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Wencan die casting Co., Ltd


List of die casting terms and vocabularies

( 2011-9-23 re-edit V6)

1.新产品以及模具开发products and tooling developing

2D/3D drawing 平面图/3维图

bump among products 货与货之间碰撞

capital equipment 资本设备, 固定设备


classification 分类、级别

datums 基准

datum level 基准水平面

datum line 基准线

datumplane 【测】基(准)面

design/process FMEA D设计/P过程FMEA

die casting 压铸

die fabrication 模具加工

Die location layout 工模排位图

Die polished 省模

Die trial 试模

electrode for EDM 放电用铜公

machining by CNC wire-cut machine 线切割加工

machining by electric discharge machine ( EDM ) 电蚀火花加工

potential effects of failure 潜在失效后果

potential failure mode 潜在失效模式

rib and corner 筋肋和尖角

subcontractor 外包商

set die-casting parameter/locking force/ injection force/injection velocity/shot time/ volume of release agent/die-open time/ ejector time/pressure rating/metal temperature/ control temperature/ operation according to WI按工作指示设定压铸参数/锁模力/射料力/射料速度/打锤时间/喷雾量/开模时间/顶出时间/压力参数/料温/控制温度/按照作业指导书作业;

thermal expansion 热膨胀

2.热处理heat treatment

air cooling 空气冷却

annealing 退火

carbonization 碳化

case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬

full annealing 完全退火

heat treatment 热处理

metallographic structure 金相组织

metallographic test 金相试验

quenching 淬火

residual stress 残余应力

tempering 回火

3.压铸设备及模具die casting machine and die tooling

angle pin 斜导销

biscuit /slug 料饼/余料

blister 气泡

burner 燃烧器

casting area最大压铸面积

casting insert 铸件镶件

casting fin铸件飞边, 铸件披缝, 铸件周缘翅片

cavity fill time 充型时间

cavity insert 型腔镶块

cavity 型腔

center furnace 中央熔炉

clamp force max. 最大压力

coefficient 系数

cold chamber machine 冷压室压铸机

cold/hot chamber pressure die-casting machine 冷/热室压铸机

contraction 收缩

core slides/core 活动抽芯(型芯)

cover die half(stationary half )/ ejector die half (moveable half ) 前(定)模/后(动)模

crucible furnace 坩埚炉

crucible pot 坩埚

degassing 除气/去气

delivery rate;pouring rate 充型流速/浇注速度

design of gating system 浇注系统设计

die layout模具排位图

die life 模具寿命

die stroke 开模行程

draft 拔模斜度

ejector force顶出力

ejector pad 顶针痕

ejector pin 顶针

ejector stroke 顶出行程

feeding 补缩

foundry returns 回炉料

gating/running system 浇注系统

holding furnace 保温炉

ingate 内浇道

injection plunger 压射冲头

ladle 浇包

locking force 锁模力

machine platen 压铸机模板

moving/fixed platen 动/定模板

maximum/minimum die height 最大/最小压模厚度

metal fluidity (金属)流动性

molten metal 熔化金属

nitrogen pressure 氮气压力

normal pressure工作压力

numerical simulation of casting solidification 铸件凝固数值模拟

opening time 留型时间/开型时间

overflow 溢流槽/ 渣包

production die 量产模

prototype die 样板模

refining 精炼

refining agent 精炼剂

remelting 重熔

riser/feeder head 冒口

runner 横浇道

runner/gate 流道/浇口

scrap 废金属料

secondary alloy 再生合金

shot sleeve 司筒,压射室

size of die platen 模板尺寸

slag 熔/炉渣

sludge/dross 沉/浮渣

solidification 凝固

sprue pin(spreader)直浇道锥(分流器)

spure 直浇道

die frame 模架

tangential runner 切向横浇道

tie bar 哥林柱/导柱/拉杆

total melting loss 熔炼损耗率熔损、烧损

trim die 冲模

vent 排气口

water cooling channel 冷却水通道

4.压铸工艺与后加工工艺die casting and secondary process alloy component assay report 合金成份化验报告


