Minecraft Java版22w42a快照

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Minecraft Java版22w42a快照

2024-04-16 23:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我的世界快照 22W42A

Minecraft Java 快照

你好呀!我们现在发布 1.19.3 的第一个快照!您可能一直认为此快照适用于 1.20,但时代已经变啦。展望未来,我们将采取一些不同的方法来发布 Minecraft Java 版的次要版本和主要版本。实际上,我们将更频繁地发布次要版本。您可以在此处的帖子中(https://help.minecraft.net/hc/articles/9971900758413)找到有关的更多详细信息 。

在此快照中,我们将引入特性切换,您可能已经在我们昨天发布的帖子(https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/testing-new-minecraft-features/feature-toggles-java-edition)中看到了这些特性。这意味着我们可以为更新 1.20 添加一个切换功能,例如骆驼,而无需承诺在 1.19.3 版本中发布它们。这让我们拥有可用于测试的实验性功能,同时仍然能够发布具有新功能、更改和改进的更新,而无需先从游戏中删除这些功能。

在此快照中,您将看到我们在 Minecraft Live 期间(https://www.minecraft.net/article/minecraft-live-2022-the-recap)作为实验性功能讨论过的功能、聊天的一些更改、一些技术更改和许多Bug修复。


22W42A 中的新功能

·        现在可以通过内置的实验数据包获得一些实验功能

·        收纳袋现在作为实验性功能提供

·        添加了新的“全景滚动速度”辅助功能选项


·        现在一些实验性功能需要启用才能出现在世界中

·        通过在创建世界时添加内置数据包来启用此类功能

·        特性切换旨在隐藏未完成或实验性的功能,以确保您现有的世界不受影响

·        使用实验性功能的世界将在世界选择列表中标记为“实验性”

·        不能为已创建的世界切换实验性功能


启用更新 1.20 实验性功能后,骆驼现在可用。

·        骆驼可以配备鞍并由两名玩家骑乘

·        骆驼在沙漠村庄自然生成

·        骆驼很高

o   当你骑在骆驼上时,大多数敌对生物都够不到你

o   他们可以毫不费力地走过栅栏

·        骆驼是很优雅,但是脾气暴躁的生物

o   他们会随意地坐下

o   坐着时,很难说服他们移动

·        骆驼可以慢走也可以快速冲刺

·        他们也可以向前冲刺,但这样做会失去一段时间的耐力


启用1.20 更新的实验性功能后,现在可以使用一整套新的竹木方块。

·        新的木块

o   Bamboo Planks

o   竹门

o   竹活板门

o   竹告示牌

o   竹楼梯

o   竹台阶

o   竹栅栏

o   竹栅栏门

o   竹按钮

o   竹压力板

·        Bamboo Planks可以用 2x2 竹子制作

·        添加了一种新的“Mosaic”木板变体,这是竹子独有的,称为 Bamboo Mosaic

o   它可以用 1x2 垂直条状竹台阶制作

o   您可以制作Bamboo Mosaic的楼梯和台阶变体

·        添加了独特的竹筏和运输竹筏,可以像普通船一样制作,但使用Bamboo Planks

o   它们的功能与普通船相同,但外观独特


启用1.20 更新的实验性功能后,现在可以使用新的CHISELED BOOKSHELF变体。

·        用 6 块木板和 3 块木台阶制作

·        可以存放书籍、书与笔、成书和附魔书

o   最多可容纳 6 本书

o   保护您的世界的故事和传说的安全

·        比较器可以检测最后放置/移除的书

o   非常适合在您的阴森的图书馆中隐藏秘密


想要悬挂你的告示牌吗?准备一些锁链,剥一些去皮原木,现在你可以做到了!启用1.20 更新的实验性功能后,现在可以使用悬挂式告示牌。

·        悬挂式告示牌是普通告示牌的更昂贵版本

o   用 2 根锁链和 6 根您喜欢的木材的去皮原木制成

o   一次能够合成 6 个悬挂式告示牌

·        可以通过以下方式悬挂:

