
您所在的位置:网站首页 帝国大厦是纽约最高的建筑吗英文 西方建筑英语,美国有哪些有名建筑(英文带翻译)?


2023-03-13 14:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,美国有哪些有名建筑(英文带翻译)? 2,美国的有名建筑简介(英文带翻译) 3,上海标志性建筑有哪些?用英文介绍! 4,找一些外国的标志性建筑 要用英文简介以及图片 5,大一英语学习的总结,写这学期的英语学习情况及下学期的英语学习计划。80词左右,英语大神帮帮忙~ 6,英语作文建筑 7,急求一篇关于中西方建筑差异的英文文章 1,美国有哪些有名建筑(英文带翻译)?

答案:美国有名建筑有白宫、帝国大厦、美国国会大厦等。 第一、白宫 白宫是一幢白色的新古典风格砂岩建筑物,白宫位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区西北宾夕法尼亚大道1600号。白宫共占地7.3万多平方米,由主楼和东、西两翼三部分组成。 第二、美国国会大厦 美国国会大厦是美国国会所在地,美国国会大厦位于美国首都华盛顿—哥伦比亚特区。美国人把国会大厦称为Capitol,把美国国会大厦看做是民有、民治、民享政权的最高象征。国会大厦1793年9月18日由华盛顿总统亲自奠基,美国国会大厦1800年投入使用。1814年第二次美英战争期间美国国会大厦被英国人焚烧,部分建筑被毁。 第三、帝国大厦 帝国大厦,是竣工于1931年4月11日的高层建筑物,是美国纽约的地标建筑物之一;帝国大厦位于曼哈顿第五大道350号、西33街与西34街之间的位置。 美国 美利坚合众国(英语:United States of America),又简称“美国”,美国是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。 美国主体部分位于北美洲中部,美国中央情报局《世界概况》1989年至1996年初始版美国总面积是937.3万平方公里,1997年修正为983.4万平方公里(加上五大湖中美国主权部分和河口、港湾、内海等沿海水域面积),美国人口3.2亿,美国通用英语,美国是一个移民国家。





Oriental Pearl TV Tower: The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui, Shanghai. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of 'twin dragons playing with pearls'. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.

Outer tower: This 468 meters high (1,536 feet) tower is the world's third tallest TV and radio tower surpassed in height only by towers in Toronto, Canada and Moscow, Russia. However, even more alluring than its height is the tower's unique architectural design that makes the Oriental Pearl TV Tower one of the most attractive places anywhere. The base of the tower is supported by three seven-meter wide slanting stanchions. Surrounding the eleven steel spheres that are 'strung' vertically through the center of the tower are three nine-meter wide columns. There are three large spheres including the top sphere, known as the space module. Then there are five smaller spheres and three decorative spheres on the tower base. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of pearls shining on a jade plate.

Inner tower: The inner tower is a recreational palace, while the Shanghai Municipal History Museum is located in the tower's pedestal. The large lower sphere has a futuristic space city and a fabulous sightseeing hall. From here, on a clear day a visitor can see all the way to the Yangtze River. The base of the tower is home to a science fantasy city. The five smaller spheres are a hotel that contains twenty-five elegant rooms and lounges. The pearl at the very top of the tower contains shops, restaurants, (including a rotating restaurant) and a sightseeing floor. The view of Shanghai from this height fills you with wonder at the beauty that surrounds you. When viewed from the Bund at night, the tower's three-dimensional lighting makes it a delight of brilliant color.

It deserves the name'Oriental Pearl TV Tower'.

