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2023-05-15 05:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

12.shrink vi.缩小;收缩

Yoursweaterwill shrink if you washit at too high a temperature.

13.leak vi.漏;渗入

Oil leaked outof the car.

14.withdraw vt.撤离

The UN has withdrawn itstroopsfromthe country.

15.extend vt.扩大……的范围;延伸

We have plansto extend ourhouse(= to make it bigger).

16.generate vt.产生;创造

The new developmentwill generate 1,500 new jobs.

17.assume v.认为;假设

We mustn't assume the suspects' guilt.

18.associate v.联系

Most peopleassociate this brandwithgood quality.

19.substitute vt.代替 n.代替物;代用品;代替者

You can substitute oilforbutterin this recipe.


1.blessing n.祝福

The massalways endswith a blessing.

2.brand n.品牌;烙印

There has been a hugegrowthin salesof luxurybrands.

3.budget n. 预算

The firmhas drawnupa budget for the coming financialyear.

4.coincidence n. 巧合

You choseexactlythe same wallpaperas us - what acoincidence!

5.nervousness n. 紧张

There is growingnervousness aboutthe possibilityof a war.

6.presentation n.出示;授予;颁发

The speakergave an interestingpresentation on urbantransport.

7.principle n.原则;信条

The countryis runonsocialistprinciples.

8.restriction n. 限制;限定


9.agenda n.议事日程;议程表

here were several importantitemsonthe agenda.

10.deposit n.存款;押金;订金

I deposited £500 inmy accountthis morning.

11.procedure n.程序;手续;步骤

You must followcorrectprocedure at all times.

12.sympathy n.同情

I don't have much sympathy forher I thinkshe's broughther troubleson herself.

13.barrier n.障碍;隔阂

The mountainsactedas a naturalbarrier tothe spreadof the disease.

14.concept n.概念

The concept offreespeechis unknownto them.

15.absorption n.吸收;并入;专心致志

Some poisonousgasescan enterthe bodyby absorption through the skin.

16.workout n.锻炼

Always wear good shoes for your workout.

17.globalization n.全球化

the globalization of fashion/American youthculture

18.perspective n.视角;观点;态度

He writes froma Marxistperspective.

19.digestion n.消化;领悟


20.donor n.捐赠者

a blooddonor

21.promotion n.促销;晋升;推广

a salespromotion

22.guardian n.保护人;监护人

The child's parentor guardianchooseswhich typeof Child Trust Fund to open.

23.feedback n.反馈


24.pack n.一群(动物或猎狗)

a pack of wilddogs


1.abruptly adv.突然地

He stoodup abruptly and went outside.

2.talkative adj.健谈的

She's a lively, talkative person.

3.accidentally adv.偶然地

I accidentally knockeda glassover.

4.initially adv.最初

Initially, most peopleapprovedof the new plan.

5.eventually adv.最终;最后

It might take him agesbut he'll do it eventually.

6.blessed adj.神圣的

a blessed relief

7.reflective adj.反射的

After hearingthe newsthey satin a quiet, reflective silence.

8.skeptical adj.怀疑的

Many expertsremainskeptical about/ofhis claims.

9.consequently adv.因此

I was very worried, and consequently I couldn’t concentrate.

10.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的;含糊不清的

His replyto my questionwas somewhatambiguous.

11.artificial adj.人造的

an artificial heart

12.awesome adj.令人惊叹的

An awesome challenge/taskliesaheadof them.

13.delicate adj.精美的;易碎的

delicate china

14.punctual adj.守时的

a punctual startto the meeting

15.thorough adj.彻底的

They did a thorough searchof the areabut foundnothing.

16.available adj.可获得的;可找到的;可购得的;有空的

Is this dressavailable in a largersize?

17.moral adj.道德的;道义上的

It's her moral obligationto tellthe policewhat she knows.

18.cooperative adj.合作的

He went voluntarilyand was very cooperative.

19.nevertheless adv.然而

I knewa lot about the subjectalready, but her talkwas interestingnevertheless.

20.aspirational adj.渴望成功的;有抱负的

High-end smartphoneshave becomeaspirational statussymbols, especiallyamong the young.

21.packed adj.挤满的;拥挤的

This bookis packed withusefulinformation.

