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2024-06-02 12:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  对易混词的辨析是各种考试中常见的,今天和大家分享60道易混词辨析填空题,助力大家期末考试!   1. a/an/the   A. There's"u" and _____ "s" in _____ word "us".   B. There is _____ young man and _____ old man in the photo. ______ old man is _____ young man's father.   2. one/ones   A. I don't like this skirt. Show me that _____.   B. The new skirts are mine. The old _____ are yours.   3. by/with/in/use   A. Jay can sing the song ____ either Chinese or English. How great!   B. I won't believe it until I see it _____ my own eyes.   C. We usually ______ a ruler to draw a straight line.   D. Miss Zhao goes to work ______ bike.   4. put on/wear/in/dress   A. The twins don't always _____ the same clothes,   B. The woman _____ a red hat is our new English leacher.   C. It's very cold today. Please ___ more clothes when you go out.   D. Mother is ______ my baby sister now.   5. a lot/a lot of/many/much   A. I like eating oranges _____, so there are always oranges at my home.   B. There are so ______ people that I cannot count them.   C. _____ people think living in China is_____ better than living in Japan.   D. I've learned _____ from him.   6. look for/find/find out   A. Please try to _____ who stole the computer.   B. Please help me ____ my mobile phone, I can't ____it.   7. look/read/see/watch   A. _____ at the picture! What can you ______ in it?   B. I'll _____ a book instead of _____ TV tonight.   8. and/or/with   A. "There is no air _____ no water on the moon."means "There is no air _____ water on the moon."   B. "The boy _____ his parents go to Hong Kong every year." means "The boy _____ his parents goes to Hong Kong every year."   9. also/too   A. I was at her birlhday party, and he was _____ there.   B. Andy Law is a famous actor. He's a good singer.   10. take/bring/carry/get   A. The woman was _____ a big bag. Let's help her.   B. Next lime when you come, _____ me the book, please.   C. Who's ____away today's newspaper?. I haven't read it yet.   D. Go and _____ me some wate. I' m thirsty.   11. each/every   A. "_____ of them speaks a foreign language." means _____ one of them speaks a foreign language."   B. There are some big shops on_____ side of the street.   12. problem/question   A. What is the biggest _____ in the world? Can you answer this _____ ?   B. The _____ is that he's always asking me such foolish _____.   13. learn/study   A. He _____ hard and at last _____ the language.   B. The children are _____ the maths problem now.   C. We _____ in the same school, so we often _____ from each other and help each other.   D. We _____ English in the morning and _____ to play football in the afternoon.   14. in/on/at   A. There are many good apples _____ the tree.   B. He gets up _____ six _____the morning and goes to bed ___ ten______ night _____ weekdays.   C. Does he have lunch _____ home?   D. The man _____ duty is reading a book _____ medicine _____the desk.   E. In the twins' bedroom, the windows _____ the wall are very big, the pictures _____ the wall are not very new.   15. sometime/sometimes/some time/some times   A. Please read the text _____ until you can recite it.   B. I will go shopping _____ tomorrow.   C. He waited for _____ then left.   D. They _____ play football after school.   16. have/has/there is/there are   A. In Class One _____ 25 boys and 25 girls.   B. In Classroom One _____ a map of China.   C. Does your brother _____ a map of China?   D. _____ your brother got a map of China?   17. right/all right/that's right/that's all/that's all right   A. ——Thanks a lot for your help.   —— ______.   B. ——Are you a student?   ——Yes.______.   C. ——Let's go shopping.   —— ______.   D. Could you tell me whether it is _____ or wrong?   E. I want to buy a cup of tea, a piece of bread and an apple. _____.   18. how many/much/long/old/often   A. ——_____ does it take by plane?   ——It takes about eleven hours.   B. ——_____ is your father?   ——He is fifty.   C. ——_____ is the fish?   ——It's ten yuan a kilo.   D. ——_____ do you write Io your father?.   ——Once a month.   E. ——_____ students are there in your class?   ——Forty-five.   19. look up/look at/look after/look like/look the same   A. Please _____ Lucy and Lily because they are new here.   B. Please _____ Lucy and Lily! Can you find any differences between them?   C. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They _____ each other very much.   D. Lucy and Lily _____.   E. Please ______ the new words in your dictionary.   20. what/which/who/whose/where/how   A. ——______ do you like China?   ——Very much.   B. ——______ do you like about China?   ——The food and the people.   C. ——______ is Mr. Green?   ——He is an English teacher   D. ——______ is Mr. Green?   ——He is Jim's father.   E. ——______ falher is Mr. Green?   ——Jim's.   F. ——______ man is Mr. Green?   ——The man on a black bike.   G. ——______ is Mr. Green from?   ——He's from America.   H. ——_____ is Mr. Green like? --He is tall and thin.   21. class/lesson   A. He listens to the teacher carefully in _____.   B. There are four _____ in each unit of the English textbook.   22. in time/on time   A. You must give back the book to me _____.   