4,找一些外国的标志性建筑 要用英文简介以及图片

1.Sydney Opera House Sydney Opera House looks great shell for three films, stands in the north to south and 186 meters from east to west at its widest point is 97 meters in-situ reinforced concrete structure of the base. The first group of tablets in the lot west of Shell, the four clusters of shell pieces arranged in three pairs of north, a pair of south, the Great Hall inside. The second group in the lot east of roughly parallel with the first group, form the same but slightly smaller scale, the internal is the Opera Hall. The third group in their south-west of the smallest pieces composed by two pairs of shells inside the restaurant. Other rooms are artfully arranged in the socket. The entrance of the buildings at the southern end, there are 97 meters wide and a big step. Vehicle entrance and parking located in the following major steps. [1] Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney Harbor, three facing the water, environment open to unique architectural design is famous for its triangular shape, like looking up expectantly at the three river, the shape of the roof is white like a shell, hence the "the concept of looking up expectantly quiet nun-ya" is laudatory. Aerial view of Sydney Opera House Opera House as a whole is divided into three parts: the opera hall, concert hall, and Benilan restaurants. Opera Hall, concert halls and lounges standing side by side, built in the giant granite pedestal, Shiji, each headed by four towering roof composed of a large shell. These "shells" in order of priority, the first three a covered one, facing the bay holds according to the last one is turning its back to the Gulf Shi Li, looks like two groups of mussels open the lid lying down. Varying high and low spire shell, white lattice glazed exterior magnetic blanket, Surely in the sun, far looked only like the erection of the shell and butter, 2 large white yacht, flying in the azure sea, so a "sail roof theater," said. That shell-shaped roof tip is determined by 2194 each weighing 15.3 tons of bent-shaped precast concrete structures makes up with the cable taut, the exterior covered with 1.05 million white or cream-colored tiles. 2.Eiffel Tower Paris Eiffel Tower is one of the symbols by the French people love known as the "Iron Lady." It and the Empire State Building in New York, Tokyo television tower known as the West with the three most famous ones. In 1889, the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, Paris, organized a large-scale international exhibition to mark the occasion. Expo, the most striking exhibits is the Eiffel Tower. It is sweeping the world became a symbol of the industrial revolution. The Eiffel Tower was designed by French architect Gustave Eiffel. The early years he overpass known experts. Countless masterpieces in his life all over the world, but that he was this world-famous tower of his name. In his own words: the Eiffel Tower, "overwhelmed me, as if my life in the construction of her." At first, the French government in Paris, although the decision to build a big tower the world's highest, but the funding is only cost 1 / 5. Eiffel for the realization of his designs, had his construction company and all the property mortgaged to the bank as the engineering investment. January 28, 1887, the Eiffel Tower started construction. 250 workers to work for 8 hours a day in winter, summer, working 13 hours a day, and finally, March 31, 1889 this steel structure of the tower you're done. Eiffel Tower is composed of a lot of scattered debris - looks like a pile of model components. However, these fragments is not plastic, but metal, but also 18038, weighing 7,000 tons, the construction of drilling a total of 7 million, using 2.5 million rivets. As the tower on the numbers for each component are strictly in advance, so did a little mistake when assembling. Construction in full accordance with the design, half-way does not make any changes, we can see design is reasonable, accurate calculation. According to statistics, only the tower design sketches have more than 5300 beds, including 1700 full-figure. After the completion of the Eiffel Tower in the high 300 meters, until 1930, it has always been the tallest building in the world. Today, the tower on the addition of radio and television antennas, and its total height reached 320 meters. Standing tower, the whole of Paris in the foot. Every day tourists from around the world come here to visit. By 1988, the "Iron Lady" has greeted visitors from five continents, 123 million passengers. 3.Egypt Pyramid Egypt is the world's one of the oldest ancient civilizations. Pyramid is a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian civilization, Egypt's national symbol, is the pride of the Egyptian people. Egyptian pyramids are square tapered slave society of ancient Egyptian king's tomb. Building one of the eight wonders of the world. Large number of widely distributed. Cairo Xinanniluo most concentrated along the Hexi the ancient city of Memphis. Egypt's 96 pyramids were found, the largest is the Cairo suburb of Giza's three pyramids. The Great Pyramid is the fourth dynasty, the second king Khufu's tomb, built in about 2690 BC. Original 146.5 meters high, a result of long years of weathering, peeling off the top 10 meters, is 136.5 meters high; base of more than 230 m length on each side, triangular side slope 52 degrees, Bottom area of 52.9 thousand square meters; 2.3 million from the stone tower puzzle Cheng, each stone weighing an average of 2.5 tonnes. Said, 10 million people took 30 years to be produced. The pyramid inside the channel opening, the channel design sophistication, computing precision, so admired. Khufu pyramid is the second son of Harvard pulled the king's tomb, built in BC in 2650, three meters lower than the earlier ones, are high as 133.5 meters. However, a more perfect architectural forms spectacular monument built temples and other outbuildings and the famous Sphinx. Sphinx's face the light of Harvard pulled the body of a lion, high 22 meters, 57 meters long, carved elephant's ear, there is a 2 meters high. In addition to the carved lions claw like, all carved from a natural rock. As the stone loose, and went through 4000 years of years, weathered like the eagle. Another serious facial damage, some people say yes Mamuluke treat it as a result of target practice shooting, while others say that the 18th century, when Napoleon invaded Egypt bombardment traces. 4.Leaning Tower of Pisa Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy and the Tuscan city of Pisa province, north of the miracle of the square. Place a large lawn littered with a group of religious buildings, they are the cathedral (built in 1063 -13 century), baptism Church (built in 1153 -14 century), the Clock Tower (the Leaning Tower of Pisa) and cemetery ( was built in 1174), their outer walls are milky white marble, each relatively independent but form a unified Romanesque architectural style. Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in the back of the Cathedral of Pisa. Tower was built in 1173, designed for vertical construction, but soon after the project began (in 1178) will be due to uneven ground and the soil soft and tilt, completed in 1372, the tower tilted to the southeast. Leaning Tower of Pisa is a symbol of the city of Pisa in 1987, it and the adjacent Cathedral, Baptistery, with its cemetery of the 11th century to the 14th century Italian architecture of the huge impact, but by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Award as world heritage. 5.Tokyo Tower Tokyo Tower, this independence of the highest tower in Japan the highest point in Tokyo. Before the birth of the world's first tower is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, but the Tokyo Tower in excess of its 13 meters, up to 333 meters. The building materials used in only half of the Eiffel Tower, build towers and time-consuming one and a half, less than one-third of the Eiffel Tower construction period. With such a small material and such a short time, the plains erected this anti-typhoon, anti-earthquake giant, shocked the world. Tokyo Tower, completed in December 1958. July 1968 open to visitors.


