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本文目录请帮忙,英译汉!谢谢early adoption造句 early adoptionの例文有谁知道这个要回答哪几方面求一篇介绍二次能源的英文作文麻烦帮我翻译:Money laundering network, which largely undertakes financing of the terrorist activiescommitted suicide 是自杀,那其中committed是啥意思谁能给我一篇关于money laundry的外国人写的论文,最好有网址懂英文的帮忙翻译下请帮忙,英译汉!谢谢

2001年9月11号的恐怖袭击使Reacher生活发生了变化在两个实际的方式。首先,除了他的折叠牙刷,现在他进行他的护照与him.Too很多东西在新的时代需要照片的身份证,其中包括大多数形式的travel.Reacher是一个流浪汉,而不是一个隐士,焦躁不安,无法正常运作,因此他取得了优雅。其次,他已经改变了他的银行methods.For多年后离开军队,他经营的一种制度,他将要求他的银行在弗吉尼亚州,并要求西联汇款的地方发生be.But他担心新的恐怖融资造成了相当电话banking.So Reacher ,揭发自动柜员机card.He进行它在他的护照和使用8197 ,他认为自己是PIN.He的人只有极少数的人才,但一些不同的能力,其中大部分是实物及相关他异常的规模和实力,但其中之一是总是知道什么时候有人不看,还有的是某种形式的初级白痴,学者设施arithmetic.Hence 8197.He喜欢97 ,因为它是最大的两位数字的素数,他喜欢81 ,因为它是唯一的绝对数量的所有几乎无限的可能性,其平方根的总和还其digits.Square根81 9 , 8和1名取得nine.No其他非平凡人数在宇宙中有这样的甜symmetry.Perfect

early adoption造句 early adoptionの例文

This feature contributed to its early adoption over peting hardness tests.

Early adoption with passengers was slow, except for Business Travellers.

So we’re way past the early adoption stage.

This led to early adoption of MSG as a cupnary agent in Japan.

Perhaps the most significant of this early adoption of Western styles was its pubpc origin.

This reflects early adoption of SGML technology.

Due to the early adoption by VSoft initially focused on developing support for Delphi tools.

But Germany’s Chancellor Helmut Kohl recently called for an early adoption of the declaration.

Another is early adoption of Christianity and resistance since then to converting to the surrounding Islam.

If the transfer runs *** oothly, the result is called an “ early adoption “.

It’s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的

Mid-20th century British Pagani *** had a strong influence on early adoption of an eightfold Wheel.

The clay soil also led to sleepers-an early adoption of these on a British railway.

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Austrapa is an example of the early adoption of radios in telehealth.

One of Marsh’s most distinguishing features has been its innovation and early adoption of retail technology.

One aspect of the Airspace organization was its early adoption of puter technology to faciptate its activist activities.

Lemmon’s entrepreneurial spirit and early adoption of the inter lead to rapid growth for the pany.

She said she would not vote in May but supported an early adoption of direct elections in Hong Kong.

The old county aristocracy would lead the way, making hay from the early adoption of this new technology.

The pany grew quickly in large part due to Lemmons-Poscente’s early adoption of the inter.

Given its open source sofare experience, the pany pushed for the early adoption of Linux products in Japan.

Early adoption does e with pitfalls : early versions of products may be buggy and / or prone to malfunction.

His early adoption of Freud’s psycho *** ytic theory was instrumental in defining the goals and strategies of pubpc relations.

“ Early adoption of the euro might involve substantial economic risks and costs, “ the EU statement said.

It was known for its early adoption of joint honours degrees which were often very broad such as history and biology.

The latter involved early adoption of hypertext technology to represent laws as a work of nodes, each representing a section.

The British had a head start thanks to their early adoption of steam technology and their supremacy on the high seas.

The best one can hope for is early adoption and support from a critical few who can gradually spread the new ideas.

With its early adoption of emerging puting and munications technologies, Air Force Weather was at the fore of the Space Age.

1984-Principal Sister Dorita Cpfford, BVM, makes the NY Times for her early adoption of puters at the school.

The n in “ p閚tek “ suggests an early adoption from Slavic, when many Slavic dialects still had nasal vowels.

It’s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的

It was his early adoption of this new technology and his natural skill of illustration that in large part led to his fame.