center furnace 中央溶炉

characteristics 特性

degating 冲水口

die casting 压铸

parting line 分型线

polishing/buffing 磨/抛光

polishing 抛光、磨光

polishing/cotton wheels 抛光用布轮

removing burrs round pads of ejector pin 刮项针位批锋removing parting line flash 磨分型线

sanding wheels 砂布轮

5.精加工工艺machining process

boring 镗精加工fine maching ; 粗加工rough maching drill bit 钻头卧式加工中心Horizontal machining center chuck 车床卡盘,夹具立式加工中心vertical machining center cutting tools刀具

external/internal thread 外/内螺纹

file 锉

form tool 成型刀

grind 磨

jig/fixture 夹具

lathe 车床

left-hand thread左旋螺纹

length of thread engagement螺纹旋合长度

loose thread滑牙

machining accuracy加工精度

machining allowance of casting 铸件机械加工余量machining allowance加工余量

machining error加工误差

mandrel 机加工芯轴

mill 铣

minor diameter小径

parallel screw thread圆柱螺纹

pitch diameter中径


plane 刨,


right-hand thread 右旋螺纹

rolled threads 挤牙

root diameter底径

screw thread 螺纹

tapping 攻牙

tight thread牙紧

uncompleted tapping 牙不完整

6.表面处理surface treatment

a mixture of 2 parts water and 3 parts oil 2分水3分油混合acid dip/pickling 酸洗

acid 酸水

alkali cleaning 碱洗

Anodizing 阳极氧化

baking 烘干

blueing /chemical oxide 钢铁发蓝/化学氧化

chemical pretreatment 化成处理

chromating 铬化

clear black e-coatings透明黑色泳漆

clear chroming 无色铬化

colored passivation 彩色钝化

concentration 浓度

dedusting 除尘

degreasing 脱脂,除油

descaling 刻蚀

dipping 浸渍

electrophoresis 电泳

electrophoretic coating 电泳漆

electroplating hard chrome 镀硬铬

electrostatics powder coatings 静电粉沫喷涂

E-plating 电镀

hexavalent chromium 六价铬

impregnation 浸渗

mechanical polishing机械抛光

neutralization 中和

PAD printing/silk screening 移印/丝印

passivating 钝化

phosphating 磷化

resin 树脂

rinsing 过清水

Roughtening 粗化

spray powder 喷粉

taking down 下挂

trivalent chromium 三价铬

ultrasonic clean 超声波清洗

wiping with toluene 抹天那水

salt spray testing 盐雾试验

7.品质控制quality control

appearance full-inspection 外观全检

collection 回收

evaluation / measurement technique 评价/测量技术

first inspection for 5 shots 首检5件

Freq=frequency 次数

incoming quality sampling inspection report 来料质量抽查报告interprocess quality sampling inspection report 工序间质量抽查报告pile products up due to laying in disorder 摆放不正确堆积产品processing tour-inspection 制程巡回检查

product/process specification /tolerance 产品/过程规范/公差projector 投影仪

QC tour-inspection QC巡检

quality final-inspection report 最终检验质量报告

quality first piece inspection report 质量首件检查报告quality traceability analysis report 质量追踪分析表return to supplier 退回供应商

sampling inspection 抽检

self-inspection 自检

Special Char. class 特殊特性分类

spot check 抽样检查

visual standard 外观标准

workmanship standard 工作质量标准


air tightness 气密性

blister/pimple/bubble 起泡

bumps 碰伤


casting fin铸件飞边, 铸件披缝, 铸件周缘翅片

cold lap 冷隔

cold shut 冷纹

Contamination 污染

dirt pits 尘点

distortion/deformation 变形

double skin 重皮

ejector marks raised or depressed 顶针位凹凸elephant skin皱皮

entrapped slag;slag inclusion 夹渣

filling to excess 多料

flow mark 流痕/波纹flow line

incomplete filling 缺料

incorrect casting form 形状不合格

indentation 印痕/凹痕

internal quality of casting 铸件内在质量

micro-shrinkage;porosity 疏松【显微疏松】

off dimension;off size 尺寸不合格

oil marks 油渍

orange peel 桔皮缺陷

out of size 尺寸不符

oxidation 氧化

partial breakage of a casting 崩料

peeling 电镀脱皮


pits 面麻

porosity 砂孔

roughness 粗糙

sand inclusion 砂眼

scratches 划痕/刮伤

shrinkage 缩水

slag 炉渣

stain 污渍

texturing 致密性

thermal shrinkage crack (on product)(产品中的)热缩裂raised crack mark line (on product) (产品表面凸起的龟裂线) visual quality of casting 铸件外观质量