o   在可以在中心提供支撑的方块下方,例如完整的方块或栅栏

o   附着在方块的固实侧面

o   附在另一个悬挂式告示牌的侧面或下方

·        与普通告示牌不同,它们不能在没有侧面或上方支撑的情况下直接放置在地面上

o   但是,当移除支撑方块时,带有水平支撑的悬挂式告示牌不会掉落为物品


·        各种木材类型现在在被放置、破坏或行走在其上时具有独特的音效

o   共有三组独特的音效:主世界木材类型、下界木材类型和竹子

22W42A 的更改

·        重制创造模式物品栏选项卡

·        聊天的更改

·        Realms消息按钮现在将在打开链接之前显示确认链接

·        要塞放置代码已更改得更高效,导致要塞位置发生变化

o   它们仍然放置在同心环中,但它们在环中的位置可能会改变几度



·        方块和物品已被移动到更适合它们的类别中

·        方块现在尽可能按其材料排序

o   例如,所有橡木方块和变体现在都彼此相邻

·        现在可以在多个选项卡中找到某些物品

·        各种选项卡已重命名或折叠到其他选项卡中

·        搜索选项卡现在列出按其他选项卡顺序分组的物品

o   例如,在建筑方块中找到的物品将始终出现在红石方块中的物品之前

·        石化橡木台阶已从创造模式物品栏中移除

o   仍然可以通过命令获取

·        这是为创造模式物品栏带来更好体验的第一次迭代,我们将密切关注这些更改的反馈,以便根据需要继续进行迭代


·        移除了聊天预览

·        服务器服主删除的聊天消息将不再完全隐藏,而是替换为“此聊天消息已被服务器删除”的文字。

·        删除的聊天消息现在将在聊天窗口中显示至少 3 秒,然后被隐藏

·        聊天信任状态标识已调整:

o   对于仅更改样式的服务器修改消息,将不再显示“已修改”标签

o   “已修改”标签图标和指示器现在为深灰色

o   “不安全”标签现在为浅灰色且没有图标

·        部分过滤的聊天消息现在将过滤后的文本显示为灰色哈希,并带有“已过滤”的悬停文本

22W42A 中的技术更改

·        添加功能标志 - 启用或禁用某些实验性或未完成功能(如方块、实体和物品)的世界选项

·        网络协议更改

·        具有配方书的配方类型实例现在具有字段 类别 来确定放置



·        功能标志是启用或禁用某些游戏元素组(如方块、实体和项目)的选项,后来称为“特性”

·        由标志控制的游戏元素是硬编码的

·        功能标志储存在世界中


·        功能标志由数据包启用

o   添加了名为features的新包元数据部分 ,在名为enabled 的列表中包含启用的功能标志 

·        游戏现在包含内置数据包(类似于“Programmer Art”资源包),可启用功能并提供相关的配方、进度、战利品表等

·        向server.properties添加了新字段以  允许初始选择包(仅在世界创建期间有效)

o   initial-enabled-packs  - 要启用的包的逗号分隔列表(功能包需要显式启用)

o   initial-disabled-packs  - 不自动启用的包的逗号分隔列表

·        如果在世界创建后发现的数据包需要未为加载的世界启用的功能,则它们将被禁用



·        可以创建新方块的命令不会识别禁用的方块 ID

·        禁用方块对应的物品也被禁用

·        禁用的方块不会在结构中生成

·        禁用的方块不会作为实体的一部分加载(例如落下的沙子或末影人携带的方块)

