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2024-07-08 04:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


# 英语语法

## 一.句型


### 简单句

#### 简单句基本构成

##### 主语:subject  动作的发出者 名词 n

##### 谓语:verb  动作

###### 及物动词vt:speak spend  increase 

###### 不及物动词vi:exist go arriv increase等,及物动词后面必须跟宾语,句意句子结构才完整。如:live in  somewhere(Vi+介词+宾语):go to school(Vi+介词+宾语)。

###### 系动词

* be 动词:am is are were was

* 感官动词:look看起来  sound听起来  smell闻起来 taste尝起来  feel感觉

* 变化动词:become变得 turn变成  go  get变得  grow成长 stay remain keep保持

##### 宾语或表语

###### object  动作的承受者,名词n

###### 表语

* 形容词adj:1 、good 好的 2、 clever,聪明的 3、 beautiful 美丽的 3、 lovely 可爱的

* 不定式:to do

* 介宾 :in the room

#### 简单句的6个基本句型

##### 1、主(名词n)+谓(及物动词vt)+宾(名词n)

###### I made a mistake。

###### Domestic violence  increase street crime。

##### 2、主(名词)+谓(不及物动词)

###### The price of the bag increased。

###### Spring comes。

##### 3、主+系(系动词)+表(名词;形容词;to do 不定式;介宾(in theroom)

###### I am a student。

###### She is beautiful。

###### You are to  go to school。

###### I am in the room

###### You look great;The flowers smell fantastic.The food tastes unbelievable.

###### The food went bad; the satiuation became difficult;the problem get fixed;it remands the same;

##### 4、主+谓+宾+宾

###### I gave you  money.

######  I tell you a story.

##### 5、主+谓+宾+补(形容词;to do不定式)

###### The music makes me sad.

###### He tells me to go;He helps me to understand this problem.

##### 6、There  be+(名词),有时+介宾

###### There is a dog;There is a  situation.

###### There is a dog under the tree.

### 并列句

#### He not only gave us a lot of advice, but also helped us to study English.

#### Will he still be there or will he have gone away? 

#### He helps me and I help him.

#### I am busy today,so can you come tomorrow?

#### I have only an old car ,still it is better than nothing .

#### I want to go to the party ,however, i have no transport.

#### I had a drink ,then i went home.

#### you are alive and she has dead.

#### They were happy and they deserved their happiness

### 从句

#### 名词性从句(名词性质)

##### 主语;宾语;表语;同位语

常用引导词为 that ;whether; what等


###### The fact is that he likes football.

###### What i had told you is a secret.

###### That he failed the examination shocked his parents

###### The fact that he likes football surprised us.

###### whether go out or stay in the dorm depends on the weather。

#### 定语从句(形容词性质)


##### A beautiful girl shard a fascinating story.

A task to tackle is the potential  crisis.

##### A girl from mars  shard a story about her people.

##### A girl who likes spring   shard a story which moved us.定语从句

##### A beautiful girl from mars who likes spring shard a fascinating story  about her people  which moved us.定语从句

#### 状语从句(副词性质)

##### 副词:

修饰动词 ,修饰定语,如 slightly higher

###### Jenny smiles happly.修饰动词,在动词之后。

###### Jenny quickly understood.修饰动词在动词之前

###### She is strikingly beautiful。修饰形容词表示程度:强

###### He is pretty tall.修饰形容词表示程度:弱

##### 状语从句

###### 时间状语;

* He celebrated his birthday yesterday;

Yesterday  He celebrated his birthday.时间副词位置灵活 ;

He called me when I sleeping.时间状语从句

###### 地点状语;

* He celebrated his birthday at school. 

 We met where we used to go for a walk. 地点从句

###### 原因状语;

* He likes spring for its beauty. 介宾

He likes spring for it is beautiful. 原因状语从句。。

He likes spring because  it is beautiful.  原因状语从句

He likes spring since  it is beautiful. 原因状语从句,since状语从句也可放到前边。

Just because he likes me does not mean that I should marry him.原因状语从句

###### 条件状语;

* If /As long as you win,there will be a reward.