22.emotionally adv.情绪上;感情上

He was not an emotionally stable person.

23.historically adv.在历史上

The filmmakes no attemptto be historically accurate.

24.motivational adj.鼓舞人心的

He makes moneygiving motivational speechesto executives.

25.preferably adv.更可取地;更好地

Water the plantstwicea week, preferably in the morning.

26.unimaginable难以置信的unimaginable pain/wealth

27.incurable adj.不能治愈的

Parkinson's diseaseis a debilitatingand incurable diseaseof the nervoussystem.

28.worthless adj.无价值的;没用的

He said the jewelswere worthless fakes.

29.frankly adv.坦率地

She spokevery frankly about her experiences.

30.neighboring adj.附近的

She marrieda man from a neighboring town.

31.infrequent adj.很少发生的

His lettersbecameinfrequent, then stoppedcompletely.


1.hang out 闲逛

Who is he hanging out with these days?

2.back up 支持;支援

The trafficis startingto back up on the M25.

3.draw up 拟订;起草

I've drawnup a listof candidatesthat I'd like to interview.

4.fade away 逐渐消失

As the yearspassed, the memoriesfadedaway.

5.jog around 围绕……慢跑

He jogged around the park.

6.jump at 迫不及待地接受

She jumpedat the chanceof a tripto Paris.

7.back off 后退

ust back off and letus do this on ourown, will you?

8. pray for 为……祈祷

Let us pray forthe victimsof this terribledisaster.

9.step forward 主动站出来

At the last minuteanother companysteppedforwardwitha bid.

10. mean business 当真,认真

You’ve got to tellthe studentsthat you mean business– if they don’t do work, they won’t passthe class.

11.scare...off 把……吓走

If you chargeas much as that, you'll scarecustomersoff.

12.roll over 翻身

"If the billpasses, we're certainlynot going to rollover and say that's fine," he said.

13. ring true 给人以真实的印象;听起来真实

Something about his explanationdidn't quiteringtrue.

14.account for 说明、解释……的原因;(数量、比例上)占

Students accountfor the vastmajorityof ourcustomers.

15.apply to 适用于

If you apply pressureto a cutit's meantto stopthe bleeding.

16.break away from脱离,逃离

One or two of the touristsbrokeaway fromthe tourgroup.

17.break up 破碎;解散,分开,分解

She's just brokenup withher boyfriend.

18.bring about导致,引起

He broughtabout his company's collapseby his recklessspending.

19.call off取消

Tomorrow's matchhas been called off because of the icyweather.

20.check in (在旅馆)办理入住手续;(在机场)办理登机手续

You can savetimeby checkingin online.

21.check out 结账离开

We checkedout (of/fromourhotel) at 5 a.m. to catcha 7 a.m. flight.

22.cut off 割掉;切断;使隔绝

The US has announceda cutoff ofmilitaryaidto the country.

23. get across 使理解

We triedto get ourpointacross, but he just wouldn't listen.

24. get down to 认真对待,静下心来

I must get down to bookingthe hotels.

25.give away赠送;泄露;颁发

The furnitureshop's offeringthree-piece suitesat giveaway prices.

26.give way to 让位于;让步;屈服于

In some areas, modernintensivefarmingis giving way to the re-introduction of traditionalmethods.

27.go ahead 前进;开始做(with);请吧

I got so fedup with waitingfor him to do it that I just went aheadand did it myself.

28.go in for对..有兴趣;爱好;参加考试(或竞赛)

I've never really gone in for classicalmusic, but I lovejazz.

29.hold back 阻挡;抑制(感情等)

He heldback, terrifiedof going into the darkroom.

30.make out 理解;辨别出

How is Frances making out inher new job?

31.put aside 把..放在一边;搁置;暂不考虑

I put asidea little every monthfor a depositon a house.

32. put up with 忍受,容忍

He's so moody- I don't knowwhy she puts up with him.

33.take it easy 别着急,慢慢来

Take it easy– don’t get mad.

34.turn against 背叛

After six yearsof fightingpublicopinionhas turnedagainst the war.

35. turn out 证明是;结果是

How did the recipeturnout?

36.turn over 翻转,翻身;改过自新

When I put the keyin the ignitionit turnsover, but it won't start.






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