University life summary In busy, past the black June; In the very excited, into the university; And in imperceptible in, go out a semester as a freshman. Looking back, feeling quite a lot. Just walk into university life, I have no don't adapt to, no habit. Instead I am very excited and I'm excited, because of the 12 years of effort, the day finally realize, I use twelve years for youth, is not this day? My heart is full of dreams, I look forward to the future full of. I decided to, to, through their own efforts, to realize the dream of heart. When the class began formally, I felt, the university but so, have a class to learn, even, even exam homework! I was disappointed, the dream and reality is not consistent disappointment, don't university is way? Television is not so play of ah! I still busy and for his future, but I am not ready, not content to just as before, just learning, I want to live out their own university life. I kept on hard, I actively take part in all kinds of activities, I signed up for the club, to join the student union. I participated in the wild fairy brigade community, were in their recruiting activities, and took part in the (Beijing) the one-day tour of nj. I signed up running for student body sports minister, for lack of experience, and finally lost the election. I was running for class President, because not enough ability, also lost the election, I am not discouraged, focusing on the participation? I FengHongFeng with other three students together, founded the free combat community, the current supervision department minister, community members of nearly 200 people, engage have professional coach 2, regular training. Our community's purpose is to strengthen the body. Hope the teacher of guidance. In thoughts, I actively to apply to join the Chinese communist party in high school, I became party activists, in college, I didn't give up to become a party member's dream, I keep thinking of the summary, find the shortage, to rectify. Learning, I am not very hard, although the exam passed the make-up exam, no, but in all fairness, I didn't use very strength son. Like English, I didn't work hard, basic beginning I carry on the back the words, in the end, I will not back, always defaulted on debt of more and more, and the results, it simply does not bear; Other subject is also, at ordinary times I don't how to learn in the classroom, just listen to the lectures, finished his homework and arrive examination, two weeks. Why assault This study is no good, I at ordinary times, in the next term, firmly master books to knowledge, and by using the spare time, learn some outside books or other professional thing, for future employment doing? This is my life as a freshman.


.The features of a city are its buildings. As a factor most reflecting the times, society and nation,the buildings give overall and integrated expression to the national tradition, regional features spirit of the times and the social value. When you walk along the financial street of the Bund and the commercial street of East Nanjing Road and among the villas and gardens of Xujiahui, you can feel the history of prosperity of Shanghai. In the past 150 years since its opening in 1843, Shanghai has gradually developed into an international metropolis as well as an important economic, trade financial and cul-tural center of China. The special development op-portunities have made the western culture, local Shanghai culture and regional cultures of China collide, co-exist and become integrated and thus make Shanghai integrate the essence of the Chinese and Foreign cultures. In this way, Shanghai has become the place of origin for the modern Chinese con-struction culture and has a unique history of con-struction culture. The modern buildings of Shanghai are rich in styles, almost covering those of almost all the periods of the world construction history. It can be said that they constitute a living world construction history. You can see the new classicism buildings, Gothic building and compromise buildings, to the modernism buildings popular in Europe and America, decoration and art buildings and the new classicism Chinese buildings. The number of the styles, the complexity of the types and the grand scale of those builds are beyond match in this world. They give a comprehensive reflection of the evolution of the modern society and cities and also provide a key to learn the culture of Shanghai and the history of modern China. 漫步街头,寻找城市的足迹,最显而易见的是城市的建筑.建筑是文化领域中最具有时代性、社会性和民族性的因素,整体而又集中地体现了民族传统、地域特性、时代精神和社会的价值取向.徜徉外滩金融街.南京东路商业街、徐汇区的花园别墅群间,看到的是上海兴盛的历史.自1843年开埠以后,上海在150年中,逐渐发展成为一个国际化的大都市,成为中国重要的经济中心、贸易中心、金融中心和文化中心.特殊的发展际遇,使西方文化、上海本地文化和中国不同地域文化在此相互间冲撞、并存,融合,糅合了古今中外文化的精粹,令上海成为中国现代建筑文化的策源地,拥有独特的建筑文化历史. 上海的近代建筑有着十分丰富的内涵,在近百年的建筑中,几乎囊括了世界建筑各个时期的各种风格,简直就是一部活生生的世界建筑史.从新古典主义,哥特复兴式、折衷主义到盛行欧美的现代主义建筑、装饰艺术派建筑.复兴中国传统建筑艺术的中国新古典建筑等,各种风格数量之多、种类之繁杂、规模之宏大在世界上也是罕见的.它综合反映了近代社会和城市演变的历程,是解读上海文化、研究近代中国的一把钥匙.