·        玩家无法与禁用的方块互动


·        可以召唤新实体的命令不会识别禁用的实体 ID

·        禁用的实体不会生成或加载

·        禁用实体对应的刷怪蛋物品被禁用


·        禁用的物品从创造模式菜单中隐藏

·        防止配方和战利品表创建已禁用的物品

·        可以创建新物品的命令无法识别已禁用的物品 ID

·        禁用的物品不能用于交互或攻击


·        网络协议现在支持将玩家实体添加到世界而不添加到“选项卡”玩家列表中

·        服务器现在可以懒惰地分发玩家的个人资料公钥以及他们的第一个聊天包

·        发送私人消息时不再需要分发安全聊天协议中的消息“头”

·        现在对上下文消息引用进行了重复数据删除,以提高安全聊天网络协议中的效率



·        制作书籍类别/标签现在可以由配方定义控制

·        可用于 有形/无形 和各种特殊制作配方的类别:

o   建造

o   红石

o   装备

o   杂项 (默认)

·        可用于冶炼、 爆破、 熏制、 篝火烹饪的类别

o   食物

o   方块

o   杂项 (默认)

·        一些手工书籍将多个类别折叠到一个选项卡中

·        确切的映射将来可能会改变


·        资源包版本现在是 11

·        移除了版本 3 和 4(预展开)资源包的“修复程序”

o   游戏将不再尝试将这些版本的包调整为当前版本

22W42A 中修复的Bug

·        MC-14167  - 生物在挂在拴绳上时会累计摔落伤害而致死

·        MC-96449  - 兔子有时在被杀死后不会掉落生兔肉

·        MC-130754  - 在耕地上跳跃会推动玩家

·        MC-135973  - 不能按 Q 从容器物品栏中快速扔出物品

·        MC-145748  - 当下一个界面中鼠标下方有滑块时单击设置按钮会播放两次单击音效

·        MC-146930  - “Programmer Art”资源包在内部被称为“programer_art”