void 砂眼/气孔

warpage 挠曲


yield of casting 铸件合格品率

missrun 欠铸

9. 压铸件试验常用语testing

adhesion 附着性

deflection 挠度

elastoplasticity 弹塑性

elongation 延伸率

extend 延伸

film thickness 涂膜厚度

film thickness gauge 膜厚仪

flexibility 屈曲挠性

hardness 硬度

heat impact test 热冲击试验

high humidity test 高湿测试

humidity resistance 耐湿

impact resistance 抗冲击力

impact strength 冲击性

measuring adhesion by tape test 胶带附着力测试

neutral salt-spray NSS test 中性盐雾

residual stress 残余应力

spraying viscosity 喷涂粘度

strengthen 加强、巩固

tension 拉紧、张力

viscosity 粘度

water resistance 耐水性

yield strength 屈服强度

mechanical property 力学性能chemical analysis 化学成份10.测量工具常用语measurement and gauge Altitude gauge 高度仪

average 平均值

Block Gauge 块规

Bore Gauge 孔规

Clearance gauge 塞尺/间隙规

CMM 三坐标测试仪

Depth Micrometer 深度千分尺

Digital caliper 电子卡尺

Digital Height Gauge 数字高度测量仪

durometer/hardness meter 硬度计

Electric/digital Balance 电子称

Electroplating THK.Tester 电镀厚度测试仪

equipment variation 设备变差

gage repeatability and reproducibility report 量具的R&R重复性和再现性报告go-no-go gauge “过” -- “不过” 验规通-止规

HRC/HV Hardness Tester 洛/维氏硬度仪Rockwell testing

impact tester 冲击仪

Inside/outer Micrometer 内/外径千分尺

measurement unit analysis 测量设备分析

Micrometer Calipers 千分卡尺

Microscope 显微镜metallographic microscope 金相显微镜

Multimeter 万用表electric universal testing 电子万能试验机

normal distribution curve 正态分布曲线

number of parts 零件数量

number of trials 实验次数

one range 单极差

part variation 零件变差

pin gauge 针规

Plug gage 塞规

Projector 投影仪Optical image 光学影像测量仪

range 公差带

range control chart 极差控制图

repeatability 重复性


Ring Gauge 环规

spectrometer 光谱仪

Thermometer 温度计

Thread Gauge 螺纹规

thread plug gage螺纹塞规

Torque Meter 力矩计

total variation 总变差

Twisting Meter 转扭力仪

Vernier Caliper 游标卡尺

viscosimeter 粘度计

visual check 目测

witness mark (测量)参考(标)点

endoscope 内窥镜

11. 形位公差常用语tolerance

angularity 倾斜度角度

aperture 孔径

basic dimension 基本尺寸

basic size 基本尺寸

c/c =between centers 中心距


circular runout 圆跳动

circularity 圆度roundness

concentricity 同轴度同心度

conical 圆锥形的

coordinate data 坐标数据

coordinate dimensioning 坐标尺寸

cylindricity 圆柱度

datum/feature/point/line/ plane/axis 基准/特征/点/线/平面/轴线


diameter/radius 直径/半径

draft angle 拔模斜度

ellipse 椭圆

excentricity 偏心距(率)

flatness 平面度

geometric dimensioning 几何尺寸

fit/clearance fit/interference fit/ transition fits 配合/间隙配合/过盈配合/过渡配合M/LMC=maximum/least material condition 最大/小材料状态

nominal diameter 公称直径

oblong 长方形

oblong hole 椭圆孔

ovality 圆锥度(变形)

