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2024-07-14 22:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”有关抑郁症“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About depression。以下是关于有关抑郁症四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About depression

Wting instructions: to wte a composition entitled "how to deal with depression", you should wte at least one sentence according to the outline below. In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition, and people are under great presse fm study, work and life. Many people begin to become sad and despair, and finally suffer fm depression.

In fact, depression has bught great adverse effects on people's study, work and life. Depression not only affects people's mind, but also affects his body. Patients with sre depression can not n continue to work or carry out normal activities, and the symptoms mainly include sadness, despair, not eating and sleep difficulties.

In addition, depression is also related to many other diseases, such as heart disease. What's worse, depression is one of the main reasons for people's suicide. Consideng the adverse effects of depression, we must pay attention to the patients with depression.

First of all, we should receive treatment in time, rather than cover up or iore the disease. People should learn to release presse, maintain a happy mood and the best treatment It is the combination of drug therapy and psychological , only in this way can we reduce the chance of suffeng fm depression or get d of the tuble of depression.





Wting instructions: to wte a composition entitled "how to deal with depression", you should wte at least one sentence according to the outline below. In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition, and people are under great presse fm study, work and life. Many people begin to become sad and despair, and finally suffer fm depression.

In fact, depression has bught great adverse effects on people's study, work and life. Depression not only affects people's mind, but also affects his body. Patients with sre depression can not n continue to work or carry out normal activities, and the symptoms mainly include sadness, despair, not eating and sleep difficulties.

In addition, depression is also related to many other diseases, such as heart disease. What's worse, depression is one of the main reasons for people's suicide. Consideng the adverse effects of depression, we must pay attention to the patients with depression.

First of all, we should receive treatment in time, rather than cover up or iore the disease. People should learn to release presse, maintain a happy mood and the best treatment It is the combination of drug therapy and psychological , only in this way can we reduce the chance of suffeng fm depression or get d of the tuble of depression.





Wting instructions: wte a composition entitled "how to deal with depression". You should wte at least one word according to the outline below. In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition, and people are under great presse fm study, work and life.

Many people begin to be depressed, despair, and finally suffer fm depression. Depression has bught great adverse effects on people's study, work and life. In fact, depression not only affects people's physical and mental health, but also cses seous depression The symptoms include sadness, despair, no appetite, and difficulty sleeping.

In addition, depression is associated with many other diseases, such as heart disease. What's worse, depression is one of the main cses of suicide. Consideng the adverse effects of depression, patients with depression must take seous meases.

First of all, it is important to receive treatment in a timely manner rather than cover up or iore the disease. In addition, people should learn to release presse and maintain a happy mood. The best treatment is the combination of drugs and psychological .

Only in this way can we reduce the chance of suffeng fm depression or get d of it it.




标签: 英语  四级 




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