·        MC-150488  - 生物可以在脚手架上生成

·        MC-152752  - 唱片机音乐声音来自方块底部的西北边缘

·        MC-160610  - 生物可以在紫颂花上生成

·        MC-170457  - 箱子闩锁无法正确旋转

·        MC-170817  - 视频设置中滑块的点击声音明显比其他任何地方都响亮

·        MC-175313  - 堆肥填充声音来自方块的底部西北角

·        MC-177738  - 使用 /spawnpoint 设置在重生锚上的重生点会消耗萤石能量,如果其能量耗尽,重生点就不会停留在重生锚上

·        MC-182708  - 下界和扭曲的疣块在创造模式物品栏中没有在树叶后出现

·        MC-183069  - 驴子、骡子和亡灵马不能通过右键单击装备上鞍

·        MC-183502  - 用玻璃瓶收集蜂蜜和用剪刀收集蜂巢的声音被归类为友好生物

·        MC-183831  - 村民在不处于站立状态时可以繁殖

·        MC-183899  - 可以将重生点设置在末地传送门内,导致玩家卡在末地

·        MC-197150  - 手持马铠和地毯时不能通过右键单击它们来装备到马或骆驼身上

·        MC-199162  - plains_large_farm_1 的一个农田块的湿度为 0

·        MC-201684  - 火把和灵魂火把在创造模式物品栏中没有放在一起

·        MC-201759  - 各种黑曜石在创造模式中没有放在一起

·        MC-202607  - 猫在睡觉后送礼物时可以通过传送来摆脱拴绳

·        MC-206854  - 多人游戏警告和聊天预览警告偏离屏幕中心

·        MC-216733  - 玄武岩和黑石未与创造模式物品栏中的其他“可抛光”石头类型放在一起

·        MC-217644  - 创造模式物品栏中下界疣块和菌光体在不同的选项卡

·        MC-218534  - 黑石楼梯和台阶未与其他石头类型的楼梯和台阶放在一起

·        MC-220489  - 床和重生锚不在创造模式物品栏中

·        MC-221568  - 不一致:屏障方块和结构空位在被破坏时会产生粒子,但光源方块不会

·        MC-222879  - 在创造模式物品栏中下界合金碎片出现在下界合金锭之后

·        MC-224921  - 生物寻路在某些情况下失败/生物在封闭的转弯处摔落

·        MC-226184  - 美西螈寻找水时有时会掉进宽洞里

·        MC-226566  - 不一致:方块没有正确放置在创造模式物品栏中

·        MC-228475  - 滴水石锥在创造模式物品栏中没有与滴水石块放在一起

·        MC-234446  - 创造模式物品栏中苔藓块出现在错误的选项卡

·        MC-239465  - 创造模式物品栏中的绿宝石块看起来没有放对位置

·        MC-242663  - 西瓜可以在水下生成

·        MC-243458  - Worldgen 数据包在首次启动时无法在服务器上运行

·        MC-248753  - 压力板没有激活,即使视觉上它们应该已经激活

·        MC-249106  - 通过 frogspawn 碰撞箱/模型错误渲染水

·        MC-249232  - 青蛙在寻找实体时有时会掉进深洞

·        MC-249257  - 制造泥浆时溅起的声音不受“方块”声音滑块的控制

·        MC-249294  - 兔子忽略“MoreCarrotTicks”值,导致它们总是尝试吃胡萝卜

·        MC-249419  - 泥砖台阶在地图上的颜色不再与其他泥砖方块一致

·        MC-249463  - 运输船上的潜影贝高度被降低了

·        MC-249513  - 青蛙卵在创造模式物品栏中没有与海龟蛋分在同一组

·        MC-249720  - 悦灵的翅膀没有附着在身体上

·        MC-249765  - 在适当的情况下,悦灵在不可见时不会呈现半透明

·        MC-249806  - 悦灵在船、运输船、矿车和实体中渲染得太低

·        MC-249842  - 悦灵试图寻找世界边界之外的物品

·        MC-249875  - 奇偶校验问题:悦灵在跟随、投掷物品或在 Java 版中执行其他操作之前会犹豫几秒钟

·        MC-249935  - 新进度“生日歌”不提供经验

·        MC-250249  - Parity 问题:悦灵拾取具有其他效果的箭/药水物品,而不是他们持有的物品

·        MC-250311  - minecraft:entity.tadpole.grow_up 声音事件没有翻译键

·        MC-250423  - 青蛙经常无法跳到小方块上

·        MC-250943  - minecraft.used:minecraft.goat_horn 在使用山羊角时不会增加

·        MC-251296  - 悦灵具有透明纹理,但在游戏中不透明

·        MC-251518  - 悦灵用于欺骗的姿势、飞行动画和舞蹈动画与 基岩版 不同,导致强烈的割裂、不一致、不稳定的运动和奇怪的物品定位

·        MC-251688  - 如果消息足够长,聊天预览可能会与聊天内容重叠

·        MC-252089  - 当玩家死亡或改变维度时,聊天预览警告菜单被强制关闭

·        MC-252415  - 基岩版的新 1.19.10 初始文本在 Java 1.19 上不可用

·        MC-253076  - 当 NBT 数据每刻更新时,悦灵会复制物品

·        MC-253125  - 悦灵可以在恐慌时跳舞

·        MC-253189  - 没有AI的悦灵可以跳舞

·        MC-253367  - 加载所有附近区块后,在继续聊天预览警告后,屏幕有时会闪烁“正在加载地形...”屏幕

·        MC-253738  - 振动粒子以大约 60 度的恒定间距面向,不指向目标

·        MC-254119  - 繁殖一只尖叫山羊和一只普通山羊时永远不会产生尖叫山羊

·        MC-254395  - 当聊天预览选项设置为“发送时”时,命令建议可能会与聊天预览字段重叠

·        MC-254427  - 安全聊天警告推送可以出现在单人游戏世界中

·        MC-254535  - 下界传送门不能顶替雪层

·        MC-254695  - “复述功能已禁用”弹出窗口没有完全渲染

·        MC-254774  - 当一个gossip值为 0 的村民分享gossip时游戏崩溃

·        MC-255151  - net.minecraft.client.Camera#getMaxZoom(double) 问题

·        MC-255164  - 幽匿尖啸体警告等级在玩家死亡后重置为 0

·        MC-255715  - 主菜单全景在几天后停止旋转

·        MC-256217  - 服务器中在高坐标爆炸会产生幽灵方块


快照可用于 Minecraft:Java 版。要安装快照,请打开 Minecraft 启动器 并在“安装”选项卡中启用快照。





A Minecraft Java Snapshot

Hello there! We are now releasing the first snapshot for 1.19.3! You might have been thinking that this snapshot would be for 1.20, but times are changing. Going forward, we are taking a bit of a different approach to how we release minor and major versions for Minecraft: Java Edition. Essentially, we will be releasing minor versions more often. You can find out more details about this in a post over here.

