关于“说”,除了say, 都有哪些精准的表达?

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关于“说”,除了say, 都有哪些精准的表达?

2024-07-01 09:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Communication is an essential part of our daily lives. We ourselves communicate, and others communicate to us through words, but also through gestures, facial expressions, body language, writings, texts, media, etc.沟通是我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。我们和自己交流,其他人通过语言和我们交流,也通过手势、面部表情、肢体语言、文字、文本、媒体等方式。

Especially today, in an age of technology and instant communication, more than ever people are sharing what they think and saying what they want when they want with the most liberty.尤其是今天,在科技和即时通讯的时代,人们比以往任何时候都更愿意分享他们的想法,在他们最自由的时候说出他们想要的话。

It’s understandable why you would look for synonyms, or other ways of saying, the word “said”, or “says”. “Said” is the past-tense of “says”. So, we would use it if we are recalling or repeating something someone said at a previous time.你为什么要找同义词,或者其他的表达方式,来表达“说”,比如“said”或“say”。这是可以理解的。“said”是“says”的过去式。所以,如果我们在回忆或重复别人以前说过的话,我们会使用它。

For example:例如:

“My doctor said my health has been improving over the last few weeks.”“我的医生说过去几周我的健康一直在改善。”

To use “said”, means someone was speaking, or talking. Of course, we know there are various ways of speaking, right?使用“said”表示某人过去在说话或谈话。当然,我们知道有很多种说话的方式,对吧?

We could SHOUT! We could whisper… We could speak, loud, low, fast, slow, carefully, carelessly, angrily, lovingly, and the list goes on, and there is a way of describing each and every type of manner spoken.我们可以大喊!我们可以低声说话……我们可以大声、低沉、快速、缓慢、小心、随性、愤怒、充满爱意地说话,我们还能列出一系列情境,描述每种说话方式有不同方法。

“Said” is more general. It means the words were spoken or declared. Below are a few synonyms you could use for “said” as well as examples of how you can add some descriptors.“Said”更普遍些。这意味着这些话被说出或被宣布。下面是一些可以用于“said”的同义词,以及如何添加一些描述性的示例。


To speak words.说出语言


Words spoken in the past.过去说的话。

Most common synonyms for SAIDsaid最常见的同义词


synonyms for saidsaid的同义词

Something said with certainty and conviction.肯定并坚定地说了些什么。

The politician passionately declared the changes he promised to bring about.这位政治家满怀激情地宣布他承诺要带来的变化。

I declared I would have to move out of my flat by the end of the month.我宣布要在月底搬出我的公寓。


To share secret information.分享秘密信息。

I felt our friendship tighten, when Ana disclosed this personal experience with me.当安娜向我透露这段个人经历时,我感到我们的友谊越来越亲密。

The journalist only said she would not reveal who disclosed the confidential story to her.这位记者只说她不会透露是谁向她透露了这个秘密。


To talk about something with others.和别人谈论某事

We were both angry, but we discussed the matter in a cordial and polite manner.我们俩都很生气,但我们以亲切和礼貌的方式讨论了这件事。

I’ve discussed music and literature more times than I can remember in this famous jazz club.在这个著名的爵士乐俱乐部里,我讨论过很多次音乐和文学。


To casually talk with others.随便和别人交谈。

We chatted over coffee and pastries during our work break.我们在休息时间聊咖啡和糕点。

I love the way my dad chats with me when we have time to spend together.当我们有时间在一起的时候,我喜欢爸爸和我聊天的方式。


To share information.分享信息

I communicated my personal opinions to my manager about how this department was running.我就这个部门的运作情况向经理表达了我的个人意见。

My boyfriend communicated his sincere admiration for my determination when I completed my first running marathon.当我完成第一次马拉松跑步时,我的男朋友向我表达了他对我决心的由衷钦佩。


To say or refer to something briefly.简要地提及某事

I was surprised my mom didn’t mention how dirty my flat was when she came to visit.我很惊讶我妈妈没有提到在她来拜访时我的公寓有多脏。

She tried not to mention how much she missed her family during the holidays, because it would only maker her more homesick.她在假期里尽量不提有多想念家人,因为这只会让她更想家。