B. You're just _____ for the last bus.   23. for short/short for   A. TV is ________ television,   B. They callme Tom _______ .   24. may be/maybe   A. Tom, ______ you are right.   B. The mon over there ______ Li Lei's English teacher.   25. begin/start   A. When can we _____ off for Beiiing?   B. He didn't know how to _____.   26. other/another/the other/others/the others   A. Those shoes are too small for me. Would you show me _____ pair?   B. There are six people in the room. Three are girls, _____ three are boys.   C. He is always helping _____.   D. There are many books in the box. Ten of them are mine, _____are my sisler's,   E. Mr Liu and Miss Sun and four ______ teachers are teaching this class.   27. must/have to   A. We _____ follow our Party to go.   B. He _____ get up earlier because his mother asks him _____to cook breakfast.   28. be good/be good to/be good at   A. My parents ______ me.   B. He ______ English.   C. Chocolate ______ your health, do you agree?   29. road/way/street   A. Can you tell me the ______ to your school?   B. I met him in the ______.   C. They drove along the country ______.   30. in front/in front of/in(at) the front   A. Ricky stood _____ lhe stage and began to sing.   B. He sits _____ and I sit not far behind him.   C. A tree stands ______ the house.   31. hope/wish   A. I _____ you to win the competition.   B. I _____ you can win the competition.   C. We have no _____ to finish the work in time. What shall we do?   D. Best _____ to all of you in the coming year!   32. ago/before   A. Everyone should come back _____ five o'clock.No one should be late.   B. "He came back two days ____." means "He came back the day ____ yesterday."   33. by the way/on the way in the way   A. The chair is _____. Please move it away.   B. _____, have you got a computer at home?   C. Roy happened to meet his father ______ to school.   34. match/game/sport   A. The Chinese basketball team had a _____with the American basketball team in the last Olympic _____.   B. I often do _____ or play with my classmates after school.   C. There will be a _____ meeting next week.   35. go on/go on doing/go on to do   A. After they had read the text, the students___the exercises.   B. They _____ the farm work in the field though it was raining hard.   C. I hope everything _____ well.   36. at the end/in the end/by the end/to the end   A. Go down this road _____ and you'll find the police station on your left.   B. Which building is _____ of the road? Is it a supermarket or a hospital?   C. Tim laughed _____ because he won the game,   D. How many English words had you learnt _____ of last term?   37. what/how   A. "_____ a good film!" means _____ good the film is!"   B. "_____ beautiful music!" means " _____ beautiful the music is!"   C. "_____ is the weather?" means " _____ is the weather like?"   38. in/to/on   A. Japan is _____ the east of China and Taiwan is _____ the southeast of China.   B. Henan is _____ the north of Hubei.   39. just now/right now   A. I must go to my office.   B. I made a telephone call to my friend ______.   40. how often/how soon/how long/what time   A. ——_____ will he be beck?   ——In a week.   B. ——_____ does he come back?   ——Once a week.   C. ——_____ were you in Beijing last year?.   ——For a week.   D. ——_____ did you go to bed last night?   ——At eleven.   41. few/little/a few/a little   A. There's _____ time left. We'll be late if we don't hurry.   B. We still have _____ apples at home. We needn't buy any now.   C. There're _____ apples at home. You'd better go and buy some.   D. I still have _____ money on me, so I can buy apples with it.   42. neither/either/none   A. _____ of them is here. All of them have gone to Shanghai.   B. _____ of his parents is a doctor. They are teachers.   C. _____ Damao or Xiaomao will go there for the dinner. One of them should stay at home.   D. He speaks _____ English nor Japanese. He speaks Chinese.   43. both/all/whole   A. _____ the books are here. You may choose any of them!   B. _____ of the twins like spending _____ their money on books.   C. "The workers worked the _____ day." means. "The workers worked _____ day."   44. cross/across/through/over/pass/past   A. The car _____ by with a thick smoke behind just now.   B. The boss walked _____ me without saying a word at half _____ one. I don't know why.   C. The sunlight is shining in _____ the window.   D. " Go _____ the bridge." means " _____ the bridge."   E. They climbed _____ the tall wall, didn't they?   45. arrive/get/reach   A. Please tell me when you'll _____in Taiyuan. I'll meet you at the airport.   B. Can you tell me how to ____ to the nearest police station?   C. Please call me when you _____ Shanghai.   D. The passengers were worried because the train didn't ___on time.   46. noise/sound/voice   A. Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than _____.   B. "You have a beautiful____," the man said to her in a sweet ___.   C. We shouldn't make any _____ in the reading room.   47. so/nor   A. ---- They have supper at six every day.   ----- _____ do we.   B. ---- They don't use animals to do farm work now.   ---- _____do we.   48. be asleep/fall asleep/go to sleep/go to bed   A. I usually _____ at half past nine every evening.   B. The young man lay on the sofa and _____ soon.   