The early adoption of Anglo-Norman as a written and pterary language probably owes something to this history of bipnguap *** in writing.

Murthy’s firm grew quickly, in part because of her early adoption of using the Inter for promotional and outreach efforts.

These engines are notable for their early adoption of gasopne direct injection technology and also for their unmon 75?cypnder head bank angle.

Due to the Columbia Phonograph Company’s early adoption of musical recording, AtLee was one of the first popular recording musicians.

A final decision to estabpsh the force will only follow early adoption of an appropriate resolution by the U . N . Security Council,

Through this early adoption , today, Facebook’s astronomical value stems from the quapty and quantity of information it has about its users.

Ministers also urged “ early adoption “ of an EU regulation to require psted European firms to prepare their books using International Accounting Standards.

HAL does not honor the historical aspects of the early adoption reform movement who requested and worked years to have terminology changed from natural to birth.

His style was Burgundian in nature and Sessions was considered a “ pioneer “ for his early adoption of stainless steel tanks and French oak barrels.

Sweden’s early adoption of petition and new technology put the nation in the vanguard, rather than anything in the Nordic soul, they say.

Diplomats said on Tuesday that France had suggested the early adoption of a “ statement of principles “ on Iraq, as an interim measure.

Her colleague Lee Cheuk-yan said he hoped for an early adoption of a plete “ one person, one vote “ direct election.

Following the early adoption of the original course at Wisconsin-Madison, and schools in St Louis, a specifically American Edition was pubpshed in 1996.

In 1999 Soria was appointed in Greenpeace, where his early adoption of mobile phones led into landmark victories in forest protection and indigenous rights in Argentina.

The founders credit early traction to their virtual internship program, which they modeled after oDesk and to early adoption of onpne munities, such as Reddit.

In the G-7 forum, Japan needs to pledge a crackdown on terrorist financing by ratification of the pact and through early adoption of relevant legislation.

Advogato’s early adoption of an XML-RPC interface led to its use as an example of how such interfaces could be used by web programmers.

Dingley was innovative in the early adoption of the telegraph for tran *** ission of news reports, and oversaw a great expansion of the newspaper’s facipties in 1898.

However, the speed advantages of RISC puters in the 1980s was primarily due to early adoption of on-chip cache, rather than intrinsic advantages of RISC.

It’s difficult to see early adoption in a sentence. 用 early adoption 造句挺难的


哎呀~~ 银行金融硕士啦~~ 纽城堡的咩~我的保守估价是500磅——你晓得research外加law style reference: case,statute, provision, guidance大把大把的呐~~~不过我还是建议你自己写,因为很明显你是人家国际班的——咔咔~~ 你懂我......欢迎networking~ 我喜欢refreshing我的知识~现在给你列个提纲9个问题,得做research,大概13个reference吧,不含statute/case(你可以去问你们老师,当然我也不介意跟你们老师认识认识,你可以说我是你的proofreader,grammarian之类的~然后老师就懂了~)Critical consider!!!under global effort。。。,1.1to what extent, have detective roles been played by: banks?1.2to what extent, have detective roles been played by: financial institutions?1.3to what extent, have detective roles been played by: related professionals?1.4to what extent, have detective roles been played by: related businesses?to be specific to the banks2.1legal duties-what?2.2legislative demands-what?2.3controversy/conflict between the above two, how, why?2.4in order to mitigate the repercussion- Courts’ guidance,what?2.5How effectively does the guidance work?evaluate------------------------(以上建议耗损10磅,自动划归广告费~)