parallelism 平行度

perpendicularity 垂直度

position 位置度

profile of a line 线轮廓度

profile of a surface 面轮廓度

reference frame 坐标系

right angle 直角

rounds/fillets draft 外圆角/内圆角拔模斜度

square 正方形

standard/ precision tolerance 标准/精度公差

straightness 直线度

symmetry 对称度

theoretical size 理论正确尺寸


tolerance/value 公差/值

top/side/ end view 顶/测/端视图

total runout 全跳动

unilateral/bilateral tolerance 单/双边公差

upper/lower deviation 上/下偏差


bar code 条形码

blister plate/PVC tray 吸塑罩

bubble bag 气泡袋

closed /sealed poly bag 封口胶袋

corrugated cardboard/sheet波纹隔板

corrugated egg-crate carton 瓦楞蛋格卡通箱

foam bag 珍珠棉袋

forktruck 叉车

GW gross weight /NW net weight 毛/凈重

If wooden pallet, the certificate of disinfection for pallet 如果是木制卡板要有卡板消毒熏蒸证明

in egg tray with carton packages 卡通箱及其蛋格

item/ sales consumer pack 单件装

label 包装标识

logo polybag 有唛胶袋

multipack 多件装

outside dimensions 长x宽x高length x width x height 外部尺寸

packaging materials 包装材料

packaging strapping/PP-straps包装带

pad separator; clapboard; partition board/sheet 隔板

pallet 卡板

plastic container 胶箱

shrinkage package 吸塑包装

single/double/3 regular slotted carton/box 单/双/三坑纸箱

styrofoam 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料白色泡沫

tissue papper 拷贝纸

transparent plastic film circle the pallet/stretch poly wrap 透明膜保鲜纸

unitload pallet 整卡装

wrappage 包装材料

13.生产控制计划production control

control plan 控制计划

core team 核心小组

date Rev. 日期修订

date orig. 日期编制

each batch 每批

Inform line/team leader/ supervisor/manager to shut down and recheck 通知生产拉/组长/主管/经理,停机再检查

machine adjustment 调机

machine, device, jig, tools for Mfg. 生产工艺装备

material identification 物料标识

mounting die 安装模具

mounting die inspection sheet 模具安装检查清单

once every operation每次开机

part /process number 零件/过程编号

part name/description 零件名称/描述

pre-launch 试生产

process 过程

process name/operation description 过程名称/操作描述

reaction plan 反应计划

refer to CP 参考控制计划

14.优质浇口设计七步法gate design


The Seven Steps To A Quality Gating Design


Step 1. Determine the casting quality levels. This sets the goals for the gate design. It is not possible to design a good gating system without knowing as intimately as possible all the customer requirements for this part.

第二步根据质量等级确定工艺限制。意思是说与浇口设计互相影响的工艺因素的等级在确定时要考虑客户所提供的质量等级。工艺因素在浇口设计中不是独立的,而必须考虑浇口的设计效果。Step 2. Define the process limits based on the quality levels. This means that the levels for the process factors that interact with the gate design will be defined in consideration of the quality levels provided by the customer. The process factors are not independent of the gate design, and must be considered in the gate design effort. 第三步PQ2分析计算。一旦把工艺限制确定下来,就可以使用PQ2 计算法来决定之后计算的浇口面积。也可以用来确定所选的操作条件, 以及特别浇口设计这样一个操作变量所允许的范围。也再次说明操作条件不是浇口设计中独立存在的。

Step 3. Run the PQ2 calculations. Once the process limits are set, then the PQ2 calculations can be run to determine the gate area for later calculations, and also to define the selected operating conditions and the allowable range for the operating variables for this particular gate design. Again, the operating conditions are not independent of the gate design.


Step 4. Define the flow pattern and the gate locations. This is based on the quality considerations developed earlier. The flow pattern is developed to match the quality needs of the casting, and the gate entrances are set to develop the flow pattern as much as can be done with the part configuration .


Step 5. Design the gates. The gate design will set the location and the shape of the gates. This design is developed specifically to generate the flow pattern determined in the previous steps.


Step 6. Design the runner system. Develop the shape of the runner system, which must support the gate design developed in step 5. If needed, simulation software is used at this point simulation should NOT be used without doing steps 1-5, and especially steps 1-3 , however.