To share an opinion or attitude.分享意见或态度

The student voiced his opinion of how unfair the teacher was managing the class.学生表达了他对老师管理课堂有多不公平的看法。

The citizens voiced their extreme dissatisfaction with the local government through protests.市民们通过抗议表达了对当地政府的极度不满。

There are actually plenty of words that describe someone saying words. Depending on the tone and emotion that each of them feel, you can pull from each of these short lists to find a word that suits your needs:事实上,有很多词可以描述某人说的话。根据每个人的语气和情绪,你可以从这些简短的列表中找出适合你需要的单词:

Words to use INSTEAD of Said用来代替said的词

When the Speaker is Happy当说话者心情愉悦时


When someone is happy about something, they rejoice. This is a stronger word than simply saying they are happy.当某人对某件事感到高兴时,他们会欣喜若狂,这是一个比简单地说他们快乐更强烈的词。

“Now, we can FINALLY enjoy the party,” rejoiced the bride, who had been planning the wedding ceremony for months.“现在,我们终于可以享受这个聚会了,”新娘高兴地说,她已经策划了几个月的婚礼。

“I honestly can’t believe that we pulled it off,” rejoiced the teachers.“我真的不敢相信我们成功了,”老师们高兴地说。


When there is something specifically good that happens, you can celebrate!当有特别好的事情发生时,你可以庆祝!

“I am so happy for your promotion!” celebrated Winston.“我很高兴你升职!“温斯顿庆祝道。

“This definitely calls for some champagne,” celebrated Pauline.“这肯定需要一些香槟,”波琳庆祝道。


When someone is making a joke, or trying to get someone else to laugh, you can use this.当有人在开玩笑,或者试图让别人笑的时候,你可以用这个。

“I can’t believe you fell for that trick!” laughed Derek“我真不敢相信你会被那个骗局迷惑!”德里克笑着说。

“You thought what?! No, he is my brother and not my boyfriend!” laughed Susan.“你在想什么?!不,他是我弟弟,不是我男朋友!“苏珊笑了。


Chuckled is a synonym for laughed, but is a smaller laugh. If you chuckle, something is slightly funny but does not make you roll on the floor with laughter.Chuckled是laugh的同义词,但笑的程度要小一些。如果你咯咯地笑,有些事情有点滑稽,但不至于让你笑得滚落在地上。

“Yeah, I thought that you might find it funny,” chuckled Sam.“是的,我以为你会觉得很有趣,”山姆笑着说。

Diane chuckled, “That was why you were trying to avoid him this whole time?”黛安轻声笑道:“这就是为什么你一直想避开他?“


When someone says something that is not serious, you can say that they joke about a topic.当有人说一些不严肃的话时,你可以说他们在开一个话题的玩笑。

“Maybe we should get married tonight,” joked Tommy, whose girlfriend thought he was completely serious.“也许我们今晚应该结婚,”汤米开玩笑说,他的女朋友认为他是认真的。

She joked, “Perhaps your dreams would actually happen if they were actually important to you.”她开玩笑说:“如果你的梦想真的对你很重要,也许你的梦想真的会实现。”


To beam means to have a giant smile on your face. If you beam when you say something, it means that you are extremely happy that it happened and you are glad to show it to everyone.微笑意味着脸上有一个巨大的微笑。如果你说话时发出这样的信号,这意味着你对发生的事情感到非常高兴,并且你很高兴向每个人展示它。

“I have some great news,” the man beamed. “My wife is pregnant!”“我有个好消息,”那人笑着说。“我妻子怀孕了!“

“Son, I am so proud of you,” George’s father beamed.“儿子,我为你感到骄傲,”乔治的父亲笑着说。


To marvel at something means to admire it a lot. If you are marveling, you are looking at something that you think deserves a lot of praise. It often is something that captures your attention like nothing else!对某件事感到惊奇意味着对它非常钦佩。如果你很惊奇,你会看到一些你认为值得称赞的东西。它常常是吸引你的注意力的东西,不会像其他东西一样!