According to widely accepted view, the existing nuclear power system is divided into three generations:(1) of the last century the late 50’s early 60’s the first prototype nuclear power plant construction;(2) 60’s to 70’s built a large number of unit capacity in the 600 ~ 1400 MW of the standard nuclear power plant, which is currently the world’s 439 nuclear power plants are running (June 2002 statistics) of the subject;(3) 80, began development in the market since the late 90’s advanced light water reactor (ALWR) nuclear power plant.Gen-IV concept was first in the June 1999 meeting of the American Nuclear Society’s annual meeting. In the winter that year in November at the annual meeting of the Society to further the development of a clear vision of Gen-IV. United States, France, Japan, Britain and other nuclear countries formed in 2000, Gen-IV International Forum, to be used 2 to 3 years to complete development of Gen-IV research and development objectives plan. The overall goal of this project is around 2030, to provide to the market economy can solve nuclear energy, safety, waste disposal and the prevention of nuclear proliferation Gen-IV.2 Gen-IV research and development goalsThe current Gen-IV advanced nuclear energy system concept is still relatively vague, the international community has no exact definition. However, there has been clear that the “advanced nuclear energy systems“ rather than “advanced reactors.“ It should meet the security, economic, sustainable development, minimal waste generation, fuel, and low risk of the proliferation of basic standards.2.1 The goal of sustainabilityComparison of the authority in accordance with the definition of the essence of sustainability is how to sustain Earth’s life support systems to meet basic human needs. For a particular system, it is a default in the stated objectives and can successfully stage the degree of its development, coordination, sustainability, sustainable development and stable binding within the threshold probability, that is, its success extended to sustainable development goals. Gen-IV of the sustainability objectives include the efficient use of fuel, waste management and nuclear proliferation in the physical limit. Namely:Sustainability objective 1: Gen-IV will be available worldwide to meet clean air requirements, long-term, reliable, fuel efficient use of sustainable energy.Sustainability objective 2: Gen-IV nuclear waste generated was minimal; used in nuclear waste management will be both properly safe disposal of nuclear waste, but also significantly reduce the dose of the staff to improve public health and protection of the environment.Sustainability objective 3: Gen-IV nuclear fuel cycle should lead to commercial possibilities of nuclear proliferation limited to a minimum, making it difficult to be converted to military use, and to prevent terrorist activities in the physical provision of more effective measures.2.2 The objectives of security and reliabilityR & D in nuclear energy systems and operation, safety and reliability is a priority fundamentals. In normal operation, or hypothetical transient conditions, nuclear energy systems must maintain its safety margin, to prevent accidents and incidents are effective mitigation measures. At the same time, requiring a high reliability.Over the years, improved security and reliability of nuclear energy systems, reducing the frequency of radioactive release outside the plant and thereby reduce the probability of a serious accident, has been a clear trend. Gen-IV through further improvements to achieve higher security and reliability, to better protect employees, public health and the environment. In this regard, Gen-IV also has three objectives:Safety and reliability objectives 1: Gen-IV in a safe and reliable operation will be significantly better than other aspects of nuclear energy systems.The goal is to induce an accident or by reducing the general accident incident evolved into a serious accident, equipment problems and human factors to increase the number of questions the safety of operation. This goal is also to improve the reliability of nuclear power by strengthening the economy of the system. To achieve these operational goals, to support strengthening of public confidence in the safety demonstration, you need to make appropriate design requirements and be careful.In order to improve the security and reliability to the highest level, fourth-generation nuclear energy systems must continue to use the industry and regulators to enhance public confidence and to establish relevant laws and regulations, and using future advanced technologies.Safety and reliability goals 2: Gen-IV core damage highly unlikely; even damage, the degree is also very light.The goal of the owner / operation is vitally important. Over the years, people have been committed to reducing the probability of core damage. The measures include the use of PRA methods to develop user requirements documents, in the introduction of passive safety systems concepts.Safety and reliability of objective 3: in the accident outside the plant under the conditions of no release, no plants outside the emergency.The public, especially those living in the vicinity of nuclear facilities, the residents of the need to secure nuclear power plant outside the emergency is not a reliable proof. Therefore, Gen-IV design direction is an effort on the design and use of advanced technology through the abolition of emergency outside the factory. This is a revolutionary improvement of nuclear safety, it shows: no matter what nuclear power plant accident, will not result in damage to the public outside the plant.2.3 Economic objectivesGen-IV would take significant steps to reduce the cost of new nuclear power plant investment and financial risk, or its sustainability, safety and reliability of the advantages would be higher capital costs and generation costs and the corresponding high-risk flood. For a long time, nuclear power plants mainly with basic load. This situation is changing, the global energy market is controlled by the transition to deregulation, there will be more independent power generation companies and business owners (who runs) into the deregulated electricity market. This means that the nuclear power plant being developed to consider the potential for more plant owners, the future of nuclear energy system to adapt to different requirements, including load following and power smaller units. Most of 已建和在建 economic competitiveness of nuclear power stations is not ideal. As China’s energy sector development and deepening of power system, improve the economy of the requirements of nuclear power will be more urgent. Currently, the unit cost of new nuclear power plants ($ 1500 ~ 2000/kW, is the unit cost of fossil fuel power plants 2 to 4 times) and longer construction time, processing time, retired time, with other power production methods should not be compared The. To be able to compete with other electricity production, nuclear power plant construction should be met:* Initial investment (overnight rate) is less than $ 1,000 per kilowatt;* The total cost of electricity production should be less than 3 cents / kWh;* Construction period is less than 3 years.Economic goals 1: Gen-IV period in the whole economy of life is better than other energy systems.To ensure that nuclear energy system has become the world’s energy supply system in an indispensable part of the needs of the whole life cost advantage of the period. Lifecycle costs include four major components: construction investment, operation and maintenance costs, fuel cycle costs, decommissioning and decontamination costs. There are other important factors affecting the whole life cycle costs, such as financing conditions, the duration of the project, construction progress, the capacity factor and power plant life. Currently, the investment cost is high and the construction of new nuclear power plants is too long the major obstacles in the financial, operating and maintenance costs while the existing power plant has been greatly improved in recent years. Of Gen-IV, the whole life cycle costs of all the factors to be better than other energy sources (including the existing core systems) to ensure their competitiveness.Economic objective 2: Gen-IV level of the financial risk of financial and other energy projects the level of risk.In a competitive capital market, to raise the funds needed for the building, Gen-IV on the financial risk must be reduced to or remain in the competition for new levels of project financing.