第七步设计排气和溢流系统。要得到优质的铸件,整个系统的这一部分是非常重要的,而且在设计浇注系统时应视为同样优先考虑的事和值得注意的事项。Design the Step 7. Vent and overflow system. This part of the system is essential to achieving quality castings, and should be given the same priority and attention as designing the gating system.


accredited 官方认可的;鉴定合格的 advantage 优势; agency 代理处;行销处;经售店 agenda 议事日程;事项 analog 模拟 APEC ( = Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum) Appetize r 开胃食品 Appliances 家用)电器 常用词汇表 (the) Americas 北美洲、中美洲和南美洲的总称 a la carte 照菜单点 菜 abstrac t 摘要, 概 要 academic conference 学术研讨 会 accessory 附属 附 件 accident report 事故报 告 Apparel 衣服;服 装 acknowledge 承认;感谢 ad hoc committee 临时成立的工作委员会 advance funds 预支货款 amplifier 扩音器 animation 动画 亚太经合组织

Application service provider (ASP) 应用软件服务商 Arc light 弧光 Arrival pattern 团队抵达时间 Arrogan t 自大的,傲慢的 Artic le 物品:商品 Artist ic 艺术的;美术的 Assemble 集合,聚集;装 配 Assimilat e 同化;消化;吸收;彻底了解 Assistant stage manager 助理展台经 理 Associated firm 联号 Associatio n 协会 Attendance 观众;出席者,出席人 数 Attendee 参加会议或展览的人;出席 者 Attracti on 景点;引人注意之物 Au lait 加牛奶 Auction 拍卖 Audio conference 电话会议 Audiovisual (AV) 视听设备 Audiovisual aids 视听辅助设备 Authorized signature 授权签字 Automaker 汽车制造 商 Automation 自动化,自动 机


【essay】常用academic词汇来源:谭希的日志 1.增补(Addition) in addition另外, furthermore此外, again, also, besides, moreover此外, similarly, fi nally最后 2.比较(Comparison) in the same way, likewise同样地, similarly, equally, in comparison比较起来, just as 同样地 3.对照(Contrast) whereas然而, in contrast与此相反, on the other hand, instead同样, however然而, nevertheless然而, unlike, even though即使, on the contrary, while 4.因果(Cause and effect) because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accor dingly, hence, so, thus 5.强调(Emphasis) certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant 6.让步(Concession) although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is tru e.... 7.例证(Exemplification) for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, b y way of illustration. 8.总结(Conclusion) to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary 9.推断(Inference) therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise 10.时间和空间(Time and space) afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of



零件中英文对照Replacement Parts / Repair Parts 备用零件 LCD Screen 液晶 Touch Screen / Digitizer 触摸屏 LCD Assembly 液晶总成 Battery 电池 Flex Cable 排线 Keypad / Keypad Flex Cable 按键排线 Audio Earphone Flex Cable 音频排线 Charging Port Dock Connector Flex Cable 尾插排线Proximity Light Sensor Flex Cable 感应排线 Home button 返回键 Power Button 开关键 Mute/Silent Button 静音键 Housing / Back Cover 后盖 Metallic / Metal Brushed Housing 金属拉丝后盖Middle Plate 中板 Middle Bezel / Frame 中框 Motor / Vibration Motor 马达 Full Housing / Faceplates 全套壳 Front Facing Camera 前置摄像头 Back Camera 后置摄像头 Speaker / Loud Speaker 喇叭 Earpiece speaker 听筒 Microphone 麦克风 Ringer Buzzer 振铃器 SIM Card Tray 卡托 Headphone Jack Hole 耳机孔 Glass Screen Lens 镜面 SIM Card Holder / Connector SIM卡座 Memory Card Holder 内存卡卡座 Battery FPC Plug 电池座 Screw 螺丝 Anti-dust Mesh 防尘网 Adhesive Strip Sticker 贴纸 Ejection Pin 取卡针 Mainboard / Motherboard 主板


组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 repair修理 operator作业员 QC quality品管 supervisor 课长 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 lathe车床 planer |'plein|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 Tiana天那水 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏 大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head 螺丝滑头 speckle斑点 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skræpid|报废 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格