###### 目的状语;

* I study for my well-being.

I don't spend extra to save money.

I don't spend extra in order to save money.

I don't spend extra so that I can save money.状语从句

###### 结果状语;

* He tried so hard that he finally succeeded.

###### 让步状语;

* Although you have a point there ,I don't agree your proposal.

###### 方式状语;

* I learned english through online course.

I contact my friends via wechat.

I draw with my pen.

I found difference by contrasting the  two.

He looks at me as if he knows me.方式状语从句

He finished the work as I told him to.方式状语从句

#### 注意不要头重脚轻。

### 3个特殊句

#### 1、强调句:

##### It was him that hit me 。It is +名词+that+动词(名词)


It was through this site that I learned about this project.It is +介宾短语+that+主谓(宾)

#### 2、倒装句

##### 谓+主+(宾)

###### 正常:We can win only through hard work.

倒装:Only through hard work can we win.

正常:We can win only when we try harder .

倒装:Only when we try harder can we win.

###### 正常:The bus comes.

倒装:Here comes the bus.

正常:The queen live long.

倒装:Long live the queen

#### 3、虚拟语气

##### 有可能发生(条件状语)

###### If it rains ,the event will be canceled。现在时+将来时。

##### 对将来情况的虚拟(表示将来的主观愿望,

从句动词"would/should/could/might+ 动词或to do"(时间上较后))

######  I wish it would stop raining.(虚拟动词would+动词原形stop)

###### The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose his weight.

###### You’d better ask your father first. 

###### Would you like to have a talk with us this evening?

##### 现在不可能(动词用过去时

###### If I were a boy,I would be a soldier。过去时+情态动词过去时

###### I wish (that可省略,下同)I knew the answer to the question.过去时

###### I would rather he came tomorrow than today.

##### 过去不可能(动词用过去完成时)

###### If I had studied English,,it would had been easier now。过去完成时+情态动词过去时+完成时。

###### If  I hadn't  had that extra cake ,I wouldn't have been feeling guilty. 

###### 1. I wish (that可省略,下同)I hadn't wasted so much time.

### 是所有复杂句型的基本构成

### 简单句+并列词+简单句,简单句和简单句是并列关系。

常用连接词and ;or; but;not only  but also等

### 简单句+从句引导词+简单句(从属地位)

## 二、时态

### 一般习惯性

#### 一般现在时

##### She likes animals.

##### My family have five people.

#### 一般过去时:My father worked in Shanghai last year。

#### 一般未来时

##### Tomorrow will be Sunday. 明天就是星期天。

##### The rain will stop soon. 雨很快就要停了。

##### Shall we go there at five? 我们五点钟去那儿,好吗?

### 进行

#### 现在进行时:They are playing football.

#### 过去进行时:We were watching TV from seven to nine last night. 

#### 未来进行时:I'll be doing homework this time tomorrow

### 完成(已结束)

#### 现在完成时:I've never heard of anyone doing that;He have lost his job。

#### 过去完成时:He hade lost his job。

#### 未来完成时:They will have come back this time next year.

### 完成进行时(持续性,一直在做)

#### 现在完成进行时:I have been working on it since yesterday。

#### 过去完成进行时:I had been working on it before yesterday。

#### 未来完成进行时:I will have been working on it before tomorrow。

### 过去时和现在完成时的区别:完成时的事情有影响力。he lost his job  ;he has lost his job

## 三、语态

### 主动语态

#### I finished my task.

### 被动语态

#### My task is finished by my sister。be动词+过去式分词。

## 四、非谓语

### 现在分词doing

#### The boy was lost failing to find the way back home。主动做的

### 过去分词done

#### The boy was lost failed by his poor memory。被动做的




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