天生一对The Parent Trap、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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天生一对The Parent Trap、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-08 13:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

好了 准备好了Ready. All set.预备 开始En garde! Fence!有了Touche!接得好 谢了Nice catch. Thanks.有了Touche!-抱歉 我拉你一把 -不 让我拉你一把吧-Sorry, let me help you. -No, let me help you!-你干嘛拉我 -是你先推我下水的-What'd ya do that for? -Me? You pushed me in.我才没有I did not.很好刚才很精彩Okay, that was quite a show.新的击剑冠军产生了 来自英国伦敦的All right. I think we've got ourselves a new camp champ from London, England...安妮·詹姆斯 小姐Miss Annie James.两位 握手言和All right, girls. Shake hands.握手吧Come on, girls.她们在看什么Why's everyone staring?-你看不出来吗 -什么-Don't you see it? -See what?-我们两有多像 -你跟我很像-The resemblance between us. -Resemblance? Between you and me?我看看 转过去Let me see. Turn sideways.好 转到另一边Now the other way.你有点斗鸡眼Well, your eyes are much closer together than mine.招风耳 你会习惯的Your ears, well, don't worry, you'll grow into them.也有点暴牙Your teeth are a little crooked.你的鼻子 别担心 靠整容都能矫正的Ah! And that nose! Well, don't worry, dear, those things can be fixed.-要我替你报仇吗 -等等 我还没讲完-Want me to deck her for ya? -Hold on. I'm not quite finished yet.知道我们最大的不同点在哪里吗You wanna know the real difference between us?我想想看 我会剑术你不会Let me see. I know how to fence and you don't?还是我有气质你没有 随你挑Or, I have class and you don't. Take your pick.-你给我小心 -你们最好降降火气-Why, I oughta. -Ladies, it's time to break up this little lovefest.安妮 荷莉 我是说 荷莉 安妮Annie, Hallie. I mean, Hallie, Annie.抱歉 我有两对 你们输了Sorry, ladies. Two pair. Read 'em and weep.我不玩了Aah! I'm out.没人要玩了吗 我什么都没了So that's it? No more takers? I have nothing left.让我试试看I'll take a whack at it.请坐 帕克Take a seat, Parker.发牌Deal me in.♪ Now, on the day I was born ♪♪ The nurses all gathered around ♪♪ And they gazed in a wide wonder ♪♪ At the joy they had found ♪♪ The head nurse spoke up ♪♪ Said leave this one alone ♪♪ She could tell right away that I was bad to the bone ♪♪ Bad to the bone ♪这样吧 告诉你我要做什么 我跟你谈个条件Tell you what I'm gonna do. I'll make you a little deal.谁输了就得跳进湖里Loser jumps into the lake after the game.很好 而且要脱得精光Excellent. Butt naked.这样更好 开始脱吧 帕克Even more excellent. Start unzipping, Parker.顺子 方块Straight. In diamonds.你很厉害You're good, James.不过没有我厉害But, you're just not good enough.你输了 同花大顺In your honor, a royal flush.写♥真♥公主 好身材Love the birthday suit. Looking good.把她的衣服拿走Grab her clothes.好 很好Oh, right. Fine.你想玩 我就奉陪到底If that's the way you want it, then let the games begin.听说你的分身一直在打喷嚏I swear I heard your evil clone sneaking all the way up toward the mess hall this morning.我好累 我要上♥床♥睡到吃午饭I am so tired. I'm going back into bed and sleeping till lunch.看起来是不可能了That does not seem like a possibility, babe.-为什么 -你自己看-Why not? -That's why not.不会吧No... way.安静 我希望她们都睡着了Be quiet. Oh, I hope they're sleeping.来吧 四下无人The coast is clear. Okay, let's go in.-准备报仇了 -别吵醒她-Payback time. -Don't wake her.小心Careful.你完蛋了Got milk?啊 啊 啊Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!我的天Oh, my God.她没整到我She didn't get me.