生物制药中英文词汇 A absolute lethal dose; LD100绝对致死剂量absorption rate constant吸收速率常数accelerated testing加速试验acetylcholinesterase乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylcholine乙酰胆碱 acrylic acid resin丙烯酸树酯 activation激活作用 activator激活剂 active targeting preparation主动靶向制剂acute toxicity test急性毒性实验 additive effect累加效应 additive附加剂 adenosine phosphate腺苷磷酸 adhersive strength粘附力 adhesion粘附性 adhesives粘合剂 adjuvant佐剂 adrenergic nerve肾上腺素能神经adrenergic receptor肾上腺素能受体adverse reaction不良反应 aerogel气凝胶 aerosil微粉硅胶 aerosol of micropowders for inspiration 吸入粉雾剂aethylis oleas油酸乙酯 agglomerate聚结物 aggregation聚集 air suspension空气悬浮法 albumin microballoons白蛋白微球制剂alkaloid生物碱 alkalosis;alkali-poisoning碱中毒 allergy; allergic reaction变态反应 allotted date of drug quality ensuring by manufacturer药品负责期 all-trans全反式 alterntae addition method两相交替加入法amebocyte lysate变形细胞溶解物amorphous forms无定型 anaphylactic drug reaction过敏性药物反应anaphylatoxin过敏毒素 anatoxin;toxoid类毒素 angle of repose休止角antagonism拮抗作用antiadherent抗粘剂 antibacterial spectrum抗菌谱antibody抗体 antigen抗原 antioxidants抗氧剂 antipode对映体 antisepesis防腐 antiserum抗血清 antitoxin抗毒素 apparent solubility表现溶解度aprotinin抑酞酶 aromatic compound芳族化合物aromatic waters芳香水剂Arrhenius 方程阿仑尼乌斯方程artificial antigen人工合成抗原artificial immunization人工免疫aseptic technique无菌操作法astringent收敛药 autoimmunity自身免疫 B bactericidal activity杀菌活性bactericidal effect杀菌作用bacteriophage噬菌体bacteriostatic activity抑菌活性bactriostasis抑菌作用 ball mill球磨机 base adsorption基质吸附率 bases基质 beeswax蜂蜡 bending弯曲力 bioavailability生物利用度bioavailability生物利用度biochemical approach生物学方法biochemistry生物化学 biogenic amine生物胺 biological half life生物半衰期biological product生物制品biometrics;biometry生物统计学biopharmacy生物药剂学 blood coagulation血液凝固 blood concentration血药浓度blood products血液制品 blood volume expander血容量扩充剂

Academic Vocabulary----学术应用词汇

Academic Vocabulary Equipping yourself with the relevant academic vocabulary will give you a head start in your university studies. Especially if you’re a second language learner of English, studying in a foreign language can be very difficult and time-consuming. In order to do well, you may want to consider the following ways of learning academic vocabulary more effectively and relevantly. You will need: The General Service List. The GSL is a list of general and basic vocabulary of English used in order of frequency. It has been recognized and used quite extensively among second lan- guage learners of English for work and study. It was first created by West in 1953. The version used was then adapted by Baumann and Culligan in 1995. It contains almost 2,300 words. The GSL here is divided into smaller sublists. Sublist 1 has the first 500 words. Sublist 2 the next 500 words etc. For the complete word lists, refer to: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~alzsh3/acvocab/wordlists.htm Subject-related Word List. This is a list of words which is specific to your discipline of studies, for example, finance, accounting, education and others. The index at the back of your textbook is generally the best guide to the terms, concepts that are widely used in the subject. The index is a valuable guide to understanding the key concepts and terms used in a subject. So make good use of the book index. You may also want to consult this site for some additional help and ideas. http://www.uefap.com/vocab/select/selframs.htm The Academic World List. The AWL is first developed by and compiled by Averil Coxhead Victoria University of Wellingtown, New Zealand. The AWL contains 10 sublists that include 570 word families which appeared most frequently in academic texts. There are 60 words in each sublist 1-9, and 30 in Sublist 10. Sublist one consists of the 60 mostly frequently ap- peared words in the academic texts and sublist two consists of the next 60 word families and so on. The academic corpus contained approximately3,500,000 active vocabulary taken from a variety of texts used and read across the faculties, spanning over more than 25 subject areas. The complete Academic Word list of 570 root words and their word families can be conveniently found in http://www.uefap.com/vocab/select/awl.htm with a quick link to their the dictionary meanings. A note to mention is that the list here is arranged in alphabetical order and NOT by sublists. Nevertheless, this is a great site to learn the meanings of the AWL words.