麻烦帮我翻译:Money laundering network, which largely undertakes financing of the terrorist activies

launder v. 《非正》洗(黑钱)(把非法收入改头换面,变为貌似合法的收入)money laundering network 是洗钱网络undertake v. 承担、负责terrorist activies n. 恐怖活动句意:洗钱网络承担起了恐怖活动的大部分财政

committed suicide 是自杀,那其中committed是啥意思

committedadj.忠诚的,坚定的;v.保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)( commit的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…托付给; 把…记(或写)下来; 承诺;

例句:1.We remain committed to apec’s work to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.我们将继续致力于apec打击洗钱及恐怖分子筹资的活动。

谁能给我一篇关于money laundry的外国人写的论文,最好有网址

I picked a speech for your reference.Crime and Money Laundering--The Challenges: Address by Mr. Tom K Alweendo, Governor of The Bank of Namibia-African Banking ongress 8-10 March 2005, Johannesburg, Republic of South AficaLadies and Gentlemen,Iwould like to thank the organizers of this event for inviting me to give an address on thetopic of Crime and Money Laundering. The choice of this topic is so appropriate becauseof the challenges money laundering poses to the banking sector in Africa. Financial crimeand money laundering is increasingly becoming a global phenomenon and this is not onlya threat to the global banking sector, but it has the potential to become a threat to the civiland political spheres.Money laundering is conventionally defined as any process that is carried out to disguiseor conceal the nature or source of or entitlement to money or property from criminalactivities. Although countries have come up with different money laundering definitions intheir statutes, it is important that any useful definition should recognize that crime of anynature is an act against society and as such, to launder any proceeds from unlawfulactivity or the contravention of any law followed by laundering should be encompassed inthe definition.A new dimension to what constitutes money laundering is with respect to terrorism,whereby legitimate or clean money is committed to the financing of unlawful activity. Thedefinition of money laundering that encompasses any unlawful activity would be wellinclusive and would provide law enforcement with a wider legal arm. The combating offinancing of terrorism, which is an unlawful act, is in most jurisdictions provided for inseparate legislations but linked to the mainstream national anti money laundering laws,especially in respect of detection.The anti money laundering legislations that are being promulgated by most jurisdictionshave and are criminalizing the act of money laundering as defined above. This in essencemeans that these laws make the act of money laundering a criminal offence and that tolaunder money derived from criminal acts constitutes committing a crime punishable bylaw. In addition, the anti money laundering laws places a requirement for reportinginstitutions to report suspicious transactions, failure of which constitutes an offence byboth the institution and/or officers of that institution.The Meirium-Webster dictionary describes crime as an “act or the commission of an actthat is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and thatmakes the offender liable to punishment by that law”. This definition pre-supposes theexistence of a public law that sets out the details of the acts or omissions that nationallegislators consider to be punishable by that law. Laws are therefore designed to protectus and ensure our safety in all aspects: physical, financial, psychological and social.The extent to which money is laundered globally is estimated to be between $500 billionand $1 trillion. The wide range of the estimate highlights the difficulties associated withobtaining accurate data on this problem. This is the case because only a limited number2of countries have set up anti money laundering regimes that are up and running andtherefore able to provide appropriate statistics. The problem of lack of accurate moneylaundering statistics in Africa is compounded where the setting-up of anti-moneylaundering regimes is only gaining momentum now. It will take some time for Africa tobuild up accurate statistics on money laundering as this would have to be sourced fromactual cases investigated and finalized.Further, a good understanding of the national money laundering activities requiresconcerted national research and studies of the money laundering typologies commonlypracticed in each country. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the Institute forSecurity Studies in South Africa has initiated a number of researches and studies aimed atdocumenting the extent of money laundering in Africa, especially Southern Africa.However, the sufficiency and integrity of the statistics provided by the Institute is only asgood as the national sources supplying the information. It is therefore imperative thatnational efforts to determine the extent of money laundering must be improved as thesestatistics are important for convincing the legislative and political processes on the needfor legislative changes necessary for effective combating of money laundering.The anti money laundering laws protect the rights of individuals by providing for thearticulation of what crime is, the acts of crime and the punishment thereof. Legislators, inconsultation with their constituents through legislation on crime, lay the foundation forbasic individual human rights and the attainment of inner individual self fulfillment. Crimeand criminal acts work towards eroding these very basic individual rights.Despite the enactment of laws designed to curb crime and acts of crime, these evils stilltake place and are in most cases on the increase. The law enforcement agencies theworld over are overwhelmed by the sheer size and sophistication that criminals are nowemploying to perpetrate their illegal deeds. The efforts on crime prevention are nowcompounded by globalization that has created what one may say is a global economy inwhich organized crime groups and individuals can and do generate huge sums of moneyby drug trafficking, financial crime, corruption, intellectual property crime, terrorism andhuman trafficking.Crime and money laundering is indeed a global problem which requires a concerted globalresponse. In order to protect our respective financial systems from the destabilizing effectsof crime and money laundering, it is imperative that we act and respond to this scourgewith unprecedented resolve and commitment to combating it. Everybody has, therefore, aresponsibility to combat money laundering, because its negative impact has a unique wayof creating far ranging negative consequences. By tackling money laundering we would beattacking the criminals at their weakest and most vulnerable point - their money sources.In the past years since the start of the criminalization of money laundering and theenforcement of anti money laundering laws in the 1970s and more vigorously in the 1980sand 1990s, evidence from court cases and reported suspect transaction has given anindication that the most common money laundering typologies has been in the realm ofdrug trafficking, organized crime, corruption, illicit dealing in weapons, human trafficking,fraud and theft. The act of successful money laundering fuels the perpetration of the abovecrimes by providing the criminals with avenues to conceal their deeds from lawenforcement agencies and ultimately provides them with the rewards for their criminality inthe form of money which would then appear to be legitimate.3The concealment cycle for the proceeds of money laundering involves, firstly, thedistancing of the criminals from the illegal proceeds (money or property), the obscuring ofthe money trail, hiding of the origins to eventually posses what would appear as cleanmoney. The role played by globalization and ICT in the concealment process in moneylaundering has been aptly described by the following quote from a central banking thriller“Nest of Vipers” by Linda Davies: “the money screamed across the wires, its provenancefading in a maze of electronic transfers which shifted it, hid it, broke it up into manageablewads which would be withdrawn and re-deposited elsewhere, obliterating the trail”.The linkage between money laundering and crime denotes that everybody as individuals isaffected by money laundering. Crime erodes basic individual liberties in that it threatenstheir rights to life and entitlement to property. The consequences of crime and moneylaundering are bad for business, development, and the general rule of law. Governmentshave therefore got real reasons for spearheading the combating of money laundering.Another reason why money laundering should be combated is that if left unchecked, itwould lead to the accumulation of economic power to organized crime. This developmenthas the potential of eroding our political and social systems based on electedrepresentation as we know them today. In other words, the social consequences forallowing money launderers to operate unchecked could spell disaster for stability and therule of law.The financial sector, in particular the banking sector, more than any sectors, needs tooperate in a crime and money laundering free environments. Banks deal with otherpeople’s money and therefore rely heavily on reputation for probity and integrity. Withoutthe public confidence from the law abiding citizenry it would be difficult for banks toconduct business in the form they do now. In instances where banks may condone andare active parties to money laundering, the end result is that legitimate business wouldavoid such banks. It is also conceivable that money laundering if perpetrated on a highscale would complicate the ability of banks to manage their operations and risks. This is sobecause banks will not be able to predict the movement of laundered money.Banks have also to be aware of the consequences of doing business with money laundersor for unwittingly and fraudulently being used as conduits for money laundering. Injurisdictions where national anti money laundering laws have been promulgated, noncomplying banks and institutions have been subjected to hefty fines and in someinstances the banking licenses have been known to have been withdrawn.As a central banker, my concerns regarding the money laundering would immediately bethat it would erode