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2024-07-13 10:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




剑桥词典:a rectangular cloth bag filled with soft material, such as feathers or artificial materials, used for resting your head on in bed


I fluffed the pillow before laying down for a comfortable night's sleep. (我拍打了一下枕头,然后躺下享受一个舒适的夜晚睡眠。)She hugged the soft pillow tightly, finding solace in its comforting embrace. (她紧紧抱着柔软的枕头,在它温暖的拥抱中找到了慰藉。)Travelling without my favourite pillow always makes it challenging to sleep well. (没有我的最爱枕头的旅行总是让我难以睡个好觉。)The hotel provided a selection of pillows to cater to different preferences and sleeping habits. (酒店提供了多种枕头供选择,以满足不同喜好和睡眠习惯。)As the rain tapped gently on the window, I nestled into the cosy bed, resting my head on the fluffy pillow. (窗外的雨声轻轻拍打,我舒适地蜷缩在床上,头靠在松软的枕头上。)



剑桥词典:a decorative cover for a bed


Every winter, my grandmother lovingly handcrafts a quilt to keep us warm during the chilly nights. (每年冬天,我的祖母都会用心手工制作一床被子,让我们在寒冷的夜晚保持温暖。)The quilt, adorned with vibrant colours and intricate patterns, added a touch of artistry to the bedroom decor. (这床被子色彩鲜艳、花纹复杂,为卧室装饰增添了一抹艺术色彩。)During the camping trip, we huddled under the quilt to stay cosy by the campfire. (露营时,我们蜷缩在被子下,靠近篝火保持温暖。)The antique quilt, passed down through generations, held sentimental value for the family. (那床古董被子代代相传,对这个家庭来说具有感情价值。)Wrapped in a soft quilt, she sat by the window, sipping hot tea and enjoying the view outside. (裹着柔软的被子,她坐在窗前,品着热茶,欣赏着窗外的景色。)



剑桥词典:a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed for sleeping on or under


She chose a set of crisp, white sheets for her bed to create a clean and fresh look in the bedroom.(她选择了一套洁白的床单,以在卧室营造干净清新的氛围。)After a long day, there's nothing better than slipping into a bed with freshly laundered sheets.(经过漫长的一天,没有什么比躺在新洗的床单上更舒服的了。)The hotel boasted high-thread-count sheets, ensuring a luxurious and comfortable sleeping experience for its guests.(这家酒店引以为豪的是高纤维数的床单,确保为客人提供奢华舒适的睡眠体验。)In the summer, opting for lightweight and breathable sheets can contribute to a cooler and more comfortable night's sleep.(夏天选择轻薄透气的床单有助于享受更凉爽、更舒适的夜晚睡眠。)She carefully folded the bed sheets and placed them in the linen closet, keeping everything neatly organized.(她小心地折叠床单,放进亚麻橱里,保持一切井然有序。)



剑桥词典:a flat cover made of wool or similar warm material, usually used on a bed


On a chilly winter evening, she wrapped herself in a warm blanket while reading a book by the fireplace.(在一个寒冷的冬天傍晚,她裹着一条温暖的毯子,在壁炉旁边读书。)The child clutched his favourite blanket tightly, finding comfort and security in its familiar softness.(这个孩子紧紧抱着他最喜欢的毯子,在它熟悉的柔软中找到了舒适和安全感。)The picnic wouldn't be complete without a cosy blanket spread on the grass for everyone to sit on.(野餐如果没有在草地上铺一条舒适的毯子让大家坐着,就不算完整。)As the rain tapped on the windows, she curled up on the sofa, covered with a soft blanket, and enjoyed a movie.(雨点拍打着窗户,她蜷缩在沙发上,裹着一条柔软的毯子,享受着一部电影。)During the camping trip, the group gathered around the campfire, sharing stories under the starry sky and blankets.(露营时,大家围坐在篝火旁,在星空下分享故事,裹着毯子温暖相伴。)



剑桥词典:the part of a bed, made of a strong cloth cover filled with firm material, that makes the bed comfortable to lie on


After trying out several mattresses in the showroom, they finally selected a memory foam mattress for its comfort and support.(在陈列室试了几个床垫后,他们最终选择了一款记忆泡沫床垫,因为它既舒适又有支撑力。)A good mattress is crucial for promoting proper spinal alignment and ensuring a restful night's sleep.(一个好的床垫对于促进脊柱正确对齐,确保一个宁静的夜晚睡眠至关重要。)The hotel boasted premium-quality mattresses in every room, ensuring guests a comfortable and rejuvenating stay.(这家酒店在每个房间都配备了优质的床垫,确保客人在此舒适宜人地度过每一个夜晚。)She invested in a hybrid mattress that combines the support of springs with the comfort of memory foam for the best of both worlds.(她投资购买了一款混合床垫,结合了弹簧的支撑性和记忆泡沫的舒适性,实现了两者的最佳结合。)The mattress protector is designed to shield the mattress from spills and stains, prolonging its lifespan.(床垫保护套的设计旨在保护床垫免受溅泼和污渍,延长其使用寿命。)想听起来像母语者吗?


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