那个女孩子 毫无疑问Ah! That girl is without a doubt...是地球上最卑鄙可恶的东西the lowest, most awful creature that ever walked the planet!多谢夸奖Thank you. Thank you very much.-早安 女孩们 -早安 玛瓦-Morning, girls. -Morning, Marvas.玛瓦Marvas!临时检查Surprise inspection.注意了Attention!拿瓦侯木屋Navajos.不不 玛瓦 别进去No, no, Marva. Do not go in there.昨晚有人吐 里面一团糟One of the girls got sick last night, and it is a big, big mess.别进去看 真的很恶心Save yourself the aggravation. It's really disgusting.若有人生病我就更应该进去Oh, well, if someone's sick, dear, then I must go in.-让开 -不行 别进去-Move aside, dear. -No, no, really. I insist.我不能让你进去 会传染的I can't let you go in there. She's highly contagious.是真的Honest.其实我们都很好Actually, we're all quite fine in here...除非荷莉·帕克心里有鬼unless Hallie Parker knows something we don't know.真的 你自己打开门看看Really. I insist. Open the door and come see for yourself, ma'am.让开 荷莉Stand aside, Hallie.妈妈Mommy!不 不No! No!不No!我说过里面是一团糟的 她很清楚 是她干的I told you it was a mess in here. She should know. She did it!你 还有你You! And you!给我打包Pack your bags!好了 女孩们 其余的人Okay, girls. The rest of you...继续活动back to your activities.你们俩 到隔离木屋去You two... the isolation cabin.天啊 卡住了Oh, gosh, it's stuck.谢了 不客气Thanks. You're welcome.讨厌Ah! Oh, man!-这是你的 -小兔兔-Oh, here's your... -Cuppy.照片有没有湿Any of your pictures ruined?-只有大帅哥李奥纳多的湿了 -谁-Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio. -Who?你不知道李奥纳多You've never heard of Leonardo DiCaprio?伦敦到底有多远啊How far away is London anyway?离这儿三千哩Well, from here it's 3,000 miles...不过有时好像更远but sometimes it seems much further.-你家住哪里 -美国另一边的加州-How far away is your home? -Oh, California is way at the other end of the country.这是我家的照片Actually, here's a picture of my house.真漂亮It's beautiful.在我小的时候建造的 我家有一个很好的阳台We built it when I was little. We've got this incredible porch...在那里能看到整个葡萄园that looks over the entire vineyard.-还有 -那是谁-And then... -Who Who's that?我爸 这是我偷♥拍♥的That's my dad. He didn't know I was taking the picture then...否则他会转身的or else he would have turned around.我们最好了 什么都一起做He's kinda like my best friend. We do everything together.-怎么了 -我只是有点冷-What's the matter? -Oh, it's chilly in here, that's all.-想吃吗 -好 我最爱吃奥利奥的饼干了-Want one? -Oh, sure, I love Oreos.我在家都沾花生酱吃At home I eat them with I eat them with peanut butter.真的 好巧喔 我也是You do? That is so weird. So do I.真的吗 别人都觉得恶心You're kidding. Most people find that totally disgusting.是啊 真是搞不懂I know. I don't get it.我也不懂Me either.你♥爸♥的人好不好What's your dad like?他会跟你谈心吗I mean, is he the kind of father you can talk to...或者老是在工作 每次都说改天再聊or is he one of those workaholic types who says, "I'll talk to ya later, honey..."却从来不跟你聊but, you know, never really does?-我最讨厌这样 -我没有父亲-I hate that. -I don't have a father, actually.我是说 我本来是有父亲I mean, I had one once, I suppose.但他跟我妈离婚了But my parents divorced years ago.我妈从来不提他My mother never even mentions him.他好像凭空消失了It's like he evaporated into thin air or something.父母都不能永远在一起It's scary the way nobody stays together anymore.-说得没错 -你今年几岁-Tell me about it. -How old are you?十月十一日满十二岁I'll be 12 on October 11.-我也是 -你的生日是十月十一日-So will I. -Your birthday's on October 11?




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