In this snapshot, we’re introducing feature toggles, which you might have seen in a post we released yesterday. This means we can add a toggle for Update 1.20 with features such as the Camel, without committing to releasing them in version 1.19.3. This lets us have experimental features available for testing, while still being able to release updates with new functionality, changes, and improvements, without having to remove those features from the game first.

In this snapshot, you’ll be seeing the features that we talked about during Minecraft Live as experimental features, a few changes to chat, some technical changes and many bug fixes.

Happy mining!


·        Some experimental features are now available through built-in experimental datapacks

·        Bundles are now available as an experimental feature

·        Added a new “Panorama Scroll Speed” accessibility option


·        Some experimental features now need to be enabled to appear in worlds

·        Such features are enabled by adding a built-in datapack when creating a world

·        Feature toggles are meant to hide unfinished or experimental features, to make sure your existing worlds remain unaffected

·        Worlds that are using experimental features will be marked as “Experimental” in world selection list

·        Experimental features cannot be toggled for existing worlds


Camels are now available when Update 1.20 experimental features are enabled.

·        Camels can be equipped with a saddle and ridden by two players

·        Camels spawn naturally in Desert Villages

·        Camels are tall

o   Most hostile mobs will not be able to reach you when you are on a Camel

o   They can walk over fences without a sweat

·        Camels are very graceful, but grumpy mobs

o   They randomly sit down

o   While sitting, it is difficult to convince them to move

·        Camels can either walk slowly or sprint quickly

·        They can also dash forward but will lose stamina for a while when doing so


A new set of Bamboo wood blocks are now available when Update 1.20 experimental features are enabled.

·        New wood blocks

o   Bamboo Planks

o   Bamboo Door

o   Bamboo Trapdoor

o   Bamboo Sign

o   Bamboo Stairs

o   Bamboo Slab

o   Bamboo Fence

o   Bamboo Fence Gate

o   Bamboo Button

o   Bamboo Pressure Plate

·        Bamboo Planks can be crafted with 2x2 Bamboo items

·        Added a new “Mosaic” plank variant that is unique to Bamboo called Bamboo Mosaic

o   It can be crafted with 1x2 Bamboo Slabs in a vertical strip

o   You can craft Stair and Slab variants of Bamboo Mosaic

·        Added a unique Bamboo Raft and Bamboo Chest Raft which can be crafted like normal boats, but with Bamboo Planks

o   They function the same as ordinary boats, but have a unique look to them


A new, chiseled variation of the Bookshelf is now available when Update 1.20 experimental features are enabled.

·        Crafted with 6 planks and 3 wooden slabs

·        Can store Books, Book and Quills, Written Books, and Enchanted Books

o   Holds up to 6 books

o   Keeps the stories and lore of your world safe

·        Comparators can detect the last book placed/removed

o   Perfect for hiding secrets in your spooky library


Ever wanted to hang up your signs? Fetch a few chains, strip some logs, and now you can! Hanging signs are now available when Update 1.20 experimental features are enabled.

