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2024-07-11 14:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


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Gender 性别 – 一个人的生物学性别通常与出生时被指派的性别相符,但也包括心理、社会和文化性别身份。 Her gender is female, but she prefers to be referred to by gender-neutral pronouns.

Male 男性 – 生物学上的男性,通常指有XY染色体的个体。 The patient ticked ‘male’ on the registration form.

Female 女性 – 生物学上的女性,通常指有XX染色体的个体。 She identified herself as female on the survey.

Cisgender 顺性别 – 一个人的性别认同与出生时被指派的性别相符的情况。 He is cisgender and his gender identity matches the sex he was assigned at birth.

Transgender 跨性别 – 性别认同与出生时被指派的生物学性别不符的人。 She is a transgender woman who was assigned male at birth.

Non-binary 非二元性别/非二进制性别 – 不完全识别为男性或女性的性别身份。 Taylor identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

Genderqueer 性别酷儿 – 一个不符合传统性别二分法的性别身份。 Alex feels that the term genderqueer best describes their gender identity.

Genderfluid 流动性别 – 性别身份随时间变化的人。 Jordan’s gender identity is genderfluid, sometimes feeling more masculine and other times more feminine.

Androgynous 中性 – 外表、行为或性格特征不明显地表现为男性或女性。 Pat’s androgynous look makes it hard to determine their gender based on their appearance alone.

Intersex 间性人 – 生物学性别特征不符合传统定义的男性或女性的个体。 An intersex person might have chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex characteristics that are not typically male or female.

Agender 无性别 – 一个人不识别任何性别的身份。 Riley identifies as agender and does not feel an affiliation with any gender.

Bigender 双性别 – 同时识别为男性和女性的性别身份。 Sam is bigender and feels a connection to both the male and female genders.

Pronoun 代词 – 用于代替名词的词,如他、她、它,以及复数形式他们,有的词也可以特别指代某些性别身份,如ze/hir。 Please respect my pronouns; I use they/them.

Ze/Hir ze/hir – 一组非传统的第三人称单数代词,用作性别中立的代词。 Ze went to the store and bought hirself a new shirt.

Feminine 女性化 – 与女性特征相关的特征或表现。 Despite his masculine appearance, he has a very feminine personality.

Masculine 男性化 – 与男性特征相关的特征或表现。 She has a masculine way of dressing, preferring suits and ties.






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