C. The baby _____. Please don't talk.   49. pardon/sorry/excuse me   A. ______, I am late.   B. ______? I didn't hear what you said,   C. ______, could you tell me the way to the station?   D. I beg your ______, Sir, for coming here late.   50. spend/take/pay/cost   A. "It ______ me an hour to read English every day." means" I ____an hour reading English every day."   B. The T-shirt ______ me eighty yuan. means " I ______ eighty yuan on the T-shirt. "   C. "She ______ 100 dollars for the ticket." means " She ______ 100 dollars on the ticket."   D. I am going to _____ my summer holiday in my hometown.   51. interest/interested/interesting   A. Are you ______ in the ______ storybook?   B. He says he has no ______ in visiting the places of ______. I don't know why.   52. sleepy/sleep/asleep   A. I didn't get to ______ until late last night.   B. I felt very ______ because I didn't ______ well last night.   C. He fell _____ during the meeting.   53. as/like   A. Football is not so popular ______ ping-pong in Chino,   B. If you do _____ I told you, you'll make fewer mistakes.   C. You should do it ______ this,   D. The girl looks ______ her mother.   54. fall/drop   A. Unluckily,the runner ______ his stick on the ground.   B. I heard Tony ______ down from the tree and hurt his leg.   55. miss/lose   A. She ______ her wallet on her way to the supermarket.   B. They were very sad because they ______ an important football game.   C. We all ______ you very much. How soon will you be back?   56. much too/too much/too many   A. Mr. Green eats _______ food, so he is ______ fat.   B. I have ______ books to read and ______homework to do today.   C. Watching TV ______ is bad for your health.   57. be famous for/be famous as   A. Yao Ming ______ a basketball player,   B. China _______ its food in the world.   58. look over/look up/look for/find/find out   A. The old man _____ his money everywhere, but he couldn't ____ it.   B. If you've ______ who broke the window, please tell me.   C. If you don't know the new words, please ______ them _____in a dictionary,   D. After the doctor _____ the patient very carefully, he said there was nothing serious.   59. used to/be used to/would   A. Granny ______ living in city now.   B. He said he ______ come tomorrow.   C. I ______ live with my grandparents, but now I have my own home.   60. search/search for/find   A. The police ______ their missing children here and there, but they didn't ______ him.   B. The policeman _____the thief to see if he stole the money.   【参考答案】   1. A. a: an: the;B. a; an; The: the   2. A. one;B. ones   3. A. in;B. with;C. use;D. by   4. A. wear;B. in;C. put on;D. dressing   5. A. a lot;B. many;C. Many/A lot of; much/a lot;D. a lot/much   6. A. find out;B. look for; find   7. A, Look; see;B. read: watching   8. A. and; or;B. and, with   9. A. also;B. too   10. A. carrying;B. bring;C. taken;D. get   11. A. Each. Every;B. each   12. A. problem; question;B. problem, questions   13. A. studied, learned;B. studying;C. study; learn;D. learn/study, learn   14. A. on;B. at, in, at, at, on;C. at;D. on. on. at;E. in. on   15. A. some times;B. sometime/some time;C. some time;D. sometimes   16. A. there are;B. there is;C. have;D. Has   17. A. That's all right;B. That's right/Right;C. All right;D. right;E. That's all   18. A. How long;B. How old;C. How much;D. How often;E. How many   19. A. look after;B. look at;C. look like;D. look the same;E. look up   20. A. How;B. What;C. What;D. Who;E. Whose;F. Which;G. Where;H. What   21. A.class;B. lessons   22.A.on time;B. in time   23.A.short for;B. for short   24. A. maybe;B. may be   25. A.start;B. start/begin   26. A.another;B. the other;C. others;D. the others;E. other   27. A.must;B. has to   28. A.are good to;B. is good at;C. is good for   29. A.way;B. street;C. road   30. A.in the front of;B. in front;C. in front of   31. A.wish;B. hope/wish;C. hope;D. wishes   32. A.before;B. ago. Before   33. A. in the way;B. By the way;C. on the way   34. A. match, Games;B. sports, games;C. sports   35. A. went on to do;B. went on doing;C. goes on   36. A. to the end;B. at the end;C. in the end;D. by the end   37. A. What. How;B. What, How;C. How, What   38. A. to, in;B. on   39. A. right now;B. just now   40. A. How soon;B. How often;C. How long;D. What time   41. A. little;B. a few;C. few;D. a little, a few   42. A. None;B. Neither;C. Either;D. neither   43. A. All;B. Both, all;C. whole, all   44. A. passed;B. past, past;C. through;D. across, Cross;E. over   45. A. arrive;B. get;C. reach;D. arrive/reach   46. A. sound;B. voice, voice;C. noise   47. A. So;B. Nor   48. A. go to bed;B. fell asleep/went to sleep;C. is asleep   49. A. Sorry;B. Pardon;C. Excuse me;D. pardon   50. A. takes, spend;B. cost, spent;C. paid, spent;D. spend   51. A. interested, interesting;B. interest, interest   52. A. sleep;B. sleepy, sleep;C. asleep   53. A. as;B. as;C. like;D. like   54. A. dropped;B. fell   55. A. lost;B. lost/missed;C. miss   56. A. too much, much too;B. too many, too much;C, too much   57. A. is famous as;B. is fatuous for   58. A. looked for, find;B. found out;C. look, up;D. looked over   59. A. is used to;B. would;C. used to   60. A. searched for, find;B. searched

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