“These chocolate chip cookies are the best that I have ever tasted!” marveled the boy.“这些巧克力饼干是我吃过的最好的!”男孩惊讶地说。

“The view from the top of Machu Picchu is simply incredible; it has got to be one of the most beautiful views in the world!” marveled Rebecca.“马丘比丘山顶的景色简直不可思议,一定是世界上最美的景色之一!“丽贝卡很惊讶。


When you cheer about something, it means that you are celebrating it. You yell in joy because you are happy, often because something turned out the way that you had hope. A good situation in which you would use this is if you win a sports match that you really wanted to win. Or, you can cheer if you watch your favorite team win!当你为某件事欢呼时,这意味着你在庆祝它。你高兴地大喊是因为你很快乐,通常是因为你有了希望。如果你赢了一场你真正想赢的体育比赛,你就可以使用这个词。或者,如果你看到你最喜欢的球队获胜,你也可以欢呼!

“This now proves our team is the best!” cheered Uncle Dave.“这证明了我们的团队是最好的!“戴夫叔叔欢呼道。

“If you keep this up, I am sure our company will continue to grow,” cheered the CEO.“如果你继续这样做,我相信我们公司会继续发展,”CEO欢呼道。


While most of the time sang is used in the context of singing a song, it is not always. You can use sang if there is a song or tune involved. However, it can also help show a speaker’s emotion. If someone is saying something in a singing way, this means that they are very excited.虽然大多数时候唱歌都是在有背景音乐的情况下下进行的,但并不总是这样。如果涉及到歌曲或曲调,可以使用sang。然而,它也可以帮助表达演讲者的情感。如果有人在哼唱,这意味着他们非常兴奋。

Imagine a little girl skipping down a road, singing something to herself – showing that she is very happy. If someone sings a sentence, it means they feel very excited and want to show that emotion off.想象一个小女孩在路上蹦蹦跳跳,对自己唱着什么——表示她很高兴。如果有人唱了一句话,这意味着他们感到非常兴奋,想把这种情绪表现出来。

“It is the end of the school year! Summer vacation, here I come!” sang Jenny.“这是学年的结束!暑假,我来了!“詹妮唱道。

“I just can’t believe I am getting married today!” sang the bride to be as she picked up her wedding dress.“我简直不敢相信我今天要结婚了!“当新娘拿起她的婚纱时,她唱了起来。


To giggle means to laugh lightly. Most of the time, the laugher is a bit embarrassed to laugh but thinks something is too funny not to giggle.咯咯笑意味着轻轻地笑。大多数时候,笑的人笑起来有点尴尬,但觉得有些事情太有趣了,无法控制。

“Who thought that Bobby would be the last one to cross the river?” giggled the students.“谁想到鲍比会是最后一个过河的人?“学生们咯咯笑了。

“The panda baby that is trying to get its mother’s attention is absolutely adorable,” giggled Brian.布赖恩笑着说:“熊猫宝宝想引起妈妈的注意,真是太可爱了。”


To gloat means to show off. When you are proud of something that you did and want everyone to know, you can gloat. Usually, gloat means that you will cause other people to be frustrated.沾沾自喜就是一种炫耀。当你为你所做的事情感到骄傲,并且希望每个人都知道的时候,你可以沾沾自喜。通常,沾沾自喜,幸灾乐祸意味着你会让别人失望。

“Even though I study much less than you, I still got a better grade!” gloated Fred.“虽然我的学得比你少得多,但我的成绩还是比你好!“弗雷德幸灾乐祸道。

When the Speaker is Worried当说话处于担忧状态


When someone visibly swallows before they say something, they gulp.当有人在说话前明显地吞咽,他们就会深呼吸。

“I really do not think I am the best person to give this presentation,” gulped Thomas.“我真的不认为我是最好的人来做这个演讲,”托马斯咕噜着说。


When someone is unable to say words smoothly, and it feels like they have words stuck in their throat, they stutter.当有人说不流畅的话,感觉好像有话卡在喉咙里,他们就会结巴。

“W…w…what did you w…want?” stuttered Lily.“你…你…想要什么?“莉莉结结巴巴地说。


To whisper means to say something very quietly, trying not to be heard by anyone else.低语是指非常安静地说些什么,尽量不被别人听到。

“Can you tell me the plan again?” whispered Ryan.“你能再告诉我一次你的计划吗?“瑞安小声说。


When someone trembles, it means that they are visibly shaking. They cannot control their emotions and are very frightened or nervous.当有人颤抖时,这意味着他们明显地在颤抖。他们无法控制自己的情绪,非常害怕或紧张。

