第三季:影视后期特效素材包 Digital Juice – Drag & Drop&nb

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第三季:影视后期特效素材包 Digital Juice – Drag & Drop&nb

#第三季:影视后期特效素材包 Digital Juice – Drag & Drop&nb| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

第三季:影视后期特效素材包 wbrDigital wbrJuice wbr– wbrDrag wbr& wbrDrop&nb 【效果预览】

【素材介绍】 【第三季】影视后期特效素材包 Digital Juice – Drag & Drop Series 3 Digital Juice 公司又给我们带来了新的惊喜, Drag & Drop 第三季又上线了Drag & Drop Series 3,此套视频素材共推出了9套高清视觉素材, 分别用于不用场景和视频中,能制作出非同凡响视觉效果。是影视后期不可多得的视频素材,推荐收藏。   With 9 all-new volumes of high quality clip-based visual effects, Drag & Drop Series 3 delivers more of what every video editor, motion designer or video effects artist needs to make their productions extraordinary. The variety in these new categories of effects covers the gamut from the sparkling glints in Glass Facets to the ethereal light-play in Crystal Caustics and from the powerful framing in Dynamic Edge to the pulsing beat of the spotlit effects of Party Time. These drag-and-drop clips save you time and aggravation, while enhancing and enlivening each and every project they touch in a unique way. Simply by dragging any of these effects clips on top of your footage with the appropriate blend mode, you can elevate your footage from the mundane to the sublime, raising the production value of your project instantly, and making you look like an editing genius in seconds. All effects are Quicktime clips that work with all editing and motion design software including Avid, Premiere, Vegas, Final Cut, After Effects, Motion and more. In this promo video, check out just how quickly and easily you can get the professional looks you’ve dreamed about with no plugins, no heavy renders, and no hassles!   素材特点: 高质量的视觉效果,色彩绚丽清晰斑斓,元素多元化,多重效果选择。使用方便快捷,效果显著,能够快速的为你的视频工程提升品质,给你带来不一样的视觉享受!!! 素材应用范围广泛:能使用在 电影,影视MV,MTV,广告片,婚礼片,宣传片,专题片,VCR,微电影等等。 兼容所有的视频编辑软件,不需要使用任何插件即可达到漂亮的效果。画面绝对上档次,给你的画面提升品位,为你提供震撼/唯美的视觉效果。   素材列表:(9套) 1.Cloudy Daze  流动烟雾效果光 (40组) 2. Film Burns  胶片炫光  (60组) 3.Glass Facets 玻璃镜面反射光  (40组) 4. Lens Flair 镜头光晕  (40组) 5.Spark Sweeps 动态扫光  (70组) 6. Crystal Caustics 晶莹水晶光  (40组) 7. Party Time 动态炫光  (40组) 8. Paper Stops 陈旧材质光 (40组) 9. Dynamic Edger 动态边缘光  (40组)     素材信息: 素材分辨率:1920×1080 HD 素材格式:MOV(QuickTime Movie) 素材数量:350组原始视频素材 素材大小:统计中   支持的软件有:Final Cut Pro,Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Nuke, Smoke,Avid,Vegas,Edius ,绘声绘影,威力导演等其他后期软件.   使用方法: 导入视频编辑软件中,放入原视频轨道之上,选择合适的叠加方式即可观看到效果(建议选用Screen-滤色方式或者其他方式),当然你也可以进一步调整素材的透明度,饱和度,色调,对比度,速度,以达到更好的效果。






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