记忆而战。我们塔尼斯人正走向灭亡。我们只剩下大概两千人了。冈特只带上了一个团的规模。我们是塔尼斯第一团。我们是塔尼斯第一唯一团。你看,这就是为什么我们会是‘幽灵’。我们是死亡世界里最后几个不安的灵魂。我想我们会一直走下去,直到全部死亡。“——德蒙·卡夫伦(Dermon Caffran)士兵,塔尼斯第一唯一团

I left my homeworld the night it died, and I've been fighting for its memory ever since. We Tanith are a dying breed. There are only about twenty hundred of us left. Gaunt only got away with enough for one regiment. The Tanith First. The First-and-Only. That's what makes us 'Ghosts', you see. The last few unquiet souls of a dead world. And I suppose we'll keep going until we're all done.


Sorry. I prefer blondes.


I thought the acolytes of Khorne were supposed to be warriors, not a bunch of pansies.


The noncom in charge of the squad must have been on something, I thought. Nobody spoke like that outside badly-written combat novels.

“去你妈的,老子的信仰就是抵挡你花言巧语的盾牌!”-出自《凯恩之书》第四章第二十一节,作者阿雷姆·马哈特(Alem Mahat)——凯法斯·凯恩政委

Frak this, for my faith is a shield proof against your blandishments!


Frak this! My soul's my own and I'm keeping it!


Well then, I seem to recall a rather pleasant little restaurant not far from here. Care to see if it's still standing?


As I try to impress on the young whelps in my charge these days, it isn't the scarlet sash and the fancy hat that makes you a commissar, it's the way you wear them. The troops you serve with are never going to like you, but if you can get them to respect you that can be almost as good. Remember, you're going to spend most of your career on a battlefield with them, and they've all got guns, so making them think you're a liability is never going to be a very good idea.


I've come across a number of planetary governors in the course of my erratic progress around the galaxy and, on the whole, the ones who weren't incompetent were either corrupt, insane, or both; on at least one occasion sufficiently so to have mortgaged their soul and the world they administered to the forces of the Ruinous Powers.


I'd faced the servants of the Great Enemy more often than I cared to contemplate, and in my experience it was never wise to underestimate them. Particularly a ten thousand year old madman, who'd been marinating himself in the raw stuff of Chaos for most of that time.




“现在你知道有了。”-与达林·科雷亚(Dalin Kolea)的对话,维文巢都攻城战期间——托娜·克里德(Tona Criid)中士,塔尼斯第一唯一团

- Who are you?- I'm your Aunt Tona.- I don't have an aunt.- You do now.


What do I ask of my officers? Merely that they do their duty with fire in their bellies and a prayer on their lips.


Although all documents surrounding the final fate of the original Mordant 13th - the "Lucky 13s" - have been sealed by order of the Inquisition, I, on behalf of the Cadian High Command, order another regiment to be mustered and given the name “The Mordant 13th”. The psyker cadre that advises my High Command have divined, through the Emperor’s Tarot, that just such a regiment will be able to protect the Imperium from all of its foes. It is with all haste that this regiment be raised and trained. We need these men to be hardened fighters in the service of the Emperor before the year is out.


Though our tanks and artillery are mighty, it is the vast ranks of Imperial Guardsmen that shall trample the enemy to dust - let them come.


Children you call them? They can pull a trigger just as well as veterans, and they have the spirit of a bull narthax. Call them children if you wish - I call them troops.





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