药品生产常用词汇中英文对照表 环境,健康,安全environment,health, safety,E H S 质量风险管理quality risk management, Q R M 风险评估risk assessment 风险控制risk control 事先危害分析preliminary hazard analysis, P H A 失败模式效果分析failure mode effects analysis,F M E A 危害分析及主要控制点hazard analysis and critical control points, H A C C P 过失树分析fault tree analysis, FTA 两次失败之间的平均时间mean time between failure, M T B F 主题事务专家subject matter expert, S M E 缎带式混合机ribbon blender 在线清洗clean in place,CIP 锥型混合机conical screw blender 辊压制粒roller compaction 压片能力compressibility 导流管wurster column 中间过程控制in process control, IPC 物料桶intermediary bulk containers, IBCs 关键工艺参数critical process parameters, CPP 工艺验证process validation 前验证/前瞻性验证prospective validation 同步验证concurrent validation 回顾性验证retrospective validation 个人防护设备personal protective equipment, PPE 职业暴露限值occupational exposure limit, O E L 职业暴露等级occupational exposure bands, O E B 口服固体制剂oral solid dosage, OSD 人流/物流person flow / material flow 药物活性成分active pharmaceutical ingredients,API 中间体intermediate products 需氧细菌aerobic bacteria 安瓿瓶ampoule 厌氧细菌anaerobic bacteria 空态洁净区as - bulit clean room 无菌生产aseptic processing 静态at - rest 灭菌釜‘ autoclave 微生物污染水平bioburden 生物指示剂biological indicators 吹灌封blow/fill/seal 玻璃瓶bottle 轧盖capping


闻报道常用英语词汇 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻brief n. 简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n. 署名文章caption n.图片说明caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登cartoon n.漫画censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版clipping n.剪报column n.专栏;栏目columnist n.专栏作家continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写cover girl n. 封面女郎covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘editorial n.社论editorial office 编辑部daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报party organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front


一:常用術語 Hon Hai 鴻海 CMM Component module move 機動元件整合 CEM Contract Manu faction service 合約委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 國際互聯網應用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 個人電腦外設事業群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector& cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鴻富錦事業群 SABG system assembly business group 系統組裝事業群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鴻準 Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠 Stamping tool shop II 沖模二廠 Prototype workshop 樣品中心 Steel factory 裁剪廠 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模廠 Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金 Engineer standard 工標 Document center (database center)資料中心 Design Center 設計中心 Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠) Stamping 沖壓(廠) Education and Training教育訓練 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會 Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會 BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 計劃執行檢查總結 DCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心 3C Computer 電腦類產品 Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品 Communication 通訊類產品 Core value(核心价值) Love 愛心


金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematics 静力学static 分析力学analysis mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarbonization 渗碳carboniz ation 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding


The Academic Word List (AWL) by Sublist Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most frequent words in families This sublist contains the most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus. The most frequent members of the word families in Sublist 1 are listed below. analysis approach area assessment assume authority available benefit concept consistent constitutional context contract create data definition derived distribution economic environment established estimate evidence export factors financial formula function identified income indicate individual interpretation involved issues labour legal legislation major method occur percent period policy principle procedure process required research response role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory variables


电子公司常用英语术语一:常用术语 CMM Component module move 机动组件整合 CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector&cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群 SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鸿准 Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂 Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂 Prototype workshop 样品中心 Steel factory 裁剪厂 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂 Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)数据中心


机械业内常用的中英文术语对照 1 管道组成件 Piping component 1.1 管子 Pipe 管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢 stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe 冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 直管 run pipe; straight pipe 1.2 管件 Fitting 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径180巴渫?long radius return 短半径180巴渫?short radius return


Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List analyse analysed analyser analysers analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzes analyzing approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable area areas assess assessable assessed assesses assessing assessment assessments reassess reassessed reassessing reassessment unassessed assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions authority authoritative authorities available availability unavailable benefit beneficial beneficiary beneficiaries benefited benefiting benefits concept conception concepts conceptual conceptualisation conceptualise conceptualised conceptualises conceptualising conceptually consist consisted consistency consistent consistently consisting consists inconsistencies inconsistency inconsistent constitute constituencies constituency constituent constituents constituted constitutes constituting constitution constitutions constitutional constitutionally constitutive unconstitutional context contexts contextual contextualise contextualised contextualising uncontextualised contextualize contextualized contextualizing uncontextualized contract contracted contracting contractor contractors contracts create created creates creating creation creations creative creatively creativity creator creators recreate recreated recreates recreating data define definable defined defines defining definition definitions redefine redefined redefines redefining undefined derive derivation




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