the effectiveness and management of monetary policy. Moneylaundering on a grand scale has the potential of changing the demand for cash, makeinterest rates and exchange rates more volatile and cause high inflation rates for acountry. Money laundering is also bad for the economy and development in that itundermines legitimate business, competition and reduces the tax revenue to nationalauthorities as launders would be operating underground outside the tax net. Moneylaundering is thus bad for the economy both nationally and internationally. Regulatory andsupervisory agencies have a good reason to participate in the combating of moneylaundering in that if not contained, it would defeat their objectives and weaken theinstitutions under their supervision.4The combating of money laundering should revolve around ensuring the ability of nationaland international agencies to find, freeze and the forfeiture of laundered money. Thispresupposes the existence of appropriate national and international laws and the capacityfor implementation of those laws. In addition, the wide scope of affected stakeholders inanti money laundering efforts require an unprecedented level of co-operation both atnational and international levels.Another important aspect of money laundering is the tendency and need for perpetratorsto operate cross border schemes for the purpose of concealment and/or to take advantageof the uneven developments in the national anti money laundering regimes. This requiresthat countries should develop anti money laundering regimes that are moving in tandem interms of speed and standards for detection and law enforcement.The international community and national agencies have indeed recognized the need tocombat money laundering. To this end the first pre-requisite for combating moneylaundering is to have in place appropriate national legislation. Appropriate nationallegislations have to be crafted with local circumstances in mind while recognizing the needfor taking into account the international nature of money laundering. To this end, theparticipation of multi-lateral agencies such as the United Nations, the EU, the AU, etc. isimportant in the formulation of international instruments necessary to combat moneylaundering.Anti-money laundering international instruments are essential for ensuring that theinternational community reacts to money laundering as a global problem. The internationalinstruments provide a forum for bringing national efforts on money laundering into theinternational loop. To mention but a few, the following are some of the importantinternational instruments that the international community have crafted: the BaselDeclaration 1988; the UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs andPsychotropic Substances 1988; FATF 40+9 Recommendations, 1990, with numerousrevisions; UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000; UN Conventionagainst Corruption; UN International Convention for the Suppressing of the Financing ofTerrorism.These are but only a few of the various international instruments that are critical to thesuccess in the fight against money laundering. In addition, various multilateralorganizations have been instrumental in advancing the cause for the fight against moneylaundering. The IMF and the World Bank have been very active in providing resources forcapacity building and technical expertise. National jurisdictions are encouraged to ratifythe international instruments as they provide the basis for ensuring appropriate nationalanti-money laundering laws and international cooperation. Critical to the internationalcooperation is the attendant national legislations pertaining to extradition of criminals whooperate cross border money laundering schemes. Without having robust extradition laws,the criminals would have loopholes in the global sphere that would allow them to evadelaw enforcement agencies in a particular jurisdiction.The existence and membership to regional anti-money laundering groupings is importantin that it contributes to the harmonization of laws and standards. In Africa, a number of antimoney groupings have been created and have provided the needed impetus for ensuringthat Africa as a whole is moving towards a uniform approach regarding the moneylaundering problem.5It is important to note that legislative gaps that may exist at international and nationallevels will be exploited by the money launderers and make national anti-money launderingregimes ineffective. In line with the need to formulate appropriate national legislations,there is a need to formulate standards for anti-money laundering practices and institutionsthat should provide maximum effectiveness both at national and international levels. TheG7 created Financial Action Task Force (FATF) that has crafted 40 + 9 recommendationsaimed at providing international standards for anti money laundering, improving nationalsystems for combating money laundering, strengthening the role of financial systems andfor strengthening international co-operation.The combating of money laundering presupposes the existence of capacity and resourcesat national