Carrying too many cities in the cultural connotations. John King Fairbank Beijing this view : "The momentum of the majestic Beijing in a symmetrical layout, There is no doubt that it has become the capital of all the most stylish in ... Western capitals no one can do sober form, the centralization of power and a symbol of Absolute Monarchy. "Beijing is a memory exists in the city, where everything has happened lead story in various forms has always existed, in Beijing that tremendous Plaza, open in the last ten things in Changan Avenue, and the line in the wall and the wall in the Banners are not physical but symbolic. In contrast, New York, Paris, London, Hong Kong these modern city, the symbol has long ceased to exist, gold, the summer in Israel, transport facilities, Building construction is just. Huge Oriental Plaza in Wangfujing imposingly gold, "typical" has a symbolic meaning and the spirit of modern commercial dislocation; more West Station is huge, it was a modern aesthetic effect and runs counter to the traffic of real. In such a fragmented despair, I found a modern and is probably impossible. I understand why the ancient Chinese city has only authoritarian and nationalist in origin, Why class people in China can not be jump from traditional society to a capitalist free power. Symbol devoured entities, in the past devoured now, We remain willing to huge investment in various money in a lot of activities and decorative objects, such as political During the holiday season, Each unit door has been requested in the huge flower, flower exists only a matter of days. Instead, we are willing to build several public telephones and public toilets. I have not exactly taken the 3rd experienced in a public phone; also had lived in a toilet to line up for "changing" in the experience. In the top of the pyramid who lack experience. They only an experience : sitting in luxury cars, a red light without restraint, speeding away, Outside the building in the symbolic meaning they aroused in the physiological and psychological double pleasure. Perhaps this is the real cultural differences, differences in sexual ontology. 城市承载了太多得文化内涵。费正清这样看待北京:“北京得气势雄伟得对称布局,毫无疑问使它成为一切首都中最有气派得……没有一个西方首都能这样清醒得构成中央集权和君主专制政体得象征。”北京是一座在记忆里存在得城市,在这里,一切曾经发生过得故事总是以各种形式存在着,北京那巨大得广场,开阔得近十里得东西长安街,以及绵长得围墙和围墙上得巨幅标语,都不是实物而是象征。相反,纽约、巴黎、伦敦、香港这些现代都市里,象征早已不复存在,寸土寸金、大夏林立、交通便利,建筑仅仅是建筑。 庞大得东方广场雄踞王府井得黄金地带,“瓜皮帽”得象征意义却与现代商业精神错位;更加庞大得西客站也是如此,它得美学效果与现代交通得实质背道而驰。在这种绝望得割裂中,我发现了现代得可能与不可能。我明白了,为什么中国古代城市从来只是专制主义和民族主义得起源地,为什么市民阶级在中国不能成为由传统社会跃到自由资本主义得动力。象征吞没了实体,过去吞没了现在,我们仍然乐于把巨额得金钱投诸于大量得装饰活动和器物上,例如政治节日期间,每个单位门口都被要求设置巨大得花坛,这种花坛只存在短短几天。相反,我们却吝于多建几座公用电话和公共厕所。我有过整整走完三条街找不到一座公用电话得经历;也有过在狭小得厕所里排队等待“更衣”得经历。金字塔顶端得人缺乏这种经历。他们唯有一种经历:坐在豪华轿车上,不受红灯得约束,飞驰而去,窗外建筑物得象征意义激起他们生理和心理上得双重快感。 这也许才是中西文化得真正差异,本体性得差异。




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