·        Hanging Signs are a more expensive version of normal Signs

o   Crafted with 2 chains and 6 stripped logs of your preferred wood type

o   Crafting results in 6 Hanging Signs

·        Can be hung up in the following ways:

o   Underneath a block that can provide support in the center, like a full block or a fence

o   Attached to the solid side of a block

o   Attached to the side or underneath another Hanging Sign

·        Unlike normal Signs, they cannot be placed directly on the ground without support from the side or above

o   However, Hanging Signs that have a horizontal bar will not pop when the supporting block is removed


·        Various wood types now have unique sounds when placed, broken, or walked on

o   There are three sets of unique sounds: Overworld wood types, Nether wood types, and Bamboo


·        Reworked the Creative Inventory tabs

·        Changes to chat

·        The Realms News button will now show a confirmation screen before opening the link

·        Stronghold placement code has been changed to be more efficient, causing stronghold positions to shift

o   They are still placed in concentric rings, but their positions in the rings may change by a few degrees


The ordering of tabs and the contents in the Creative Inventory have been tweaked to make the experience of finding relevant blocks and items easier.

·        Blocks and items have been moved into categories that fit them better

·        Blocks are now ordered by their material as much as possible

o   For example, all Oak blocks and variants are now next to each other

·        Some items can now be found in more than one tab

·        Various tabs have been renamed or collapsed into others

·        The search tab now lists items sequentially grouped by the other tabs

o   For example, items found in Building Blocks will always appear before items in Redstone Blocks

·        Petrified Oak Slab has been removed from the Creative Inventory

o   It can still be accessed through commands

·        This is a first iteration to bring a better experience to the Creative Inventory, and we will look closely at the feedback for these changes to iterate as needed


·        Removed Chat Preview

·        Chat messages deleted by server moderators will no longer be completely hidden, but rather replaced with text stating “This chat message has been deleted by the server.”

·        Deleted chat messages will now be displayed in the chat window for at least 3 total seconds before being hidden

·        The Chat Trust Status indicators have been tweaked:

o   The ‘Modified’ tag will no longer display for server-modified messages where only style has been changed

o   The ‘Modified’ tag icon and indicator is now dark gray

o   The ‘Not Secure’ tag is now light gray and does not have an icon

·        Partially filtered chat messages now show the filtered text as gray hashes with a hover text saying that it was filtered


·        Added Feature Flags - world options to enable or disable some experimental or unfinished features (like blocks, entities and items)

·        Network protocol changes

·        Instances of recipe types that have recipe books now have field category to determine placement



·        Feature flags are options that enable or disable certain groups of game elements (like blocks, entities and items), later called “features”

·        Game elements controlled by flags are hardcoded

·        Feature flags are stored in world


·        Feature flags are enabled by datapacks

o   New pack metadata section called features is added, containing enabled feature flags in list named enabled

·        The game now contains built-in datapacks (similar to the “Programmer Art” resource pack) that enable features and provide associated recipes, advancements, loot tables, etc

·        Added new fields to server.properties to allow initial selection of packs (works only during world creation)

o   initial-enabled-packs - comma-separated list of packs to be enabled (feature packs need to be explicitly enabled)

o   initial-disabled-packs - comma-separated list of packs to not auto-enable

·        Datapacks discovered after world creation will be disabled if they require features that are not enabled for loaded world



·        Disabled block ids are not recognized by commands that can create new blocks

·        Block items for disabled blocks are disabled

·        Disabled blocks won’t spawn in structures

·        Disabled blocks won’t be loaded as part of entities (for example as falling sand or blocks carried by Endermen)

·        Players can’t interact with disabled blocks


·        Disabled entity ids are not recognized by commands that can summon new entities