“Does anyone else see that tiger over there?” trembled Amy.“还有别人看到那边的老虎吗?”艾米颤抖着说道。

When the Speaker Will Not Change Their Mind当说话者不会改变心意


When you think of an army general, or an angry mom, they speak in commands.当你想到一个陆军上将,或者一个愤怒的母亲,他们会用命令说话。

“Why are these tasks not yet finished?!” commanded the project leader.“为什么这些任务还没有完成?!”项目负责人责令道。


To insist means to be convinced that you are right, even if you are not.坚持意味着确信你是对的,即使你不对。

“I am sure that I was the last employee to leave on Friday night,” insisted Peggy.佩吉坚持说:“我确信我是上周五晚上最后一个离开的员工。”


To dictate means to give an order than must be obeyed.发号施令意味着下达一项必须服从的命令。

“I want all these toys cleaned up from the floor by the time that I get home!” dictated father.“我要在回家前把地板上的玩具都清理干净!“父亲命令道。


When you demand something, you are authoritatively asking someone to do something.当你要求某件事时,你是权威地要求某人做某件事。

“I ordered strawberry, not peach. Switch this out right away!” demanded the young man.“我点的是草莓,不是桃子。马上把这个换掉!“年轻人要求道。


Ordering someone around means to ask for something to be done right away, and not allow someone to deny you.命令周围的人意味着要求立即做些事情,而不允许有人拒绝你。

“Three day delivery is unacceptable; I need this here tomorrow!” ordered the operations supervisor.“三天交货是不可接受的,我明天要在这里交货!“操作主管命令道。

When the Speaker is Sad当说话者处于悲伤中


A baby whines when they do not get what they want. You can whine when you are complaining about something.当婴儿得不到他们想要的东西时,他们会发出呜呜声。当你抱怨什么的时候,你可以发牢骚。

“This hike took way longer than I expected, and I am tired,” whined Francis.“这次徒步旅行比我预期的要长,我很累,”弗朗西斯抱怨道。


To bawl is to cry very loudly and very hard.痛哭就是大声地、用力地哭。

“I do not want to go to bed yet,” bawled Catherine.“我还不想睡觉,”凯瑟琳喊道。


To groan means to make a sound of protest against someone’s wishes. It is like a sigh, but it is much more obvious that the speaker is displeased.呻吟意味着对某人的意愿发出抗议的声音。这就像是一声叹息,但更明显的是说话者不高兴。

“I can’t believe mom is making us take out the trash AGAIN,” groaned Christian.“我真不敢相信妈妈又让我们把垃圾拿出来了,”克里斯蒂安呻吟道。


To sob also means to cry, but is usually a heavier crying. It is often in response to an unfortunate thing happening.Sobbed也意味着哭泣,但通常是更沉重的哭泣。这常常是对不幸事件的反应。

“Even though the doctors told us mom did not have long to live, her death still was a shock,” sobbed the daughter.“尽管医生告诉我们妈妈活不长,但她的死仍然令人震惊,”女儿抽泣着说。


When someone is crying, you can describe their speech that way.当有人哭的时候,你可以用这种方式描述他们的讲话。

“But mom, I want to eat a lollipop!” cried the baby boy.“但是妈妈,我想吃棒棒糖!“小男孩哭着说。

When the Speaker is Angry当说话者处于气愤中


A lion may roar, indicating that they are very loud and about to attack.狮子可能会吼叫,表示它们非常大声,即将发出攻击。

“WHO STOLE MY COFFEE?!” roared the man.“谁偷了我的咖啡?“那人吼道。


To bellow means to speak very loudly. Usually it means that the person has a deep voice that is trying to be heard everywhere.吼叫意味着大声说话。通常这意味着这个人有一个深沉的声音,想在任何地方都能听到。

“Anyone who has a ticket for the next flight should go to the ticket check now,” bellowed the voice over the loud speaker.“任何有下一班机票的人现在都应该去检票,”大喇叭里的声音循环着。


Grunting is a low, guttural sound that usually can remind you of an animal.咕噜声是一种低沉的声音,通常能让你想起某个动物。


