生产工艺用英语怎么说 生产工艺英语翻译

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生产工艺用英语怎么说 生产工艺英语翻译

2023-09-18 09:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: 生产工艺的英语可以这样说:  production process,生产工艺用英语怎么说 生产工艺英语翻译,还可以翻译为  [科技] production technology,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到89个与生产工艺相关的短语释义和例句。

生产工艺的英语可以这样说:  production process,还可以翻译为  [科技] production technology,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到89个与生产工艺相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   production process

生产工艺翻译为   production process。

示例:采用正交设计和感官评定的方法,研制出复合汁饮料的生产工艺。The processing technique for the mixed healthy beverage was studied through the orthogonal test and the sense sment.


2.   [科技] production technology

生产工艺翻译为   [科技] production technology。

示例:盖茨在这时候参与进来并资助研究,以增加临床文件并壮大公司的生产工艺。Gates came in and helped fund studies to add to the clinical file and to ramp up the company's production processes.


3. manufacturing technique

生产工艺翻译为manufacturing technique。

示例:其二,他深知严格的纪律同样有助于改善英特尔公司的劣质生产工艺。Second, he knew that strong discipline would also be necessary to improve his firm’s shoddy manufacturing.


4.   production engineering

生产工艺翻译为   production engineering。

示例:it is a feat of engineering.It is a feat of engineering.



1. production technology(生产工艺)

2. equitment(生产工艺)

3. production engineering([经] 生产工艺)

4. manufacturing technique(生产工艺,制造技术)

5. mass production technique(成批生产工艺)


Production Process Engineer Process Engineer Manufacturing Process Engineer APU Process Engineer ( 生产工艺工程师 )

Introduction to Manufacturing Sequences ( 生产工艺流程介绍 )

snow-shape enamel manufacture technology shape enamel manufacture technology ( 雪花釉生产工艺 )

Component Manufacturing Technique ( 零件生产工艺 )

Production planning automotive ( 生产工艺规划员 )

Production Process Production technical process liquid production technical process manufactured pr( 生产工艺流程 )

Good Manufacture Practice ( 良好生产工艺 )

Optimization of manufacturing processes ( 生产工艺的优化 )

Manufacturing and Production Processes ( 制造和生产工艺 )


1. Finest Swedish craftmanship.


2. Marine craft on the starboard side.

译文:海洋工艺 右舷。

3. So over the next couple of years, students and i worked to develop a process.


4. Find Sylvie, the seamstress.


5. You can see the technology that's made to use it.


6. There's the traditional crafts, and then there's the technology crafts.

译文:通常现有传统手工艺 而后演变成科技含量高的工艺。

7. What is the intersection between technology, art and science?


8. - Welcome to the Crafty Can/er...

译文:- 欢迎来到巧妙工艺坊。

9. And we do arts and crafts out here in the courtyard.


10. Hey, where's craft services?


11. Framework's first rate, your mason-work.

译文:工匠打造 一流的工艺。

12. Tremendous quality. The alchemy of the metal is spectacular.


13. There's a similarity in craftsmanship.


14. - i sell my artwork online.

译文:- 我在网上卖点工艺品。

15. So we started thinking about the legacy of shop class and how shop class -- wood and metal shop class in particular -- historically, has been something intended for kids who aren't going to go to college.

译文:所以我们开始思考 工艺课程的遗留问题 还有工艺课程,特别是木头工艺和铁骑工艺 在历史上,它们都是为了那些不能够 读大学的孩子开设的。

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