·        Disabled entities will not spawn or load

·        Spawn egg items for disabled entities are disabled


·        Disabled items are hidden from creative menu

·        Recipes and loot tables are prevented from creating disabled items

·        Disabled item ids are not recognized by commands that can create new items

·        Disabled items can’t be used for interactions or attacking


·        The network protocol now supports adding player entities to the world without being added to the ‘tab’ player list

·        Servers can now lazily distribute players’ profile public keys along with their first chat packet

·        Message ‘headers’ within the Secure Chat protocol no longer need to be distributed when private messages are sent

·        Contextual message references are now deduplicated for efficiency within the Secure Chat network protocol



·        Crafting book categories/tabs can now be controlled by recipe definitions

·        Categories available for shaped/shapeless and various special crafting recipes:

o   building

o   redstone

o   equipment

o   misc (default)

·        Categories available for smelting, blasting, smoking, campfire_cooking

o   food

o   blocks

o   misc (default)

·        Some crafting books collapse multiple categories into a single tab

·        The exact mappings might change in the future


·        The Resource Pack version is now 11

·        Removed “fixers” for resource packs with versions 3 and 4 (pre-flattening)

o   The game will no longer try to adapt packs with those versions to the current version


·        MC-14167 - Mobs build up fall damage when dangling on a lead

·        MC-96449 - Rabbits sometimes don’t drop any raw rabbit upon being killed

·        MC-130754 - Jumping on farmland pushes the player a bit

·        MC-135973 - Can’t hold Q to drop items rapidly from container inventories

·        MC-145748 - Clicking a settings button when there’s a slider under the mouse in the next screen plays the click sound twice

·        MC-146930 - The “Programmer Art” resource pack is internally called “programer_art”

·        MC-150488 - Mobs can spawn on scaffolding

·        MC-152752 - Jukebox music sound originates from north-west edge of the block

·        MC-160610 - Mobs are able to spawn on Chorus Flowers

·        MC-170457 - Chest latch doesn’t rotate properly

·        MC-170817 - Click sound of sliders in the video settings noticeably louder than anywhere else

·        MC-175313 - Composter filling sounds originate from the bottom northwest corner of the block

·        MC-177738 - Spawnpoint set on respawn anchor using /spawnpoint depletes glowstone charge, and doesn’t stay on respawn anchor if its charge is depleted

·        MC-182708 - Nether and warped wart blocks do not come after leaves in the Creative inventory

·        MC-183069 - Donkeys, mules and undead horses cannot be saddled by right-clicking

·        MC-183502 - The sounds for collecting honey in a bottle and collecting honeycomb with shears is categorised under friendly creatures

·        MC-183831 - Villagers breed when not standing up

·        MC-183899 - You can set your spawn point inside an end portal, causing the player to become stuck in the End

·        MC-197150 - Horse armor and carpets cannot be equipped onto horses or llamas by right-clicking them whilst having these items held in your hand

·        MC-199162 - One farmland block in plains_large_farm_1 has moisture level 0

·        MC-201684 - Torches and soul torches aren’t grouped together in the creative inventory

·        MC-201759 - Obsidians aren’t grouped together in Creative

·        MC-202607 - Cat can get off lead by teleporting when it gives a gift after sleeping

·        MC-206854 - Multiplayer warning and Chat Preview warning are off center

·        MC-216733 - Basalt and blackstone are not grouped together with other “polishable” stone types in the Creative inventory

·        MC-217644 - Wart blocks and shroomlights are in different Creative tabs

·        MC-218534 - Blackstone stairs & slabs are not grouped with the other stone type stairs & slabs

·        MC-220489 - Beds and respawn anchors are not grouped in the Creative inventory

·        MC-221568 - Inconsistency: Barriers and structure voids produce particles when broken, but light blocks do not

·        MC-222879 - Netherite scrap comes after netherite ingot in the creative inventory

·        MC-224921 - Mob pathfinding fails under certain circumstances / mobs fall on closed turns