level. In Africa, this is a real challenge in that there are competing demandswith regards to the procurement and utilization of scarce resources. The resourcesscarcity is more critical in the law enforcement spheres, since most national jurisdictionshave less than efficient law enforcement agencies which are in most cases overwhelmedby the demands to enforce other national laws.Another important ingredient for the effective combating of money laundering is the needfor political commitment, as well the support from affected industries and generalpopulace. It is worth noting that through the AU and other multilateral agencies whereAfrican nations are members, a number of efforts are being made to ensure that Africa isnot lagging behind. In Africa, a number of regional anti-money laundering bodies havebeen created and it is comforting to see the support these regional groupings are receivingfrom their respective authorities. The creation of necessary anti-money launderinginstitutions such as the Financial Intelligence Centers is an issue that each of the Africanauthorities are busy working on. Financial Intelligence Centers are important for thedetection of money launderers by linking the money flows to the perpetration of specificcrimes.The pressures that the African banking sector is being subjected to for compliance withnational and international anti-money laundering requirements, makes me to want tocompliment our banking sector in Africa for living up to those requirements despite thecosts involved in some instances. In one way or another banks in Africa have beenworking to ensure compliance with the important aspect of customer due diligence andhave been improving on their institutional capacity to ensure that their systems andpersonnel are geared for their discharge of their responsibilities as reporting institutions.The challenges for Africa with regard to ensuring effective anti money laundering areimmense more so in that innovative thinking may be necessary in some respects such asthat the majority of the African economy is cash based. This may entail the setting ofentirely home grown standards.The combating of money laundering has assumed an urgent impetus at both national andinternational levels as a result of the scale that money laundering has begun to assume,especially with respect to the financing of terrorist acts. The efforts being made to combatmoney laundering are beginning to bear fruits in that it is now taking center stage in alljurisdictions. No one wants to be left behind mainly due to the consequences of such asituation – those lagging behind might find it difficult to transact and do business with therest of the complying world. In terms of setting up effective infrastructures necessary forcombating money laundering, one can conclude that Africa and the internationalcommunity is beginning to getting the upper hand on criminals. A word of caution is that6despite the positive developments, the criminals are constantly devising more elaborateand evasive means to circumvent anti money laundering efforts.Iwould like to conclude by emphasizing that money laundering is a crime that affectsevery individual, business and government. It creates an important concern in that ifunchecked it has the potential of fuelling crime and ultimately erodes the individual rightsof citizens and affects national and international economic performance. The combating ofmoney laundering requires first and foremost the crafting of appropriate laws and thecreation of national and international capacity and the coordination thereof. All the abovepresupposes the need for political commitment at all levels.Ithank you for your attentionhttp://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/launder.html


I received an e-mail me the translation is automatic translationAuthor manuel Nzue darling dear one, I believe your faith to believe that you will accept this call for help and investment in good faith. Manuel Nzue my son, the late chief Gideon Nzue light of the Katanga province. My position, the United States 17.5 million U.S. dollars, my late father deposited with a private financial company in Côte d’Ivoire, he would like to make use of financing his political ambitions in China, he was assassinated. The money from royalties and realized gold dust sold during the war, my father is the Director of the Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo. As his only child, I am currently hiding in the Ivory Coast and chaos following the assassination of the arrival of my family and provincial. I have decided to invest this money in your country or any safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons. I ask you to help claim the money and move out of the country in order to help me plan your investments in this country so that my future plans. I’ll give you 30% of the money you help me. I will give you further details when I hear from you. Please, I await your reply. Sincerely, Manuel NzueWhat looks like a terrorist incident and invited friends to helpis not above the meanAlso how do I 绝对是垃圾邮件来的。




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