To rant means to talk about something nonstop. Typically, you are angry about something and want to express all your thoughts to someone.咆哮意味着不停地谈论某件事。通常,你对某件事很生气,想把你所有的想法都表达给别人。


Like a dog, barking something means to shout it sharply.像狗一样,吠叫意味着尖锐地叫喊。


To sneer means to make an angry and deriding face at someone.嘲笑意味着对某人做出愤怒和嘲笑的表情。


To snap is like snapping something closed; you quickly blurt out something because you are angry.“啪”就像是啪地一声关上了什么东西;你很快就脱口而出,因为你很生气。


Someone who speaks like this sounds like thunder: very loud and annoyed.像这样说话的人听起来像雷声:非常大声和恼火。


To fume means to be so mad you can see flames or smoke coming off the top of your head.火冒三丈是指非常生气,你可以看到火焰或烟雾从你的头顶冒出来。


To hiss is make a sound like a snake (lots of s’s), usually in a low, angry tone.嘶嘶声是像蛇(很多的),通常以一个低,愤怒的口气。

“I thought you would take care of this problem!” hissed Steve.“我以为你会解决这个问题的!“史蒂夫低声地说。

When the Speaker is Quiet当说话者非常安静


“This is probably something that has been bothering them for quite a while, and they are very glad to have the burden lifted from them,” whispered Brendon.“这可能是困扰他们很长一段时间的事情,他们很高兴从他们身上卸下负担,”布兰登低声说。


This means to talk under your breath about something.这意味着在你的咕哝下谈论一些事情。


This means to speak so softly you do not say things clearly.这意味着说话要如此轻柔,你说不清楚。


To murmur means to speak very quietly, often in a way that others can’t understand.低语是指以别人听不懂的方式非常安静地说话。


This is often used for people speaking when they are out of breath, but people can be mesmerized also by something amazing.这经常用于人们在呼吸困难时说话,但也指人们会被一些神奇的东西迷住。

When the Speaker is Loud当说话者声音很大

This typically describes a loud, deep voice that comes in from a loud speaker or announcer.这通常描述一个从一个大喇叭或播音员那里传来的响亮、深沉的声音。


To belt out something means to speak it very loudly, especially in a singing way. You can belt out a song when you sing as loud as you can.发出某种东西意味着大声说话,特别是以唱歌的方式。当你尽可能大声地唱歌时,你可以把一首歌发出声来。

More: Shouted, Yelled, Screamed, Exclaimed, Announced, Called.更多类似的词:喊叫,声称,宣布,称作。

When the Speaker has a Question or Request当说话者有问题或请求


To inquire means to ask about something in a formal setting. You often look for someone in charge or who has a lots of experience, such as a hotel concierge.询问是指在正式场合询问一些事情。你经常找一个负责人或有很多工作经验的人,比如酒店门房。

More: Asked, Requested, Wondered, Begged, Pleaded更多类似的词:询问、请求、疑惑、乞求、恳求

When the Speaker has an Answer当说话者心中有答案

Answered, Explained, Responded, Replied, Acknowledged, Lied, Challenged, Conjected, Guessed, Reasoned回答、解释、回答、回答、承认、说谎、质疑、连词、猜测、推理

When you are writing a story, whether it is fiction or nonfiction, you will probably include a lot of quotes. Quotes are direct when you write down the exact words that someone says. By including words that someone actually said, you can allow the reader or listener to better understand what that person meant.当你写一个故事时,不管是小说还是非小说,你可能会引用很多的话。当你写下某人所说的确切单词时,引语是直接的。通过引用某人实际说的话,你可以让读者或听众更好地理解此人的意思。

The problem with that is that using the same words can become boring very quickly. If you only describe the person as “saying” something, it does not convey their emotion when they said it.问题是,使用相同的词会很快变得无聊。如果你只把这个人描述成“说”某件事,那么当他们说的时候,这个词就不能表达他们的情感。

In English, this kind of context can be very important. Instead of saying that someone simply said it, they might shout it, whisper it, question it, or ask it. This can give you a sense of how they are feeling, and what it means when they are discussing something.在英语中,这种上下文可能非常重要。与其说有人简单地说出来,他们可能会大声喊出来,低声说出来,质疑它,或者询问它。这可以让你了解他们的感受,以及当他们讨论某件事时意思是什么。

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