·        MC-226184 - Axolotls pathfinding to water can sometimes fall in wide holes

·        MC-226566 - Inconsistency: Blocks are not placed correctly in Creative inventory

·        MC-228475 - Pointed dripstone is not grouped with dripstone blocks in the creative inventory

·        MC-234446 - Moss Block appears in the wrong creative inventory tab

·        MC-239465 - Emerald block in creative inventory looks out of place

·        MC-242663 - Melons can generate underwater

·        MC-243458 - Worldgen data packs don’t work on servers at first launch

·        MC-248753 - Pressure plates don’t activate even though visually they should

·        MC-249106 - Water rendering incorrectly through frogspawn hitbox/model

·        MC-249232 - Frogs can sometimes fall into deep holes when pathfinding to entities

·        MC-249257 - The sounds of splashing when creating mud aren’t controlled by the “Blocks” sound slider

·        MC-249294 - Rabbits ignore the “MoreCarrotTicks” value, causing them to always try to eat carrots

·        MC-249419 - Map color for mud brick slab is no longer consistent with map color for other mud brick blocks

·        MC-249463 - Shulkers in boats with chests are lowered

·        MC-249513 - Frogspawn is not grouped with turtle eggs in the Creative inventory

·        MC-249720 - Allay’s wings are not attached to its body

·        MC-249765 - Allays don’t render semi-transparent when invisible where appropriate

·        MC-249806 - Allay renders too low in boat, boat with chest, minecart and entities

·        MC-249842 - Allays attempt to pathfind to items that are outside of the world border

·        MC-249875 - Parity Issue: Allays hesitate for a few seconds before following, throwing items, or doing other actions in Java

·        MC-249935 - New advancement “Birthday Song” grants no experience

·        MC-250249 - Parity Issue: Allays pick up arrow/potion items with other effects than the ones they’re holding

·        MC-250311 - The minecraft:entity.tadpole.grow_up sound event doesn’t have a translation key

·        MC-250423 - Frog frequently fails to long jump to small blocks

·        MC-250943 - minecraft.used:minecraft.goat_horn doesn’t increase when using goat horns

·        MC-251296 - Allay has a transparent texture but it is not transparent in game

·        MC-251518 - Allay’s poses, flying animations, and dancing animations for duping differ from Bedrock’s, causing intense clipping, inconsistencies, choppy movements, and strange item positioning

·        MC-251688 - Chat preview can overlap chat contents if the message is long enough

·        MC-252089 - The chat preview warning menu is forcibly closed when the player dies or changes dimensions

·        MC-252415 - Bedrock Edition’s new 1.19.10 splash text is not available on Java 1.19

·        MC-253076 - Allay duplicates Items when its NBT data is updated every tick

·        MC-253125 - Allays can dance while panicking

·        MC-253189 - Allays with NoAI can dance

·        MC-253367 - The screen is sometimes flashed with the “Loading terrain…” screen after proceeding with the chat preview warning when all nearby chunks are loaded

·        MC-253738 - Vibration particle faces at a constant pitch of about 60 degrees, not pointing towards the target

·        MC-254119 - Breeding a Screaming Goat and a Regular Goat never results in a screaming goat

·        MC-254395 - Command suggestions can overlap the chat preview field when the chat preview option is set to “When Sending”

·        MC-254427 - Secure chat warning toast can appear on singleplayer worlds

·        MC-254535 - Nether portals cannot replace snow layers

·        MC-254695 - “Narrator Disabled” pop-up doesn’t render fully

·        MC-254774 - Crash when a villager with a gossip of value 0 shares gossips

·        MC-255151 - net.minecraft.client.Camera#getMaxZoom(double) issue

·        MC-255164 - Sculk Shrieker warning level resets to 0 after player’s death

·        MC-255715 - Menu panorama stops spinning after several days

·        MC-256217 - Explosions create ghost blocks on servers at high coordinates


Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.

Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.




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